Yasuhiro Irie Before Surgery (2025)

1. Healing the anime industry - Interview with Yasuhiro Irie - fullfrontal.moe

  • 23 apr 2022 · Director Yasuhiro Irie discusses the production of the original anime Healer Girl, Halloween Pajama and the activities of JAniCA.

  • Director Yasuhiro Irie discusses the production of the original anime Healer Girl, Halloween Pajama and the activities of JAniCA.

2. Background characteristics and postoperative outcomes of ...

  • Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is becoming popular in Japan, but insufficient weight loss is often observed in patients after LSG.

  • Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is becoming popular in Japan, but insufficient weight loss is often observed in patients after LSG. We investigated the effect of LSG on obesity‐related comorbidities and identified the background ...

3. Directed by Yasuhiro Irie of "Hagaren" fame! Spring Anime "Healer ...

4. All Episodes of Healer Girl | Episode Hive

  • One day when the girls' teacher is out, one of the clinic's patients takes a sudden turn for the worse. Is there nothing these apprentices can do to help?

  • Browse all episodes of Healer Girl

5. KoKoDo JuJutsu - KoKoDo JuJutsu

  • Soke Irie Yasuhiro is the director and is know world wide for his knowledge and expertise in Shiatsu, Mogusa (Moxabustion), Bone setting, Acupuncture as well as ...

  • KoKoDo is a traditional Budo that specializes in joint locks, throws and pressure points for self-defense. This style of Budo is called ”JuJutsu” in ancient Japan. In KoKoDo a student is taught how to neutralize the attacker’s power from the very first moment in each technique to the very end. Each waza demonstrates a movement […]

6. Utility of X-ray and indocyanine green fluorescence imaging in detecting ...

  • Indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence imaging is useful for the intraoperative detection of the peritoneal dissemination of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

  • Indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence imaging is useful for the intraoperative detection of the peritoneal dissemination of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, in laparoscopic surgery, disseminations cannot be accurately identified unless the ...

7. 教室紹介【業績】 - 日本医科大学消化器外科

  • Tetsuya Shimizu, Masato Yoshioka, Junji Ueda, Mampei Kawashima, Toshiyuki Irie, Yoichi Kawano, Akira Matsushita, Nobuhiko Taniai, Yasuhiro Mamada, Hiroshi ...

  • 日本医科大学消化器外科(旧第一外科)のホームページです

8. Vol.98 No.5 / The Chiba Medical Society

  • The Japanese Orthopaedic Association hip score significantly improved from 67.5 (SD 19.1) points before surgery to 86.5 (13.6) points one year after CVO and ...

  • Satoshi Yoh1,2), Junichi Nakamura1), Shigeo Hagiwara1) Yuya Kawarai1), Satoshi Iida3), Shunji Kishida4) Takayuki Nakajima5), Tomonori Shigemura6), Shuichi Miyamoto7) Kensuke Yoshino1,8), Sumihisa Orita1,9), Yawara Eguchi1,10) Kazuhide Inage1), Yasuhiro Shiga1,11), Tsutomu Akazawa12) Seiji Ohtori1), and Yoshitada Harada13)

Yasuhiro Irie Before Surgery (2025)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.