For Additional Copies: Contact Commissions Division Room 21 9 State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 404-656-2852
United States Senators
Mack Mattingly 458 Russell Building Washington, D.C. 205 10 Telephone: 202-224-3643
Sam Nunn 3241 Dirksen Building Washington, D.C. 205 10 Telephone: 202-224-352 1
United States Representatives
DlSTRICT 1 Bo Ginn 2 135 Rayburn House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 205 15 Telephone: 202-225-583 1
DISTRICT 2 Charles Hatcher 1726 Longworth House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 205 15 Telephone: 202-225-3631
DISTRICT 3 Jack Brinkley 2470 Rayburn House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 205 15 Telephone: 202-225-5901
DISTRICT 4 Elliott H. Levitas 2416 Rayburn House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 205 15 Telephone: 202-2254272
DISTRICT 5 Wyche Fowler, Jr. 1504 Longworth House Office Bldg. Washington D.C. 205 15 Telephone : 202-225-3801
DISTRICT 6 Newt Gingrich 1005 Longworth House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 205 15 Telephone: 202-2254501
DISTRICT 7 Larry McDonald 103 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 205 15 Telephone: 202-225-2931
DISTRICT 8 Billy Lee Evans 113 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 205 15 Telephone: 202-225-6531
DISTRICT 9 Ed Jenkins 2 17 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 205 15 Telephone: 202-225-5211
DISTRICT 10 Doug Barnard, Jr. 236 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 205 15 Telephone: 202-2254101
Constitutional; Superior Courts
CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS Telephone n u m h listed under State Depart-
Govemor George Busbee Lieutenant Govemor Zell Miller Secretary o f State David B. Poythress Attorney General Michael J. Bowers Commissioner of'Agngnmlture Tommy lrvin Comptroller General Johnnie L. Caldwell State School Su erintendent Dr. Charles Mcgniel Commissioner of Labor Sam Caldwell
PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONERS Mac Barber Jim Hammock Billy Lovett Bobby Pafford Ford B. Spinks
JUSTICES OF THE SUPREhiE COURT Hard Gregory, Jr. ~ a r o r dG. Clarke Harold N. Hill, Jr. Robert H. Jordan Thomas 0.Marshall, Jr. Geor e T. Smith ~ h a r E Ls . Weltner
JUDGES OF THE COURT OF APPEALS Harold R. Banke A. W. Birdson ,Jr. George H. carfey Braswell D. Deen, Jr.
d Wdliam LeRo McMurray, Jr.
J. Kelley Qu' ian Arnold Shulman
Marion T. Pope, Jr .
John W. Sognier
SUPERIOR COURTS JUDGES, DISTRICT AlTORNEYS and CALENDAR Telephone numbers listed on inside cover page.
ALAPAHA CIRCUIT Chief Judge, W.D. (Jack) Knight, Berrien County Courthouse Judae. Brooks E. Blitch. Clinch County
L).A., Vickers Neugent, Lanier County Courthouse
Term o f Court Atkinson: Third Monday in January and October Berrien: Third Monday in February and November Clinch: First Monday in March and November Cook: First Monday in February and October Lanier: Second Monday in January and September
ChiefJudne, Thomas W. Ridg-way~,Walton County C'burthouse Judae. Creelev Ellis. Newton Countv
D.A., John T. Strauss, Newton County Courthouse
Terms of Court Newton: Second and third Mondays in January, April, July and October Walton: First and second Monday in February, May, August and November
ATLANTA CIRCUIT Chief J ~ d g e ,Luther Nverson, E'ulton County Courthouse
Superior Courts
Judge, Sam P. McKenzie, Fulton County Courthouse Judge, Osgood 0 . Williams, Fulton County Courthouse Judge, John S. Langford, Fulton County Courthouse Judge, Joel J. Fryer, Fulton County Courthouse Judge, Ralph H. Hicks, Fulton County Courthouse Judge, Frank M. Eldridge, Fulton County Courthouse Judge, William W. Daniel, Fulton County Courthouse Judge, Isaac Jenrette, Fulton County Courthouse Judge, Clarence Cooper, Fulton County Courthouse Judge, Philip Fitzgerald Etheridge, Fulton County Courthouse
D.A., Lewis R. Slaton, Fulton County
Terms o f Court Fulton: First Monday in January, March, May, July, September and November
ATLANTIC CIRCUIT Chief Judge, John R Harvey, Bryan County Courthouse Judge, James Emory Findley, Tattnall County Courthouse
D.A., Dupont Kirk Cheney, Liberty County Courthouse
Terms o f Court Bryan: Third Monday in March; first Monday in November Evans: First Monday in February and August Liberty: Third Monday in February and September Long: First Monday in March; third Monday in August McIntosh: Fourth Monday in February and May; second Monday in September; first Monday in December Tattnall: Third Monday in April and October
AUGUSTA CIRCUIT Presiding Judge, William M. Fleming, Jr., Richmond County Courthouse Judge, Franklin H. Pierce, Richmond County Courthouse Judge, Albert McElveen Pickett, Richmond County Courthouse Judge, Bernard J. Mulherin, Sr., Richmond County Courthouse
D.A., Sam B. Sibley, Jr., Richmond County Courthouse
Terms o f Court Burke: Second Monday in May and November Columbia: Fourth Monday in March and September Richmond: Third Monday in January, March, May, July, September and November
BLUE RIDGE CIRCUIT Serzior Judge, Richard Neville, Forsyth County Courthouse Judge, Frank C. Mills, III, Cherokee CounCourthouse
D.A., Rafe Banks, 111, Forsyth County Courthouse
Terms of Court
Cherokee: Second Monday in January, May and September Fannin: Third Monday in April, fourth Monday in August; first Monday in December
Superior Courts
Forsyth: Fourth Monday in March and July; second Monday in November Gilmer: Third Monday in May; fourth Monday in October Pickens: Second Monday in March; fourth Monday in September
BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT Chief Judge, Gordon Knox, Jr., Jeff Davis County Courthouse Judge, William R. Killian, Glynn County Courthouse Judge, A. Blenn Taylor, Jr., Glynn County Courthouse
D.A., Glenn Thomas, Jr., Wayne County Courthouse
Terms of Court Appling: Second and third Monday in February, thud and fourth Monday in October Camden: First Monday in April and November Glynn: Second Monday in January, May and September Jeff Davis: First and second Monday in March; fourth Monday in September; first Monday in October Wayne: Third and fourth Monday in April and November
CHATTAHOOCHEE CIRCUIT Presiding Judge, John H . Land, Muscogee County Courthouse Judge, E. Mullins Whisnant, Muscogee County Courthouse Judge, Kenneth B. Followill, Muscogee County Courthouse Judge, Albert W. Thompson, Muscogee County Courthouse
D.A., William J. Smith, Muscogee County Courthouse
Terms of Court Chattahoochee: Fourth Monday in March and September Harris: Second Monday in January, May and September Marion: Fourth Monday in April and October Muscogee: First Monday in February, April, June, August, October and December Talbot: Second Monday in March and November; third Monday in August Taylor: First and second Monday in January and July
CHEROKEE CIRCUIT Chief Judge, Jere F . White, Bartow County Courthouse Judge, Tom Pope, Gordon County Courthouse
D.A., Darrell Wilson, Gordon County Courthouse
Terms of Court Bartow: First Monday in February and August; fourth Monday in April; Third Monday in October Gordon: First Monday in March, June and December: second Monday in September
CLAYTON CIRCUIT Chief Judge, Marvin A. Miller, Clayton County Courthouse Judge, Joe C. Crumbley, Clayton County Courthouse Judge, William H. "Bdl" Ison, Clayton County Courthouse
D.A., Robert E. Keller, Clayton County Courthouse
Terms of Court Clayton: First Monday in February, May August and November
Superior Courts
COBB CIRCUIT Clzief Judge, James L. Bullard, Cobb County Courthouse Judge, Watson White, Cohb County Courthouse Judge, Grant Brantley, Cobb County Courthouse Judge, Dorothy A. Rohinson, Cobb County Courthouse
D.A., Ton1 Charron, Cobb County
Tcrrns of Court
Cobb: Second Monday in January, March May, July, September and November
CONASAUGA CIRCUIT Cllief Judge, Coy H . Temples, Whitfield County Courthouse Judge, Charles A. Pannell. Jr., Murray County Courthouse
I).A., Stephen A. Williams, Whitfield County Courthouse
Terms of Court
Murray: Second Monday in February and August Whitfield: Second Monday in January and July
CORDELE CIRCUIT Cltief Judge, Whitfield R. Forrester, Crisp County Courthouse Judge, G. Mallon Faircloth, Crisp County Courthouse
D.A., Gary C. Christy, Dooly County
Terr~zsof Court Ben Hill: Second and third Monday in January; first and second Monday in April; third and fourth Monday in June and September and Monday following. Crisp: Third and fourth Monday in February and Monday following; second, third, and fourth Monday in May; second and third Monday in August; second, third and fourth Monday in November. Dooly: Fourth Monday in January and hlonday following; third and fourth Monday in April; third and f o ~ i r t hMonday in July; third arid fourth Mondaj. in October. Wilcox: Second ;itJ third Mondays in March; fourth Monday in August and Monday following; first and second hlonday in December.
COWETA CIRCUIT Cllit?j' Jitclge, Jost,pli C. Jocksun, Troup County Courthouse, Jrtdgc7, Dewcy Sniilh, ('arrull Cour.ty Courthouse Judge, William Lee. Coweta C o u n ~ y Courthouse
D.A., Art Mallory, Trouj: County Couithouse
Terms of Court Carroll: First Mondav in April and October Coweta. First Monday in h.l:trch first 'I'uesd~v:n Scr?ternber 1-1eard:-~hir'dblontlay In M a l ~ hand Scpternber hferiwether: l'hiril ?vlonday in Feb~.uary, \lay, August ; ~ n dNovelril~cr T r a i ~ p :First hlo11Jay in February. hiay, August and hovcmbcr
DOUGlIEKTY CIRCUIT Qzief Judge, Asa 1 ) Kelley, Jr , I ~ o i ~ p h z r ty C O U I I IC) ourtliousc Judge. Ixonald Farkas, 1 ) o ~ p l i c i Ct ~ount y Courthouse
Superior Courts
D.A., Hobart (Hohie) Hind, Dougherty
County Courthouse
Terms o f Court Dougherty : Second Monday in January, March, May, July, September and November
DUBLIN CIRCUIT Chief Judge, William Malcolm Towson, Laurens County Courthouse Judge, Dubignion Douglas, Laurens County Courthouse
D.A., Beverly B. Hayes, Jr., Laurens Coun-
ty Courthouse
Terms of Court
Johnson: Thud Monday in March, June, September and December Laurens: Fourth Monday in January, April, July and October Treutlen: Thud Monday in February and August Twiggs: Second Monday in January, April, July and October
EASTERN CIRCUIT Chief Judge, George E. Oliver, Chatharn County Courthouse Judge, Frank S. Cheatham Jr., Chatham County Courthouse Judge, Perry Brannen, Jr., Chatha~n County Courthouse Judge, Eugene H. Gadsden, Chatham County Courthouse
D.A., Spencer Lawton, Jr., Chatham
County Courthouse
Terms of Court Chatham: First Monday in March, June, September and December
FLINT ClRCUIT Chief Judge, Sam L. Whitmire, Lamar County Courthouse Judge, R. Alex Crumbley, Henry County Courthouse
D.A., E. Byron Smith, Lamar County
Terms o f Court Butts: First and second Monday in February and November; first Monday in May; third and fourth Monday in August Henry: Second, third and fourth Monday in January, April, July and October Lamar: First and second Monday in March, June and December; second and third Monday in September Monroe: Third and fourth Monday in February, May and November; first and second Monday in August
GRIFFlN CIRCUIT Chief Judge, Andrew J. Whalen, Jr., Spalding County Courthouse Judge, Ben J. Miller, Upson County Courthouse
D.A., Johnnie L. Caldwell, Jr., Upson
County Courthouse
Terms o f Court Fayette: First Monday in March; second Monday in September Pike: Third Monday in April and November Spalding: First Monday in February, June and October Upson: Third Monday in March and August; first Monday in November
GWINNETT CIRCUIT Chief Judge, Charles C. Pittard, Gwinnett County Courthouse Judge, Reid Merritt, Gwinnett County Courthouse
Jirtlgc, Ilonier M. Stark. (;\i.innett ('ounty Courthouse
D.A., William Bryant Huff, Gwulnett
County Courthouse
Tervzs of Court Gwinnett : First Monday in January, March, May, July and November; second Monday in September
HOUSTON CIRCUIT Judge. Willis B. Hunt, Jr., Houston County Courthouse
D.A., Theron Finlayson, IIouston County
Terms o f Court Houston: First Monday in January, March, May, July, September and November
LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN CIRCUIT Chief Judge, Paul W. (Johnny) Painter, Walker County Courthouse Judge, Joseph E. Loggins, Chattooga County Courthouse Judge, Gary B. Andrews, Walker County Courthouse
D.A., David L. (Red) Lomenick, Jr., Walk-
er County Courthouse
Ternzs of Court Catoosa: First Monday in March, second Monday in September Chatooga: First Monday in February and August Dade: First Monday in April, second Monday in October Walker: First Monday in May and November
MACON CIRCUIT Chief Judge, C. Cloud Morgan, Bibb County Courthouse Judge, George B. Culpepper, 111, Peach County Courthouse Judge, Walker P. Johnson, Jr., Bibb County Courthouse Judge, Thomas Day Wilcox, Jr., Bibb County Courthouse
D.A., Willis B. Sparks, 111, Bibb County
Terins of Court Bibb: First Monday in February. April, June, August, October and December Crawford: Third and fourth Monday in March and October Peach: First and second Monday in March and August; third and fourth Monday in November
MIDDLE CIRCUIT Chief Judge, Walter C . McMillan, Jr., Washington County Courthouse Judge, Marvin B. Hartley, Jr., Toombs County Courthouse
D.A., H. Reginald Thompson, Emanuel
County Courthouse
Terr~zsof Court Candler: Firbt and second Monday in February and August Elnanuel: Second Monday in January, April, July and October Jefferson: Second Monday in May and November Toombs: Fourth Monday in February, May, August and November Washington: First Monday in March, June, September and December
MOUNTAIN CIRCUIT Presiding .ltidge, Jack N . Gunter, Habersham County Courthouse
Superior Courts
Judge, Robert B. Struble, Stephens County Courthouse
D.A., V.D. Stockton, Rabun County Courthouse
Terms of Court Habersham: First Monday in January; fourth Monday in April; first Monday in August Rabun: Third Monday in February; fourth Monday in May; fourth Monday in October Stephens: Second Monday in January; third Monday in May; first Monday in September Towns: First Monday in April and Nove1.1ber Unio?: Fourth Monday in February; second Monday in September
NORTHEASTERN CIRCUIT Chief Judge, A. Richard Kenyon, Hall County Courthouse .Judge, James E. Palmour, I!I, Hall County Courthouse
D.A., Jeff C. Wayne, Hall County Courthouse
Terms of Court Dawson: First Monday in February and August Hall: First Monday in May and November; second Monday in January, March, July and September Lumpkin: Fourth Monday in February and August White: First Monday in April and October
NORTHERN CIRCUIT Cltief Judge, William F. Grant, Elbert County Courthouse Judge, George H. Bryant, Madison County Courthouse
D.A., Cleve Miller, Elbert County Courthouse
Terms of Court Elbert: Thud Monday in January; fourth Monday in July Franklin: Thud Monday in March; first Monday in August; third Monday in October Hart: Third Monday in February and October; fourth Monday in May; third Monday in April and October Madison: Thud Monday in February and August Oglethorpe: T h u d Monday in May and November;
OCMULGEE CIRCUIT Chief Judge, Joseph B. Duke, Baldwin County Courthouse Judge, Hugh P. Thompson, Baldwin County Courthouse Judge, William A. Prior, Jr., Morgan County Courthouse
D.A., Joseph H. Briley, Jones County Courthouse
Terms of Court Baldwin: Second Monday in January, April, July and October Greene: Fourth Monday in January, April, July, and October Hancock: Fourth Monday in March and September; second Monday in June and December Jasper: Second Monday in February, May August and November Jones: First Monday in February and August, third Monday in April and October Morgan: First Monday in March, June, September and December
Superior Courts
Putnam: Third Monday in March, June, September and December Wilkinson: First Monday in January, April, July and October
OCONEE CIRCUIT Chief Judge, Roger Hugh Lawson, Jr., Pulaski County Courthouse Judge, Phillip R. West, Dodge County Courthouse
D.A., Jim Wiggins, Dodge County Court-
Terms o f Court Bleckley: First Monday in March; second Monday in July and November Dodge: Third Monday in February, May, August and November Montgomery: First Monday in February, May, August and November Pulaski: Second and third Monday in March and September; second Monday in June and December Telfair: Fourth Monday in February and June; third and fourth Monday in October Wheeler: Second Monday in February and October; third Monday in June
OGEECHEE CIRCUIT Chief Judge, William Colbert Hawkins, Screven County Courthouse Judge, Faye Sanders Martin, Bulloch County Courthouse
D.A., J. Lane Johnston, Bulloch County
Ter??zsof Court Bulloch: First Monday in February, May, August and November Effingham: First Monday in June; and December Jenkins: First Monday in March and September Screven: Second Monday in January; first Monday in April, July and October
PATAULA CIRCUIT Presiding Judge, F. Phillip Sheffield, Early County Courthouse Judge, Lowrey S. Stone, Early County Courthouse
D.A., Charles M. Ferguson, Randolph
County Courthouse
Ternzs o f Court Clay: Third Monday in March and November Early: Third Monday in January and July Miller: Fourth Monday in February and October Quitman: Fourth Monday in March and September Randolph: First Monday in May and November Seminole: Second Monday in April and October Terrell: First Monday in June and Decem ber
PIEDMONT CIRCUIT Judge, James L. "Jim" Brooks, Jackson County Courthouse
D.A., Nat Hancock, Jackson County
Terms of Court Banks: First and second Monday in April and October Barrow: First and second Monday in February and August; first Monday in May and November Jackson: First and second Monday in March; second and third Monday in September
Superior Courts
ROME CIRCUIT Presiding Judge, Robert L. Royal, Floyd County Courthouse Judge, John A. Frazier, Jr., Floyd County Courthouse Judge, Robert G. Walther, Floyd County Courthouse
D.A., Larry S a l n ~ o nF, loyd County Courthouse
Terms o f Court Floyd: Second Monday in January, March, July and September; first hfonday in May and November
S07JTH GEORGIA CIRCUIT Q~iej'Judge, Robert E.L. Culpepper, Jr., Mitchell County Courthouse Judge, A. Wallace Cato, Decatur County Courthouse
D.A., Gilbert Jordan Murray, Decatur County Courthouse
Terms of Court Baker: Third Monday in January and July Calhoun: Last Monday in May and NOvember Decatur: First hlonday in February, May, August and November Grady: Third Monday in March and September Mitchell: Second Monday in January and July; third Monday in April and October
SOUTHERN CIRCUIT a i e f Judge, George Horkan, Colquitt County Courthouse Judge, W.G. (Gus) Elliott, Lowndes County Courthouse Judge, Roy M. Lilly, Thomas County Courthouse
D.A., H . Lamar Cole, Lowndes County Courthouse
Terms o f Court Brooks: First Monday in April and November Colquitt: First Monday in February and August Echols: First Monday in February and August Lowndes: First Monday in March and the Tuesday immediately following the first Monday in September Thomas: First hlonday in April and October
SOUTHWESTERN CIRCUIT Presiding Judge, William F. Blanks, Suniter County Courthouse Judge, Thad W. Gibson, Surnter County Courthouse
D.A., John R. Parks, Sumter County Courthouse
Terms uf'Court
Lee; Fourth Monday in April and October Macon: Second Monday in May and Nov e l b~c~r Schley: Second Monday in February and August Stewart: Second Monday in January and July Sumter: Fourth Monday in February, May and August; first Monday in December Webster: Fourth Monday in January and July
STONE MOUNTAIN CIRCUIT Chief Judge, William T. Dean, Rockdale County Courthouse Judge, Clarence Lee Peeler, Jr., DeKalb County Courthouse Judge, Curtis V. Tillman, DeKalb County Courthouse
Superior Courts
Judge, Clyde Henley, DeKalb County Courthouse Judge, Keegan Federal, DeKalb County Courthouse Judge, Richard Bell, DeKalb County Courthouse Judge, Hilton Fuller, DeKalb County Courthouse
D.A., Bob Wilson, DeKalb County Court-
Terms of Court DeKalb: First Monday in January, March, May, July, September and November Rockdale: First Monday in February, May, August and November
TALLAPOOSA ClRCUlT Chief Judge, Dan Winn, Polk County Courthouse Judge, Robert J. Noland, Douglas County Courthouse Judge, Arthur W. Fudger, Paulding County Courthouse
D.A., W.A. (Bill) Foster, 111, Paulding
County Courthouse
Terms of Court Douglas: Second Monday in February and December; Third Monday in May and September Haralson: Second Monday in April; fourth Monday in August and November Paulding: Second Monday in June and October Polk: Fourth Monday in January; first Monday in May and November
TIFTON CIRCUIT Chief Judge, W. J . Forehand, Tift County Courthouse Judge, John D. Crosby, Tift County Courthouse
D.A., Thomas H. Pittman, Tift County
Terms of Court Irwin: Third and fourth Monday in February; second and third Monday in May and November Tift: First Monday in March and September; first and second Monday in June and December Turner: Second and third Monday in January and July; second Monday in April and October Worth: Fourth Monday in January, April, July and October
TOOMBS CIRCUIT Chief Judge, Robert L. Stevens, McDuffie County Courthouse Judge, E. Purnell Davis, 111, Warren County Courthouse
D.A., Kenneth E. Goolsby, McDuffie County Courthouse
Terms of Court Glascock: Third Monday in February, May, August and November Lincoln: Fourth Monday in January, Apnl, July and October McDuffie: Second Monday in March, June, September and December Taliaferro: Fourth Monday in February, May, August and November Warren: Third Monday in January; first Monday in April, July and October Wilkes: First Monday in February, May, August and November
WAYCROSS CIRCUIT Senior Judge, Ben A. Hodges, Ware County Courthouse
Superior Courts
Judge, Elie L. Holton, Coffee County Courthouse Judge, Clarence D. Blount, Ware County Courthouse
D.A., C. Deen Strickland, Ware County Courthouse
Terms of Court Bacon: Fourth Monday in May and Novem ber Brantley: First Monday in February; first Tuesdav in September Charlton: Fourth - Monday in February and September Coffee: Third Monday in March and October Pierce: First Monday in May; second Monday in December Ware: Second Monday in April and November
WESTERN CIRCUIT Chief Judge, James Barrow, Clarke County Courthouse Judge, Joe Gaines, Clarke County Courthouse
D.A., Harry N. Gordon, Clarke County Courthouse
Terms of Court Clarke: Second Monday in January, April, July and October Oconee: Second Monday in March and September
Senior Judges William H. Reynolds E.E. Andrews J.R. Thompson Oliver Wendell Horne, Jr. W.A. Foster, Jr. Oscar L. Long Ralph H. Pharr John H. McGehee Hubert C. Morgan Edwin S. Kem F. Frederick d n n e d y Robert L. Scoggin Jeptha C. Tanksley Joseph H. Blackshear J. Bowie Gray H.O. Hubert, Jr. Dunbar Harrison Paul E. Caswell Jack P. Etheridge John W. Williford Mark Dunahoo Jefferson L. Davis Samuel P.Burtz W.H. White Winebert Dan Flexer, I1
k"Hu D. Sosebee
Ha Bell J. Alvan Davis Elmo Holt Walter I. Geer John F. Hardin Claude D. Shaw Marcus B. Calhoun Edwin D. Fulcher Robert E. Coker Luther C. Hanles Lamar K n i p t James B. 0 Connor Charles A. Wofford H.W. Lott Oscar D. Smith. Jr.
District Attorneys Emeritus Winston Owen James Cecil Davis Wiiam Glenn Thomas Maston E. O'Neal, Jr.
Superior Courts; State Senators
Harvey L. Jay
Wright Lipford
Cohen Anderson
W.B. Skipworth. Jr.
E. Geor e D Lawrence
Ben smith Albert D. MuUis Edward E. McGaritv Andrew J. Ryan, Jr. Clete D. Johnbon John T. Perren D.E. Turk
Dewey Hayes
Stephen Pace. Jr.
District 1
Portion of aathrun
J. Tom Coleman, Jr. (D) . . . . P.O. Box 22398
(912) 964-7308
Savannah 3 1403
btrict 2
Porhon of Chatham
Charles Henry WesseIs(D). . . . .P.O. Box 187
(912) 234-1281
Savannah 3 1402
District 3
Bryan, Effmghiun, Liberty, Mclntosh; Por-
tions of Chatham, Glynn, Long
Qem E. Bryant (D) . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 585
(912) 368-3300
Hinesville 31313
District 4
Bulloch, bldler, Evans, Screven, Tatt-
;Portion of Apphg
Joseph E. Kennedy (D). . . . . . .P.O. Box 246
(912) 739-1163
Qaxton 30417
District 5
Portion of DeKalb
Robert H (Bob) Bell (R). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Senate Mezzanine 3, State Capitol
(404) 656-5067
Atlanta 30334
District 6
Brantley,Camden,Wayne;Portion of Glynn,
Low Bill Littlefield (D).
. P.O.
(912) 264-1 132
Brunswick 31521
District 7
Atkinson, Bacon, Charlton, Clinch, Echols,
Lanier, Pierce, Ware, Portion of Apphg
Frank adridge, Jr., (D).Roorn422, StateCapitol
(912) 283-1413
Atlanta 30334
(404) 656-6029
District 8
Benien, Cook, bwndes, Portion of Coffee
Loyce W. Turner (D) . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 157
(912) 242-5725
Valdosta 31601
District 9
Colquitt, Mitchell, Portion of Brooks, T i t
Franklin Sutton (D) . . . . . . . P.O. Box 1302
(912) 3243141
Moultrie, 3 1768
District 10
Baker, Decatur, Grady, Thomas; Portion of
Paul Trulock (D) . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 68
(912) 7624141
District 11
Calhoun,Chattahoochee, Qay, Early, Miller,
Qutman, Randolph, Seminole, Stewart,
We bster
Jimmy Hodge Timrnons@) 132S. WoodlawnSt.
(912) 849-3415
Rlakely 3 1723
District 12
Portion of Dougherty
Al Iiolloway (Dl . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 588
(9 12) 435-560 1
Albany 3 1702
State Senators
h t r i c t 13
Ben [MI,C h p , Dtx)ly, Imn,'rurner, Worth:
Portion of Tift
Rooney L Bowen(D). . . . . . . .P 0 . Box 4 17
( 912) 2b8-2400
Uenm 3 I092
lhtrict 14
Lee, Marion, Schley, Surnter, Taylor, Terrell;
Portion of Doughcrty, ,M~con
Lewis 1L (Bud) McKeleie (I)). . .P.O. Box 565
M o n t e ~ u3r I~0~63
District IS
Portion of Muscogee
Floyd Iiudgns (D) . . . . . . . P.O. Box 12127
(404) 327-5 135
Coluinbus 3 1907
k t r i c t 16
Portion of Muscogee
Ted J. Land (R) . . . . . . . 3736 Wootlruff Rd.
(404) 323-8263
(Mumbus 3 1904
Lhtrict 17
Butts, Clawford, Lunar, I'lke, Talbot, U p
son; Portion of Henry
Janice S. Horton (D) . . . . . ,430 Burke Circle
(404) 957-9286
Mchnough 30253
District 18
Houston, Peach; I'ortion of Macon
FA Barker (D) . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box KK
(912) 922-8238
Warner Robins 3 1099
District 19
Bleckley, Dodge, Jeff Davis, Pulaski, Telfair,
Wilcox: Portion of Coffee
Ronnie Walker (D) . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 46 1
(912) 8686477
McRae 3 1055
District 20
Johnson, L a u ~ n s ,Montgomery, Toombs,
Treutlen, Wheeler, Portion of W-on
Hugh hlarion Gillis (D) . . . . . . .P.O. Box 148
(912) 529-3212
Soperton 30457
District 21
Burke, klnanuel, Qwock, Jefferson, Jen-
kins; Portion of Warren, Washington
Bill EngM (D) . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 521
(912) 237-6609
Swainsboro 30401
m r i c t 22
Portion of Rchmond
Thomas F. Allgood (D). . . P.O. Box 1523
(404) 724-6526
Augusta 30903
District 23
Portion of kchmond
Jimmy Lester (D). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
985 Broad St., Fixst Federal Saving Building
(404) 722-0254
Augusta 30902
we- District 24 Culu~nhdGreen, Lincoln, Mclhffie,
thorpe, 'Palmferro, Wilkcs; Portion of Madi-
son, Warrcn
Sam P. McCill (D). . . . . . . . . .P.0 . Box 520
(404) 678-2161
Washington 30673
District 25
Baldwin, Hanccck, Jasper, Jones, Putnlu~l,
Wilkinson; Portion of hZorgan
Clllver Kidd (D) . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 370
(912) 452-1420
bWedgville 3 1061
District 26
T w ; Portion of Bibb
Richard L Ckeene (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Suite 517, First National Bank Bldg.
(912) 745-7931
Macon 31201
Dstrict 27
Monroe; Portion of Bibb
Lee Robinson (D). . . . ,864 Wichester CIrde
(912) 4774940
hEtcon 31210
District 7-8 Spalding: Portion of Cayton, Coweta, Fayette, Henry
State Senators
Kyle Trueman Cobb (D) . . . . . P.O. Box 1010
(404) 228-7001
Griffin 30224
(404) 5774622 (Atlanta)
District 29
Harris, Heard, Meriwether, Troup
Render Hill (D) . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 246
(404) 6 7 2 4 2 8
Greenville 30222
District 30
Carroll;Portion of Coweta, Douglas
Wayne Garner (D). . . Route 9, Chapel Heghts
(404) 942-5154
h l l t o n 30117
District 3 1
Haralson, Polk; Portion of Bartow, Douglas,
Nathan Dean (D) . . . . . .340 Wlnsfoot Street
(404) 684-7851
Rockmart 30153
District 32
Portion of Cobb
Joe Thompson (D) . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 1045
(404) 952-0424
Smyma 30080
District 33
Portion of Cobb
Roy E. Barnes(D) . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 161
(404) 424-1500
Mableton 30059
District 34
Portion of Fayette, Fulton
Bev Engram(D) . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 431
(404) 9644260
Fairburn 30213
(404) 9643391
District 35
Portion of Fulton
Perry J. HuIudson(D) . . .3380 Old Jonesboro Rd.
(404) 656-5085
Hapeville 30354
District 36
Portion of Fulton
Jack. L Stephens (D). . . . 2484 Macon Dr. SE
(404) 572-2526
Atlanta 30315
District 37
Portion of Fulton
Todd Evans(D) . . . . . . .P.O. Box 8276 Sta. F
(404) 656-688 1
Atlanta 30306
District 38
Portion of Fulton
Horace E. Tate (D). . . . . . .621 Lilla Dr. SW
(404) 289-5867
Atlanta 30310
District 39
Portion of Fulton
Julian Bond (D) . . . . . . 361 Westview Dr. SW
(404) 758-9101
Atlanta 30310
District 40
Portion of Fulton
Paul Douglas Coverdell (R) . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,2015 Peachtree Rd. NE
(404) 355-8880
Atlanta 30309
District 4 1
Portion of DeKalb
James W. (Jim) 5singer (R). . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3781 Watkins Place NE
(404) 885-5048
Atlanta 30319
District 42
Portion of DeKalb
Pierre Howard (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1000 First National Bank Buildmg
(404) 378-7537
Decatur 30030
District 43
Portion of Dekalb
Thomas R @om) Scott (D) . . 2887 Alarneda Tr.
(404) 529-1174
Decatur 30034
District 44
Portion of Clayton
Terrell Starr (Dl. . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 545
(404) 366-5311
Forest Park 30050
State Senators; State Representatives
District 45
Newton, Rockdale, Walton; Portion of Bar-
row, Morgan
W.D. (Don) Ballard (D). . . 1122 Monticello St.
(404) 786-8123
Gmngton 30209
District 46
Clarke, Oconee; Portion of Jackson
Paul Collins Broun (D) . . . . . . 165 Pulaski St.
(404) 546-6700
Athens 3060 1
District 47
Banks, Elbert, Franklin, Hart, Stephens;
Portion of Madison
M.Parks Brown (D). . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 37
(404) 376-2700
Hartwell 30643
District 48
Gwinnett; Portion of Barrow
Steve Reynolds (D) . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 303
(404) 963-5434
Lawrenceville 30246
District 49
Hall; Portion of Forsyth, Jackson
J. Nathan Deal (D) . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 2522
(404) 532-9978
Gainesville 30503
District 50
Wwson, Fannin, Gilmer, Habersham, Lump
kin, Rabun, Towns, Union, White
John C. Foster (D) . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 100
(404) 778-2919
Cornelia 3053 1
District 5 1
Ckerokee, Gordon, Pickens; Portion of For-
syth, Whitfield
Max Brannon (D) . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 1027
(404) 6294508
Qlhoun 30701
(404) 625-2326
District 52
Floyd; Portion of Bartow
Dan H Fincher (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . Route 10, Horseleg Creek Road
(404) 291-2027
Rome 30161
District 53
Chattooga, Dade, Walker
E.G. Summers (D) . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 499
(404) 6384068
LaFayette 30728
District 54
Catoosa, Murray, Portion of Whitfield
W.W. (Bill)Fincher,Jr. (D) . . . P.O. Drawer 400
(404) 695-2334
Chatsworth 30705
District 55
Portion of DeKalb
Lawrence (Bud) Stumbaugh (D) . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071 Yemassee Trail
(404) 939-3204
Stone Mountain 30083
District 56
Portion of Cobb, Fulton, Pauldmg
Haskew H Brantley, Jr. (R) . . . .P.O. Box 605
(404) 475-5005
Alpharetta 30201
District 1 -Post 1
Portion of Dade, Walker
Wayne Snow, Jr., (D). . . . . . . . P.O. Box 26
(404) 8 6 6 4 2 7
Rossville 30741
Distirct 1 - P a t 2
Portion of Dade, Walker
Forest Hays, Jr. (D). . . . . . . . . . . . Route 2
(404) 931-2326
Flintstone 30725
District 2
Portion of Catoosa
Robert G (Bob) Peters (D) . . . .P.O. Box 550
(615) 2 6 7 4 71
Rirggold 30736
District 3
Murray; Portion of Catocsa, Whitfield
ThomasP. Oom)Ramsey 111@) . P.O. Box 1130
(404) 6956642
Chatsworth 30705
State Representatives
IXstrict 4 l'ost 1
Farului, Gltner, Iutnpkm, hllun, l ' o ~ n s ,
IJtuon; Portion of Wlute
Cariton 1% <blweU(D) . . . . . . .P.O. Box 850
(404) 745-6239
Blairsville 305 11-
District 4 - Pcst 2
Fannin, Gilin~r,h m p h , Rahun, Towa,
Union; Postion of Wliite
Ralph Twigs (D) . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 432
(404) 890-2940
liiawasscc 3'346
hsttict 5
C'llattocga; Porlion of h d e , Walker
John G. Crawford (1)) . . . . Route 1, Box 518
(404) 89544 10
Lyerly 30730
D~trict6 - I'st 1
Portion of Walker, Witfield
Roger Wi2uns (D) . . . . ,132 Huntington Rd.
(404) 278-1788
Dulton 30720
Lhstnct 6 - I'ost 3
I'ort~onof Walker, Whtfield
K L (Sllorty) Foster (L)). . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 48% Ttl\bs Rri&e Rd. SI?
(404) 22636 16
Iklton 30720
(404) 378-3583
htrict 7
Cordon; Portion of Bartow
Ernest Ralston (1)) . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 623
(404) 629-5160
Calhoun 30701
District 8 -Yost 1
Cherokee, D a m n , Pickens; Portion of Bar-
Joe Frank Harris (D) . . . . . . . 7 12 West Ave.
(404) 386-8140
Cartcrsville 30120
District 8 - Post 2
Cherokee, D a m n , Ackens; Portion of Bar-
W.G. (Bill)Hasty, Sr. (D) . . Route 8, I Mton Dr.
(404) 479-8528
Canton 301 14
District8 Post3
Cherokee, D~tvson,Rckens; I'ortion of Bar-
Wendell T. Anderson, Sr. (D) . . . . . . .KFD 4
(404) 479-5559
Cmtori 301 14
Ihstrict 9 -Post 1
Forsyth, IIall
Joe ll Wood(D) . . . . . . . . . P.0. Box 1417
(404) 536-0 161
Gainesville 30503
(404) 577-1532 (Atlanta)
Lhstrict 9 -- Post 2
Fonyth, 1-Ml
Bobby La\m~n(D) . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 53
(404) 536-2304
(;ainmille 30503
District 9 -- Post 3
Forsyth, Jeny D. Jackson (D) . . . . . . . Y.O. Box 7275 (404)36-2036 Chestnu1 Mountain 30502
District 10
Stephens; Portion of' Barks
Jack lrvin, Sr. (TI). . . . . . . Route 1, Box 217
(404) 8864225
Bdd~vin305 11
District 11
1Qkmhiiii;Portion of U'hltc
Bill Dover (Dl. . . . . . . . . . . . "Tin~brook"
(404) 754-6396
flollywood 30523
lktrict 12
Jackson; Portion of Ehnks, Barrow
Lauren (bibba) McDonald, Jr.. (11). . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Route 5, Dogwood Trail
(4rM) 335-5510
CnImnerre 30529
135trict 13 - Post 1 F l M . Frankljn, k h t , Madison, Cglethoqx; Portion of Ckrene, Ckonee
State Representatives
Louie Mau Ciark (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . W D 2
(404) 795-2889
Danielsville 30633
lhtrict 13 - Post 2
Elbert, F~anklint,Qrt, Madison, Oglethorpe;
Portion of Greene. Ocontx:
Bllly Milford (I)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Route 3
(404) 3 7 6 4 4 2 7
. District 13 IJost3 Elhert , Fralklin, llart hladlson, Ofilcthorpe;
Portion of Greenc, Oconee
Ularles C. . b ( D ) . . . . . . . . 238 B k r t St.
(404) 283-6000
H b e r ~ o n30635
Lhtrict 14
I'ortion of Floyd
John Adans (D). . . . . . 7 E;lst Ckekvjew Dr.
(404) 29 1-2277
Rome 30161
Ihtrict 15
Portion of Floyd
E.M. (Buddy) Childen (D). . . 15 Kirhwood St.
(404) 295-590 1
Rome 30161
District 16 Portion of Floyd, Pok
District 17
Portion of I'olL
Bdl Cu~runings(D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Route 1,508 Morgan Valley Rd.
(404) 684-575 1
Rockmart 30153
District 18
IIaralson; Portion of Padding
Thornas B. Murphy (D). . . . . . .P.O. Box 163
(404) 5374402
Bremen 30110
(404) 656-5020 (Atlanta)
District 19 - Post 1
Portion of Cobb, Padding
Joe Mack Whon (D) . . . . . . . 77 Church St.
(404) 428-658 1
Marietta 30060
District 19 - Post 2
Portion of Cobb, Fadchng
Steve Tliompson (D) . . . . . 4265 Bradley Dr.
(404) 427-9430
Austell 30001
District 19 - Post 3
Portion of Cobb, Paulding
GeorgeW. (Buddy) Darden (D) . . . P.O. Box 997
(404) 424-8000
Marietta 30061
District 20 -- Post 1
Portion of Cobb
Johnny Isakson(R) . .5074 Iiampton Farnls Dr.
(404) 9734303
Marietta 30067
District 20 - Post 2
Portion of Cobb
Carl Iianison (K) . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 1374
(404) 427-737 1
Marietta 30061
District 20 - Post 3
Portion of Cobb
Ken N i R ) . . . . . . . . . .3878 Manson Ave.
Smyma 30080
District 21 -Post 1
Cobb; Portion of Padcluy
Fred Aiken (R) . . . . . 4020 Pineview Dr., SE
(404) 432-1883
Smyma 30080
District 2 1 - Post 2
Cobb; Portion of Paul@
k L (Al) Burmss(D). . . . . .P.O. BOX6338-A
(404) 97343070
Marietta 30065
District 22
Portion of Fdton
h.Dorothy Felton (R). . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,465 Tanacrest Dr. NW
(404) 2524172
Sandy Springs 30328
District 23 Portion of I;Wton
State Representatives
Luther S. Colbert (R). . . . . . 495 Houze Way
(404) 9934786
(404) 296-1 185
District 24
Portion of Fulton
Kiliaen V.R (Kil) Townsend (R) . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .I701 Northside Dr. NW
(404) 351-2660
Atlanta 30318
District 25
Portion of Fulton
John Savage(D). . . . . . . 6 9 Inman Circle NE
(404) 622-2011
Atlanta 30309
District 26
Portion of Fulton
SidneyJ. Marcus(D). . .845 Canterbuy Rd., NE
(404) 8736731
Atlanta 30324
District 27
Portion of Fulton
Cynthia Fuller (D) . . .903 Myrtle St., NE, # 3
(404) 8754245
Atlanta 30309
District 28
Portion of Fulton
Alveda King Beal (D)75 Piedmont Ave., Suite 236
(404) 524-3202
Atlanta 30303
Dish-ct 29
Portion of Fulton
Douglas C. Lkan (D) . . . . .356 Arthur St. SW
(404) 525-8736
Atlanta 30310
District 30
Portion of Fulton
Paul Bolster (D) . . . .lo43 Ormewood Ave. SE
(404) 627-1697
Atlanta 30316
District 3 1
Portion of Fulton
Mrs. Grace T. Hamilton (Dl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582 University Place NW
(404) 688-7249
Atlanta 30314
District 32
Portion of Fulton
Mdred Clover (D) . . . . . .735 Lawton St.SW
(404) 755-3634
Atlanta 30310
District 33
Portion of Fulton
J.C. (Julius C.) Daugherty, Sr. (D) . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Daugherty Bldg. 15 Chestnut St., SW
(404) 525-2031
Atlanta 30314
District 34
Portion of Fulton
Tyrone Brooks(D). . . StationA-P.O. Box 11025
(404) 57J1-553 1
Atlanta 30310
District 35
Portion of Fulton
J.E. (Billy) McKinney (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
765 Shorter Terrace NW
(404) 691-8810
Atlanta 303 18
District 36
Portion of Fulton
G.D. Adams (Dl. . . . . 532 St. Johns Ave. SW
(404) 656-5105
Atlanta 303 15
Dlstrict 37
Pcrtion of Fulton
David Scott (D) . . . . . . . 190Wendell Dr. SE
(404) 622-5653
Atlanta 30315
District 38
Portion of Fulton
Lorenzo Benn (D). . . . 579 Fielding Lane, SW
(404) 3494325
Atlanta 30311
District 39
Portion of Fulton
Bob Holmes (D). 3350 Mt. (;ilead Rd. SWM2
(404) 6814251
Atlanta 30311
District 40 Portion of Fulton
State Representatives
Dick Lane (R). . . . . . . ,2704 Humphries St.
(404) 7674451
F a t Point 30344
District 41
Portion of Fulton
Greg Pilewicz (D) . . . . . .5915 Catawba Way
(404) 763-1 122
College Park 30349
District 42
Portion of Fulton
Vulyn B. S~nith(R). . . . . 330 Rivertown Rd.
(404) 964-6466
Fairburn 30213
District 43 - Post 1
Fulton (At Large)
Barbara H Couch (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 2864
Roxboro Rd., NE
Atlanta 30324
District 43 - Post 2
Fulton (At Large)
Bettye Lowe (R). . . 591 W.Paces Ferry Rd. NW
(404) 261-5756
Atlanta 30305
District 43 - Past 3
Fulton (At Large)
John W. Greer (D) . . . . .925 Healey Building
(404) 5244223
Atlanta 30303
District 44
Portion of DeKalb
Bruce Widener (R) . . . . . . . P.O. Box 88866
(404) 452-1300
Dunwoody 30338
District 45
Portion of DeKalb
J. Max Wvis (R) . .I177 W Nancy Creek Dr.,NE
(404) 373-3316
Atlanta 30319
(404) 252-5487
District 46
Portion of DeKalb
Qthey W. Steinberg (D)1732 IXlnwoody Place NE
(404) 262-2244
Atlanta 30324
mtrict 47
Portion of DeKalb
Joe Burton (R) . . . 2598 Woodwardia Rd. NE
(404) 938-2730
Atlanta 30345
District 48
Portion of DeKalb
Betty Jo W h m s (R). . 2024 Castleway Dr. NE
(404) 325-905 1
Atlanta 30345
District 49
Portion of DeKalb
Ewell H (Hank) Elliott (R) . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 41 1 Decatur Federal Buildmg
(404) 377-385 1
Decatur 30030
District 50
Portion of DeKalb
John Hawkins (D). . . . .I360 Harvard Rd. NE
(404) 377-8352
Atlanta 30306
District 51
Portion of DeKalb
Mrs. Mobley (Peggy) Childs (D)520 Westchester Dr.
(404) 3784593
Decatur 30030
District 52
Portion of DeKalb
Eleanor L Richardson (D). . . . 755 Park Lane
(404) 636-5892
Decatur 30033
District 53
Portion of Del(alb
DoLlg Vandiford (D) . . . 3201 Kensington Rd.
(404) 294-9724
Avondale Estates 30002
District 54
Portion of DeKalb
Rev. Hosea L Wdliarns(D) . . 8 East Lake Dr. NE
(404) 373-5751
Atlanta 30317
District 55
Portion of DeKalb
Betty J. Qark (D). . . . . . . . P.O. Box 17852
(404) 2414 0 3 3
Atlanta 30316
S t a t e Representatives
Ihstril.1 50 l'<fit I
Portion o f Ikli,rll)
Wm. ('. (Ijill)blank11114Jr. ( I ) ) . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4370 1'lc:~santI;orvst IX.
(404) 1181 - 1 730
1k~tric.t50 l'mt 2
1'01-lionol IkKall-,
Iktty k ~ r o n( I)). . . . . 3020 John I lopkins C't.
(404) 481-1051
1kc;itur 30034
District 50 -- I'ost 3
I'ortion o f IkLidh
licn Workman (11) . . . . . . .3383 1Iyland IX.
(404) 780-9602
Ikcatur 300311
h t r i c t 57
Kockdalc; I'ortion of IkKalb
Clarence K Vaughn. Ji. (1)). . . .1'.0. Box 410
(404) cK!2-4000
(bnyers 30207
District 58 l'ortion of Ikliidh
C'as M Kohimon (1)) . . . . 4720 1.ellswtx~~Dlr. (404) 325-4000ext. 131 Stone Mountin 30083
District 59
I'ortion of (;~\irmett KT. (Toni) Illillips ( I<) . . . 1703 I'outnds Kd.
(Mountain I'ark, (;wint-rett Cu.) St. Mtn. 30087
(404) 469-4735
District 60
1'01-tion of <;winnett
Clurles W i n (I)) . . . . . . . . . .470 Hill St.
(404) 457-8346
Buford 305 18
District 6 1
Portion of Barrow, (;winnett
V i o n Wall (D). . . . . . . . . . 164 E. Oak St.
(404) 963-9558
Lawrencevllle 30245
(404) 524-7777
District 62
Portion of Clarke
Hugh &an (D). . . . . . . . .I328 Iknce Ave.
(404) 548-2501
Athens 30601
District 63
Portion of Clarke
Bob hrgo (D) . . . . . . . . . . . .l'.O. Box 509
(404) 353-2345
Athcm 30603
District w
Portion of Barrow, Clarke, a o n e e
John Russell (I)) . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 588
(404) 867-501 1
Winder 30680
District 65
Portion of Dougias
Thomas (Mac) Kilgore (D) . . . 1992 Tara Clrcle
(404) 942-3492
Douglasxille 30135
District 66 - I'at 1
Carroll; Portion of Douglas, Heard
Ceral1.1Johnson (I)). . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 8 15
(404) 834-33 12
Carrollton 30 117
District 66 - Post 2
Carroll; Portion of Douglas, Heard
Charles Thonus (D). . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 686
(404) 562-3028
Temple 30179
District 67
Portion of Coweta
J. Neal Shepard, Jr. (K) . . . . . . .111 Fifth St.
(404) 25 1-1909
Newnan 30263
District 68 Portion of Coweta, Ileard, 'Troup
J. Chwford Ware (Dl. . . . . . . .P.O. Box 305
District 69
Portion of Troup
bitwin G. (Ed) Mullinax (D) . . .P.O. Ikdwer 1649
(404) 882-1305
LaGrange 301141
(404) 882-5052
State Representatives
Illstrict 70
Meriwether, Talbot
Claude k Bray, Jr. (D). . . . . . .I'.O. Box 549
(404) 846-8495
Manchester 3 1816
I>lstrict 71 - Post 1
Spalchng; Portion of (lo\veta, Fayette
Jltrnes K (Jun) Fortune. Jr. ( I)). . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,683 Brook Circle
(404) 227-9411
Griffin 30223
htrict 71 - Pat 2
S p a l h g ; Portion of Coweta, Fayctte
Jolm L. Mwiler (D) . . . . 150 hIeadovista Dr.
(404) 228-1172
Griffin 30223
Lkstrict 72 - Post 1
C::~yton;Portion of Fayette
Wni. J . (BLL~L)ee (D) . . . . . .5325 IIillside Dr.
(404) 761-6522
Forest Park 30050
District 72 - R s t 3,
Clayton, Portion of Fayette
Jinuny Beneiield (D) . 6%Morning Dove Flace
(404) 321-0050
Joncsboro 30236
(404) 471-8825
District 72 -- P a t 3
Clayton; Portion of Fayctte
Jim Wood (D) . . . . . . . . . 5676 Scluoia Dr.
(404) 478-5753
Forest Parh 30050
District 72 - Post 4
Clayton; Portion of Fayette
Rudolph Johnson (D) . . . 191 N. Main Street
(404) 471-1718
Jonesboro 30236
District 73
Henry G. Kichard Ulamberlin (D) . . . . P.O. Box 378
(404) 474-1358
Stockbridge 30281
District 74
Denny M Dobbs (D). . 125 Hardwick Dr.-Nmon
(404) 787-3834
Covington 30209
District 75
Walton;Portion of Morgan
Neal Jackson (D) . . . . . . . . 316 N. Broad St.
(404) 267-7557
Monroe 30655
District 76
Lincoln, Taliaferro, Warren, Wilkes
Ben Barron Ross (D) . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 245
(404) 359-3164
Lincolnton 30817
M r i c t 77
Colu~nbiaP; ortion of MclXlffie
Wm S. (Bill)Jackson@) . 3907 Washington Rd.
(404) 863-5818
Martinez 30907
District 78
Butts, h n a r ; Portion of Pike
Wfiam W e y Jones (D). . . . . P.O. Box 3933
(404) 775-3879
Jackson 30233
Dlstrict 79
Upson; Portion of Pike
Manin Adarns (D) . . . . .709 Greenwood Rd.
(404) 6476 131
Thomaston 30286
District 80
Jones, hfomoe: Portion of Jasper
Benson Ham (D) . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 677
(912) 9945 134
Forsyth 3 1029
District 81
Portion of Bulloch, %?-even
Bob Lane (D) . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 5 Wdton Dr.
(912) 7646813
Statesboro 30458
District 82
Portion of WLLloch, Burke, SLreven
John F. Godbee (D) . . . . . . . . 401 Lane St.
(912) 764-5208
Brooklet 30415
District 83
Portion of Burke, Jefferson
Emory E. Bargeron (D). . . . . . .P.O. Box 447
(912) 625-7285
bulisnlle 30434
State Representatives
District 84
hrtion of Jeffersoq WDuffie, Richmond
Warren D. Evans (D) . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 539
(404) 595-1841
'Ihomson 30824
District 85
Portion of Richmond
R k Dent (D). . . . . . . . . . . .I120 h e St.
(404) 724-2182
Augusta 30901
(404) 7226746
District 86
Portion of Richmond
hhke Padgett (D) . . . . . . . . .Route 1, Box 5
(404) 798-1926
Augusta 30906
District 87
Portion of Richmond
Jack Connell (D) . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 308
(404) 724-8901
Augusta 30903
Dstrict 88
Portion of Richmond
Sam MchoIson (D) . . . . . .I762 Wvidson Dr.
(404) 724-0566
Augusta 30904
District 89
Portion of Richmond
Donald E. (Don) Cheeks (D). . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 14Westminster Court
(404) 863-2305
Augusta 30909
District 90
Portion of Richmond
David Swann (R) . . . . . . . 804 Qmellia Rd.
(404) 736-0407
Augusta 30909
District 91
Ikrris;Portion of Muscogee
W.Randolph (Randy) Phillips (D) . . . Route 1
(404) 846-2592
Shiloh 3 1826
District 92
Portion of Muscogee
Calvin Smyre (D) . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 181
(404) 57 1-2243
Cdumbus 31902
District 93
Portion of hluscogee
Charles P. Rose (R) . . . .3821 Commander Dr.
(404) 689-1920
Columbus 3 1903
District 94
Portion of hkcogee
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D) . . . . .P.O. Box 709
(404) 324-3531
Columbus 3 1902
District 95
Portion of -gee
Thomas B. Buck, I11 (D) . . . . . .P.O. Box 196
(404) 323-5646
District 96
Portion of Muscogee
Gary C. Qson (R) . . . 3128 College Dr.
(404) 6894167
Columbus 3 1907
District 97
Portion of Muscogee
Mary Jane Galer (D) . . . . 7236 Lullwater Rd.
(404) 3242931
Columbus 3 1904
District 98
Crawford; Portion of Macon, Peach
Bryant Chlpepper (D) . . . . . . .P.O. Box 490
(912) 825-2074
Fort Valley 3 1030
District 99
Portion of Bibb
Wlrl Davis (D). . . . . . . . . .740 Mulberry St.
(912) 742-5851
Macon 31201
District 100
Portion of Bibb
Frank C Pinkston (D) . . . . .773 Mulberry St.
(912) 745-6535
Macon 31201
District 101 Portion of Bibb
State Representatives
W~lliamC. (Billy) Randall (D) . . .P.O. Box 121
(912) 7436389
District 102
Portion of Bibb
David E. Luw (D) . . . . . . ,448 Woolfolk St.
(91 2) 742-8486
Macon 31201
District 103
T W ; Portion of Bibb
Kenneth Wdson Birdsong . . . . . . . . Route 1
(912) 743-1296
Gordon 3 1031
District 104
Portion of Bibb
Frank Home (D) . . . . . . . 850 Walnut Street
(912) 746-9623
Macon 31201
District 105
Qascock, Waslungton; Portion of Johnson
J h n y Lord (D). . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 254
(913) 552-2515
Sandersville 3 1082
District 106
Jenkins; Portion of Enlanuel, Johnson
Randolph C (Randy) Karrh (Dl. . P.O. Drawer I<
(912) 2376459
Swainsboro 30401
District 107
Bryan, Candler, Evans; Portion of Emanuel,
Tat t nall
John David Miles (D) . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 345
(912) 685-5762
Metter 30439
District 108
Wdkimon; Portion of Baldwin
Wdbur E. Baugh (D). . . . . . . .P.O. Box 926
(912) 452-5050
Milledgeville 31061
District 109
P u t m n ; Portion of Baldwin
Bobby E. Parham (D). . . . . . . .P.O. Box 606
(912) 452-1310
Milledgeville 3 1061
District 110
Marion, Taylor; Portion of Chattahoochee
Ward Edwards (D) . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 146
(912) 862-5535
Butler 3 1006
District 111
Qltltman, Stewart, Webster: Portion of Chat-
tahoochee, Sumter
Don Castleberry (D) . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 377
(912) 887-2111
Richland 31825
District 112
Hancock;Portion of Geene, Jasper, Morgan
E. Roy Lambert (D) . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 169
(404) 342-3566
Madison 30650
District 113
Portion of Houston, Peach
Ted W. Waddle (R) . . . . .I 13 Tanglewood Dr.
(912) 923-2763
Warner Robins31093
District 114
Portion of I-louston
Roy H. (Sonny) Watson, Jr. (D) . .P.O. Box 1%
(912) 923-5517
Warner Robins 3 1099
District 115
Sclley ;Portion of Houston, Macon
Lany Walker (D) . . . . . . . . .P.Q Box 1234
(912) 987-1415
Peny 3 1069
District 116
Portion of Su~nter
George Hooks (D). . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 928
(912) 924-2924
Aniencus 3 1709
h t r i c t 117
Bleckley, Pulaski, Wdcox
Ben Jessup (D) . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 468
(912) 7834026
Cochran 31014
District 118
Dodge; Portion of Laurens, Telfnir
Terry L Cdeman (D) . . . . . . .P.O. Box 157
(912) 3745594
Eastman 3 1023
State Representatives
District 119
Portion of h m n s
J. Roy Rowland (D) . . . . 103Woodridge Rd.
(912) 272-7411
h b l i n 31021
District 120
Montgomery, Treutlen, Wheeler; Portion of
LL (Pete) Phillips (D) . . . . . . . . . .Box 166
(912) 5294447
Soperton 30457
District 121
Portion of Long,Tattnall, Toombs
Clinton Oliver (D). . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 237
(912)654-232 1
QennviUe 30427
District 122
Portion of Chatham
Ronald E. (Ron) Ginsberg (D). . P.O. Box 10105
(912) 233-225 1
Savannah 3 1412
District 123
Portion of Chatham
Albert (Al) Scott (D) . . . . . . . P.O. Box 1704
(912) 234-6420
Savannah 3 1402
District 124
Portion of a t h a m
L;lmarW. Davis, Jr. (R) . . . . . P.O. Box 1567
(912) 233-5722
Savannah 3 1402
District 125
Portion of a t h a m
Bobby Phillips (D) . . . . . . .921Q Melody Dr.
(912) 233-7961
Savannah 31406
District 126
Portion of Chatham
Herbert Jones, Jr. (R) . . . .413 Arlington Rd.
(912) 944-6000
Savannah 3 1406
District 127
Portion of olatham
Bobby L HI (D). . . . . . . 923 West 37th St.
(912) 233-7727
Savannah 31401
District 128
Portion of (kitham
Tom Triplett (D) . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 9586
(912) 944-3200
Savannah 3 1402
District 129
Efingham;Portion of (hatham
George A k c e , Jr. (D) . . . . .P.O. Box 373
(912) 754-3412
3 1329
District 130
Clay, Randolph, Terreil; Portion of Calhoun
Bob Hanner (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Route 1
(912) 6234582
h t t 31777
District 131
Baker; Portion of Qlhoun, Dougherty
Tommy Chambless (D). . . . . . P.O. Box 2008
(912) 436-1545
Albany 3 1702
District 132
Portion of Dougherty
John White (D) . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 3506
(912) 888- 1320 (Office)
Albany 3 1706
(912)435-6330 (Home)
District 133
Lee;Portion of Dwgherty
RS. (Dick) Hutchinson (D) . . . 9 15 Sixth Ave.
Albany 3 1701
District 134
Portion of Dougherty
T. Hayward (hk) McCollum (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5608 Spring Flats Rd.
(912) 435-5941
Albany 3 1705
District 135
M y ; Portion of CLisp
Howard H Rainey (D) . . . . 913 Third Ave. E
(912) 273-3062
Cordele 31015
District 136 Worth; Portion of Crisp, Turner
State Representatives
h i e e n Sizemon: (D). . . . . . . . . . .Route 3
(912) 776-6943
Sylvester 31791
District 137
Ben Hill, Irwin; Portion of Coffee, k e r
Paul S. Branch, Jr. (D) . . . Route 4 Box 499-A
(9 12)423-44 10
Fitzgerald 3 1750
District 138-1'ost 1
Apphng, Jeff kvis, Wayne; Portion of
Mantley, Pierce, Tclt'air
Lundsford Moody (1)) . . . . . . . P.O. Box 32
(912) 3674169
Baxley 31513
District 138- P a t 2
App- Jeff Davis, Wayne: Portion of
Brantley, Pierce, klfair
Rcger C. Byrd (D) . . . . . . 302 N. Rogen St.
(912) 375-3325
Ilazlehurst 31539
District 139
Liberty, Mc1ntash;Portion of Lnng
Kene D. Kemp (D) . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 497
(912) 876-5125
I h e i l U e 31313
District 140
Early, Miller; Portion of Calhoun, Seminole
Ralph J. W c o m (D) . . . . . . . . . . Route 1
(9 12) 723-5074
Blakely 31723
District 141
Decatur; Portion of Clracly, Seminole
Walter E. Cox (D). . . . . . . . . . 202 West St. (912) 24611411 (Office) Bainbridge 3 1717
District 142
Portion of CXady, Thomas
Bobby Long (D). . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 202
(912) 2264318
Cairo 31728
District 143
Portion of Thomas
K Allen Sherrod (D) . . . . . . . . . . .Route 1
(912) 226-5272
Codidge 3 1738
District 144
hlitchell; Portion of Colquitt
Marcus E Catlins, Sr. (D) . . Route 1, Box 107
(912) 294-9304 (@fie)
Pelham 3 1779
District 145
Portion of Colquitt
HughD.Matthew(D). . . . Route 1,Box913
(912) 985-3313
Moultrie 3 1768
District 146-Pat 1
Benien, Cook, T ~ f t
W l o n d Lewis Perry (D). . . Route 2 Adel Rd.
(912) 686-2549
Nashville 3 1639
Jhtrict 146- Post 2
Bemen, Cmk, Tift
Monty Veazcy (D) . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 1572
(912) 382-9494 (Office)
Tdton 3 1794
District 147
Brooks, F~holsP: ortion of I ~ w n d e s
Heruy L Keaves (D) . . . . . . . . . . . Route 2
(912) 263405 1
Qllltrnan 31643
h t r i c t 148
Portion of Lowndes
James M. Beck (D) . . . . .2427 Westwood Dr.
(912) 247-2280
\'aldtrjta 31601
District 149
Lanuer; Portion of Lnwndes
Robert L (Bob) Patten (D). . Route 1,Box 180
(912) 482-3565
Lakeland 3 1635
District 150
Atkinson, k c h ; Portion of Ware
Tom Gosby, Jr. (D) . . . . . . 705 Wacona Dr.
(912) 283-1744
Waycrm 31501
k t r i c t 151
Ularlton: Portion of Ware
M i n y Dixon (1)) . . . . . . . . 1303 Coral W.
(912) 2836527
State Representatives
District 152-Post 1
Bacon,Qmden; Portionof Brantley,Coffee,
James C. Moore (D). . . . . . . . . . . . Route 2
(912) 384-3637
West Gaeen 3 1567
District 152-Post 2
Bacon, Carnden;Portion of Brantley,Coffee,
Tommy Smith (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . Route 1
(912) 6324815
District 153
Portion of Glynn
J m R (Jim)Wen, Jr. (D) . . .528 FkwcastleSt.
(9 12) 265-6407
B m w i c k 3 1520
District 154
Portion of Caynn
Dean G. Auten (R) . . . .628 King Cotton Row
(912) 265-3257
Brunswick 3 1520
State Departments
Administrative Services, Department of 1 16 Mitchell Street, Koom 400 Atlan tu 30303 Telephone: 404-656-55 14 Cotiirrzissiotier o j ' A t l t ~ i i r ~ i s t r a t iSvcroic-es hclzard I!. Millsap5 Director, Ojjlce of Extenzal AjTairs Larry L. Clark Director, Fiscal Services Division Claude L. Vickers Ilirector, Gerleral Services Divisiorz Richard J. Wciskittel, J I . Director, It?fOrri~atiorazrid Cotnputcr Services Divisiorl Robei-t L. Allen Dircctor, Irltcn~aAl drtziriistratiot~Divisioti Robert L. Mathis Director, Office (Jf Pcrsotitzel Services Martha D. Iiazelton Director, Purcizasitzg Division J. Harry Curtis Director, Space ,4fanagenient Divisiotl W. Ilavid Proctor Director, Telero~i~m~triicatioDrivsisiorz George A. Christenberry, Jr.
Agriculture, State Department of Agriculture Bulldlng Telephone 403-656-3600 Cornmissiorier Thomas T. I ~ v l nR, oom 204 Confidential Secrctan Mrs. h t a B. NIX,Koom 3-04 Appoiiztt?ierit Secrctar?? Roselliary Glow, Rooni 304 Assistarzt Coitlrni~sionerA, drninistratiorl Deborah Pullin, Room 3-09 Assistarz t Cornn~issionerA, riinul 11idustry Dr. John A. Cobb, Room 106 Assistant Cornmissiotler,Marketing J ~ n ~ mBry~dges,l i o o ~ n3 2 4 State Veterinarian Dr. John Cobb. Kooni 106 State Chemist Dr. John F . M'illjarns, Rooni hI 0 State Entomolowist Carl M. Scott, J;., Koom 3 0 4 State Oil Cheniist, F11t.l Oil Iiispectwn Unit Curtis Williams Kennedy Kd., Forest I'ark, 30050 Assistant Cotntnissiorzer, field Inspection Forces - Corisunzer George Seaton, K o o ~ n3 0 6 Assistarzt Comrnissiot~crF, ield Irlspccliotz Forces - Gcrzeral Jack Leard, Kooln 137 Assistalir Cotnt?iissiotier,Fuel & illeasures 0. 1). Mullinax, I i o o ~ n3 7 7 Assistarzt Cotnmissiurler,Plant Ii~d~lstr?~ E. l:lmo Winstead. Rooln 537 Assistant Comnlissioncr, Corlsuozer Services Henrietta Canty , Roenl 200
Audits, State Department ctf State C a p ~ t o lK, ooln 1 1 5 Telephone : 404456-2171 State 11ziditor William M. Nixon
kinking and Finance, Department of 2990 Brandywine lioad, % l i t ? 300 Atlanta, 3034 1 relepllonc: 404-393-?330 Corrznzissiotzc~r Edward D. 1 ) ~ 1 1 i i D e p f l f yCot?zrt?issiori~?r Robert M . Moler Dep~lty Cotnmissiotlcr- Tiirijt Itistihitiotzs Cllarlcs 1V. Burge Dcput~ Cc~mriliss;oi~-crAd/tliili~tmtioti Kesce V. Morris De I U ~ ) .C' ottlttlissiotier~-I3atlkS~ilxrvisiol~
~ o h nb. Kline
Building Authority, Georgia P.0. Box 38366
State Departments
1 Martin Luther King Dr., SW 'Telephone: 404-656-3253 Director of Administration Steve Polk Deputy Director-. Finance Luther Lewis
Campaign & Financial Disclosure Committee, State 134 Peachtree St., Suite 320 Atlanta, 30303 Telephone: 404-656-2764 Chairman E. Freeman Leverett Vice-Chairman William B. Hollberg Members Oliver C. Bateman Robert E. Rivers, Jr.
Hugh M. Dorsey ,Jr. Secretary of State
David B. Poy tllress
Community Affairs, State Department of 40 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 800 Telephone: 404-656-3836 commissioner Jim Higdon Deputy Commissioner Steve Rieck Assistant Commissioner, Technical Assistance Division Ken Cook Assistant Commissioner Administrative Division Howard Perdue Assistant Commissioner, Intergovernmental Assistance Division Jim Calvin Assistant Commissioner, Community and Economic Development Division Alton Moultrie
Comptroller General, Office of State Capitol, Room 238 Telephone: 404656-2056 Comptroller General Johnnie L. Caldwell Deputy Comptroller General Jennings B. Garbade Chief Deputy Insurance Commissioner Ralph W . Terry State Fire Marshal John R. Gore, Jr. Deputy Industrial Loan Commissioner James E. Young
Courts, Administrative Office of the Georgia Justice Center Suite 500,84 Peachtree St. Atlanta, 30303 Telephone: 404-656-5 171 Director Robert L. Doss, Jr. Assistant Director for Administration and Operations Kenneth M . Kincaid Judicial Liaison Officer Marla S. Moore Assistant Director for Research and Court Services J. Chris Perrin
Court of Appeals of Georgia, Office of Judic~alBullding, 4th Floor Telephone: 404-656-3450 Chief Judge J. Kelley Quillian Legal Assistant T. Mil Clyburn
Presidin Judge ~ r a s w e l fD~e.en, Jr. Le a1 Assistant Alkedda Scobey
Besiding Judge William LeRoy McMurray, Jr.
State Departments
Legal Assistant Robert H . Brinson, Jr.
Residing Judge Arnold Shulman Legal Assistant Ronald F. Johnson
Judge Harold R. Banke Legal Assistant James H. Morawetz
JUT An rew W B.udsong, Jr.
Le~aAl ssistant ~ k n e t Ah . Howard
Judge Geor e H . Carley ~egaf~ssistant Gary A. Hughes Judge John W. Sognier Legal Assistant Richard W . Snyder Judge Marion T. Pope, Jr. Legal Assistant G. Channing Ruskell, IV
Clerk Alton Hawk Special Deputy Clerk Donald L. Shiver Reporter Guy M. Massey Assistant Reporter W. Scott Henwood
Crime Commission, Office of State Suite 625,3400 Peachtree Rd., N.E. Atlanta, 30326 Telephone: 404-8944410 Administrator Wdliam D. Kelley, Jr. Financial Management Chantal Akridge
Defense, De artment of P.O. Box 1 6 6 5 , Atlanta, 30316 Telephone: 404456-1700 The Adjutant General & Director, Georgia Emergenc Management Agency
Maj.-Gen. B!d' y M. Jones
Deputy Director, Georgia Emergency
I. Mana ement Agency
~ i ~Clacyk Military Division: Assistant Adjutant Generalfor Army Brig. Gen. John W. Giilette Assistant Adjutant General for Air Brig. Gen. Joseph M. Cheshire Education State De artment of Old State btfice ~ u f d i nR~o,om 242 Telephone : 404-656-2800 State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Charles McDar~iel Associate State Superintendentof Schools, Phnning and Development Dr. Werner Rogers Associate State Superintendent of Schuols, Administrative Services Dr. Cal. Adamson Associate State Superintendent of Schools, Vocational Education Dr. Joseph G. Freund Associate State Su erintendentof Schools, State Schools andf~peciaSlervices Peyton Williams, Jr. Associate State Superintendent of Schools, Instructional Service$ Dr. Lucille Jordan
State Departments
Employees' Retire~nenSt ystem of Georgia Two Northside 7.5. Atlantd, 3 0 3 18 Tclenhone: 404-h50-2960 boaid of Tnrstecs: Williani B. Stark Ilr. Jack P. Nix William I:. Strickland h n g d o n C. Sheffield Ex-Officio hlet,lbrrs: State Auditor State Insurance Cornnlissioncr Comn~issioner,State Merit Systenr Director Abe Domain Deputy Director Tl1e;un Langley
Forestry Commission, State Central Office: P.O. Box 819 Macon. 3 12984500 Telephone: 9 11-744-j211 Director and Executive Secrcta~' A. Kay S h ~ t l e y Assistatzt to the Director Wllliam C. liarper Clzief, Forest hfanagerncr~t Druid N . Preston Chief of Forest Adnzinistratiotz A1 Smith Chief of Forest Educatiotz Frank Craven Chiej'of Reforestation James C . Wynens Chief of' Forest Research John Mixon Chief o f Forest Protection J. c:T;rner, Jr.
Atlanta Office: 7 Martin Luther Jr. Dr., S.W., Room 5 5 0 Persorznel Officer Julian D. Reeves
General Assembly, Offices of State Ca itol, 3rd Floor Senate : f e l e ~ h o n :e404-656-5040 President Zell Miller Secretary of Senate Hamilton M c W ~ o r t e rJ,r . Assistant S e c r e t a ~o f the Senate Alice Ho e House o?~e~resentatives: Teleplione: 404-656-5070 Speaker Thomas B. Murphy Executive Secretary Shirley D. Spence Clerk of the ffouse Glenn W . Ellard Le 'slative Cou?zsel Tefpllone: 404-656-5040 Frank Edwards Legislative Fiscal Officer: Telephone: 404-656-5054 Cary A. Bond Le 'slative Budget Analyst: ~ e f p l l o n e4: 04-656-5050 John N. (Pete) Hackney
Governor, Office of State Capitol, R o o ~ n s201-203 Telephone: 4044.56-1 776 Governor George Busbee I::uec~ctivSe ecretan' Tom Perdue Assistant Evecutive Secretan, Grlff Dk)yle Li:xrcutive Corlnsel Charles Tldwell Assistatzt Executive Cozttzsel Mickey I lenry 'Vews Secretan] Duane Rincr .4ss~stantit'ews Secretur~. Ron Braxley b'x'eactive Assistants Jean I lorwatt
State Departments
Irvlng Mitchell P~~rsor7Sael creraty Bettye Furtaw Adrrzir~istrativeAssistorzt Doris Nford
Hulnan Resources, Department of 47 Trinity Ave., S.W. Telephone: 403-656-5(780 Cornmissiorrer Joe Edwards. P1i.D. Spccial Assistat~tto tlre Conztnissioner Barbara A. Browning Deputy Conzmissior~erA, dri~ir~istrufio~~ Andy Carden Deput . ~Conzmissiorler, Progrunz illanagemen t Bob Wallace Director, Division of Mental Ilealth ancl Merztal Retardatiotz Ilhan Ermutlu, M.D. Director, Division of h b l i c Health James Alley, M.D. Director. Divisiorz ot' Youth Services John Ilunsucker " Director, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Jiln Ledbetter, Ph.D. Director, Division o f Family and Children Services Patricia Johnson, Ph .D. Director, Division of illinurn Developnzent Marjorie Yourig Asslstatlt Commissioiler, Budget Services Dotty Roach Assistant Comnlissiotler, h b l i c Affairs Sylvia Wygoda
Industry and Trade, Department of 1400 North Omni International Atlanta, 30303 Telephone: 404-656-3556 Cornmissioner W. Milton Folds Deputy Cornnzissiotzer James 0 . Bohanan Deputy Commissioner, btdustty Division Sanford B. Jordan, Jr. Deputy Cornmissioner, Tourist/Communications Division Edwin D. Spivia Director, Itztematiot2al Divisiorz John D. Welsh Director, Research Division George D. Rogers Director, Finance and Administration William C . Ilawthorne Personnel Officer Van S. Gaines
Investigation, Geor 'a Bureau of 1001 lnternational%lvd., Atlanta 30354 Telephone: 404-656-2296 Director E.P. Peters Division Director, Investigations W.E. Boles Divisiotz Director, GCIC T.J. McGreevy Divisiorz Director, &me Lab L.B. Howard
Judicial Administration
District 1: Telephone : 9 12-944-2040 Adininistrative Judge Dunbar Harrison, Savannah Administrative Assistant Michael S. devegter, Savannah
District 2 : Telephone: 912-247-3343 Adtninistrative Judge Asa D. Kelly, Jr., Albany Adnzinistrative Assistant Roger E. Douglas, Valdosta
District 3 : Telephone : 9 12-744-6207 Adrnirlistrative Judge Hal Bell, Macon
State Departments
Administrative Assistant David Ratley. Macon
District 4 : Telephone: 4134-371-7226 Adrzinistrativc Judge Curtis V .Tillman, Decatur Administrative Assistant Vacant
Distrlct 5: Telephone: 404-572-3116 Administrative Judge Luther Nverson, Atlanta Adnlinistrative Assistant Ron E . Owens, Atlanta
hsfrict 6 . Telephone: 404-328-7340 Adr~~irlistratiJi~ude ge Andrew J. Whalen, Jr., Gr~ffin Adrnitzistrative Assistant
Fred Roney ,Griffin
lhstrict 7: Telephone: 404-382-5374 Administrative Judge W. A. Foster, Jr., Dallas Administrative Assistaizt Gerard 1'. Verzaal, Cartersville
District 8 : Telephone: 9 12-272-3666 Administrative Judge Walter C. McMillan, Jr., Sandersvillc Administrative Assistant Jack L. Bean, Dublin
District 9: Telephone: 404479-2305 Administrative Judge Marion T . Pope, Jr., Canton Administrative Assistant John Shope, Canton
Y District 10: Tele hone: 404-828-3254
Adnzinistrative udge John F . Ilardin, Augusta Administrative Assistant Tom Gunnels, Augusta
Juvenile Court Judges, Council of 84 kachtree St., Suite 500, Atlanta 30303 Telephone: 404-656-517 1 Executive Director J. Chris Perrin Juvenile Court Specialist Mike Sanford Secretary Jennifer Spears
Labor, State De artment of Labor ~uilding,%oorn288 Telepllone: 404-656-301 1 Commissioner Sam Caldwell Director, Employment Security Agency W. 0 . Brooks
Law, De artment of
Judiclal Building, Room 132 Telephone : 404-656-3300 A rtorncy General Michael J. Bowers Executive Assistant Atromey General Kobert S. Stubbs, II Staff Assistant Attomev General Office Mnager Gerry Shugart Administrative Assistant Anne L. Davis
Senior Assistant Attonleys Gcr7eral Robert S. Bolnar J. Kohe~t Colenlan Carol Atha Cosgrove Alfred L. Evans, Jr. Marion 0.Gordon 11. Perry Michael \'erley J. Spivey John C. Walden
Assistant Artomeys General Barry P. A!len K a t h ~ i Li . Allen
State Departments
Ethel D. Andersen Kirby <;. Atkinson John B. Ballard, Jr. Patricia T. Barmeyer Susan V. Boleyn Charles E. Brown John E. Burrlgartner Isaac Byrd Brenda H. Cole Mark A. Dickerson Nicholas G. Dun~uch Vivian D. Egan Daniel M. Formby Charles T. Harrison W. Davis Hewitt William B. W Michael E. Hobbs Gar R Hurst carYc. Jones, 111 John C. Jones William C. Joy Ray 0.Lerer Jim 0. Llewellyn Ste hanie B. Manis ~ o i n Fd. Matson Patrick W. McKee Royce W. Morris James C. Pratt Charles Richards Daryl A. Robinson David A. Runnion George P. Slingler Tom D. Watry Mary Beth West~i~oreland David C. Will William P. Wood Wayne P. Yancey
Staff Assistatzt Attorneys Getleral Juanita P. Baranco Greg W. Blount Gary H. Brakefield Warren R. Calvert Mark H. Cohen Grace E. Evans Michael S. Rosenthal George M. Weaver
Attorneys Virginia H . Jeffries Bryndis K.Jenkins
Legal Assistants Heidi J . Ber mann Beverly A. %rantley Fran J. Clark J . Erwin Gardner Lori Lightman Jane Simon
Library, State Judicial Building. Room 301 Telephone: 404-656-3468 State Librarian Carroll T . Parker
Lieutenant Governor, Office of State Capitol, Room 418 Telephone: 404-056-5030 Lieutenant Governor Zell Miller Adrnir~istrativcAssistant Bill Burson Press SecretagSarah Eby -Ebersole Admitzistrative Aide Marti Pulgree Schedulitzg L4ssisaftzt Mary Beazley
Medical Assistance, Department of 1010 West Peachtree St., N.W. Atlanta 30309 Telephone: 404-80449 1 1 Conzmissiotler Charles K . I'ierce Deputy Cornnzissiotzer Earl E . Hoenes
State Departments
Dircctor, Lhralitv Asszrrance Nell Gamble Dirttctor, Itzvestigations & Cornp1iarlc.e E ~ l i n ~ cJtut hnson Dircctor, I?~~grain2ilanagemcrzt Jiicquelyn F,uster L)irector oj'Adrninistratioii fiubert Jordan Director ()j'Opc~rgtions Red Lamh Ifearing Officer Lloyd Feiler
Merit System of Person~ielAdministration, State New State Office Building, Room 568 Teleplione: 404-656-3705 Cot?zrtlissioncr Charles E. Storm
ranki in Deput Coi?imissiotzer Thomas Assistarlt Deputy Co:rzmissiorzer Bobbie Jean Bennett Division Director, C7ussificatiorl d Coinpensation Jerry Saylor
Division Dircctor.. Scwiccs
Jim Hughes Division Dircctor, Training & Staff Development L. Douglas Wilson Division Director, bmploj~eesIIealtl~Insurance Walt Withers Division Director, E~lnployeeServices Carson Melvin Executive to the State Persorlnel Board Ileese Theus
N27a0tuWralasRlreinsgotuornceSst,.,Dse&ar.tment of
Telephone: 404-656-3500 Commissioner of Natural Resources Joe D. Tanner Deputy Commissioner for ALblic Affairs Pete McDuffie Executive Assistant-Administration Lonice C. Barrett Executive Assistant- Legal James B. Talley fiblic Affairs Coordirzator Ginger Blackstone Director, &rks, Recreation & Historic Sites Division I lenry I).S t ~ u b l e Dircctor, fizvironmetltal Protcction Division J. Leonard L~dbetter Director, Goine and Fish Divisiorl Leon K~rklaud Actitzg IJrectur. Basta1KL:TOcIcIsJIM~ision Robert Mahoou
Offender Rehabilitation, Department of 8 0 0 Peachtrzr St ., N.E., Atlanta 30308 Telephone : 404494-5541 Coil~r~iissiotier David C. Evans
p.Dc utv Cot?inzissio;ler,Atlrrzinistrutiorl
Wi 11a-1.,l1I . Lowe Deputy Cominissioner, C;ciieral Services and S~q+!~ort Winfred Ladd Deputy G~nimissioner,A d u l Facilities atlcl Pfcgrarns Ronald 1.Powell, Ph.D. Deputy Coinmissiotzer,I+~hatio?Sl crviccs Kicfiard E. L,ongfellow. Ph .D. Rlblic Iizforinatzorz Officer Sara Engladc
Pardons & Paroles, State Board of 8 0 0 Peachtree St., N.E. Room 610 Atlanta 30365 Telep!ione : 304-894-53h3 Chair.rrrarr Mobley I Iowell Member Mrs. Maniie B. Reese J ~ I I I CT.SMorriq
State Drpartnients
Floyrl E. Buhbee Michael 11. Wing
Plannin and Budget, Office of ~ r i n i t y-fVanllington Building. bt1i I:loo~ 370 Washington St., S.W. Telephone: 404-656-3830 Director Clark T. Stevens
P39ro5s1ecSuntianpgfiAntgtco~rIn'ke~yv'svC. okucnactiluorf3G0e0o3r5gia
Telepl~one4: 04-2XC)-6378 Dtrector Tony 11. IIight
. Public Safet Department of
959 E. C a n & l e r a t e Ave., S.1.. (P.O. Box 1456). Atlanta, 3037 1 Telephone: 404-656-6063 Cotnmissioner,State I'utrol Col. I Iugh Hardison North Divisiur~ Maj. K.D. Kearden Sou tit Division Maj. C.11. Bentley
Public Service Cornmission. Office of 244 Washington St.. Room I63 Telephone: 404-6564501 Clzairnzarl Ford B. Spinks Vice Gzairtnan Mac Barbel Cortlnzissiotzer James B. (Jim) llamrnock Conzmissiotrer William E. (Billy) Lovett, Jr. Gmmissioner Robert C. (Bobby) Pafford Commic;sionerEmeritus Matt L. McWhorter Execufive Secretaiy H u d ~S. Jordan Director, Utilities Engineering James J. Crudup Director, Utilities B. B. Knowles Director, Motor OIm-er Certification & Enforcement L. Thomas Doyal Director, TransportationRates & Services Horace F. Hartley
Re ents Board of 244 ~ d h i n g t o nSt., S.W., Room 468 Telephone: 404-656-2200 Chairman Marie W. Dodd Vice Chairman 0. Torbitt lvey &ncellor Vernon Crawford Vice Ozatlcellor H. Dean Propst Executive Secretarv Henry G. Neal Vice Chatzcellor, Fiscal Affairs and Treasurer Sliealy E. McCoy Vice Charzcellor, Facilities Frank C . Dunham Vice Chancellor, Services Howard Jordan, Jr . Vice Chancellor, Health Affairs Harry B. O'Rear Vice Chancellor, Plantzirzg and Research I-laskin R. Pounds Vice Chancellor,Academic Development H . Dean I'ropst Vice Chancellor, Communicatiorzs Robert M. Joiner Vice Chancellor,Student Services Thomas F. McDonald Assistant Vice Chancellor, Computing Systems James L. Carmon Assistant Vice G~ancellorF, iscal Affairs, Accouiztirm Svsterns & Procedures Gordon M:'FUII~
State Departments
Assistunt rice Cllancellor, A<.atlet?iicDevelo~ttlazt h4arY .4nn litckmdn Assistarrt Vicc O~atzcellorF, iscal Affairs, Budgets Kogcr Mossl~art ilssistant Vice Chancellor,Fiscal Affairs Jacob Ii. Wamsley Assistant Executive Secrctag' Joe B. Lawley Assistarzt to the E.xecutive Scct etary Betscy E. Neely Assistant Vice Ctlat~ccllorI,'lanttirzg Wanda K . Cllrek Assistant Vice C71atrcellor,Platztzing Charles R. Sandel s
Revenue, State Department of 270 Washington St., S.W., Room 410 Telepilone: 404-6.564015 Cotnmissio~zt~r W . E. Strickland Depu f?' Revenue Commissioner T. Jerry Jackson Adndnistrative Deput?, Ii. Kandall Jones Executive Assistant Robert J . Leililian, Jr. Legal Cotlftree Jerry \+'ynn Director, Central Audit Division Be11 McLaugldin Director. Field Services Divisiotz Jolui S. ~nlittl Assistant Director,Alcohol & Tobacco Tax Unit Edwiri R. Vaughn Assistant Director. Field Serviccs Uirit Fred White Director, Internal Administration Division Robert L. Wilkes Director, Income Tux Divisiorr John G. Carter Director, Motor Vehicle Division Neal Det tmering Director, hiotor Fuel Tax Division Curtis B. Modling Personnel Administrator
DirectoKre,l& operry Tax &Intangible: Tax Division Hart Pearson Director, Sales & 2se Tau Division Chandler liewell
Secretary of State, Office of State Capitol, Room 214 Telephone : 404-656-2881 Secretary of Sta:e David B. Poythress Internul Adtninistratiorz (2.0.Childers, Director Archives and Records Carroll Hart, Director Corporations Bob Hooks, 1)irectur Occupational Ccrtijications Michael R. Fowler, Joint Secretary Securities k1. Wayne Howell, Director Elections and Gnzpaigrl Llisclosure Frances Duncan Director Admirristrative h c e d u r e s Act Division Frank Skrine, hrecior Conzmissions Division Cicero Lucas, Director Museum Charlie Fleming, Director Notary Public Sandra McCdlum, Director Special Services Donna Cook, Wrector Trademrks/Service of Process Sarah Baker, Director
Student Finance Commission 9 LaVista Perimeter Park, Suite 110 2 187 Northlake Parkway, Tucker 30084 Telephone: 404-393-7108
State Departments
Executive Director Donald E . Payton Deputy Director Eugene W. Owen Director, Administrative Services Ralph D. Roberts Director, Cornputer Services Ronald P. Lauver Director, Guaranteed ILoaizs William Ii. Simmons Director, State Loans and Grants Robert G. McCants Public Inforination Specialist Lee Sanford
Sureme Couc of Geor ia, Office of Ju ~ c ~Baullldmg, 5U1 d o o r Telephone: 404-656-3470 Chief Justice Robert ti. Jordan Law Assistants J. Lee Perry John C. Withers
Besiding Justice Harold N . m 1 , Jr. Law Assistants Ann S. Emanuel J . Steven Garthe Sherie Welch
Justice Thomas 0. Marshall Law Assistants Charles N . Hooper Simon Weinstein
Justice Charles L. Weltner Law Assistants Aleen Rothschild Quintus W. Sibley
Justice Harold G. Clarke Law Assistants Ar~sleyB. Barton Carolyn C. Hall
Justice George T. Smith Law Assistants Larry H. Chesin Curtis M. French
Justice Hardy Gregory, Jr. Law Assistants Antoinette Johnson Bill Harvard
Clerk Joline Bateman Williams Deputy Clerk Hazel E. IIallford Reporter Guy M. Massey Assistant Reporter W. Scott Henwood
Teacher's Retirement System of Georgia Two Northside 75, Suite 400 Atlanta, 30381 Telephone: 404456-2954
Executive Secretary - Tkeasurer
Gerald S. Gilbert Deputy Executive Secretary - Treasurer Philip Ro ers ~ o m p t r o i e r& Manager, Accounting Division Joel Hubbard Manager, Retirements & Refinds Division Dianne J. Patron Manager, Cbunseling & Information Division Philip L. Hildreth Manager, Computer Systems and Membership Division Robert J. Hasser
State Departments
Director, Itzvestnzent Services Division Graham R. Lynch
Transportation, Department of 2 Capitol Square Telephone: 404-656-5206 Commissiotzer & State Highway Engineer Thomas D. Moreland Deputy Cotnrtzissioncrand Assistant State Hwy. Engineer Hal Rivers Secretary & Treasurer Dan Kelly
Veterans Service, State Department of 246 S camore St., Decatur, 30030 ~ e l e ~ k:n40e4-656-2300 Commksioner Pete Wheeler Assistant Director Bruce Dig s Assistant hrecfor,Administration
d Henry G. Cha man
Supervisor, ims Division Robert C. Morris Supervisor, Educatiotl Division James J. Do le Supervisor, &?omrotioDn ivision Preston Charles
Workers' Compensation, State Board of 1800 Peachtree St. N.W., Suite 4 0 0 Atlanta 30309 Telepllone : 404894-3082 Chairman Herbert T. Greenholtz, Jr. Director Don L. Knowles Director James W. Paris Secretaty - Treasurer James C. Pullin Executive Assistarzt John A. Smith, Jr. Chief Administrative Law Judge Charles C . Hooker Director of Admitzistration Burton M. Wamble Director of Rehabilitation Lyncla Snyder Director of Compliance Herman F. Waits Administrative IAW Judges Richard Rice, Savannah Gordon Zeese, Albany Steve K. Fain, Dalton Harold lrvin, Atlanta M. Sallie Jocoy, Macon Barbara LeBey, Atlanta Clarence Lorentzson, Atlanta Effie A. Mahan, Atlanta John A. Sligh. Jr., Atlanta Joseph Starqel. Gainesville David C. Stripling, Atlanta Alex Williams. Columbus Julian B. Willingham, Augusta
AU addresses at County Courthouse un-
less otherwise shown.
Tax Receivers and Tax CoUectors; Treasurers
Baker Receiver
Mrs. Adolph (Agnes)Parker . . . 912-734-4118
Mary AnnhlherGray. . . . . . 912-734-5283
Receiver Marilyn Greene
Gdktor 0. Cecil Ethridge
Lucy Lamar
404-743-5 166
Jeannie Htts Ficher . . . . . . . 409-743-8422
W.T. (Bill)
Gercd Chwford. . . . . . . . . . 912449-5005
Receiver J.D. Stephens
m~ctor Ervin Johnson.
wilcox Receiver
Raymond H F'eavy . . . . . . . . 912467-2010
Bobby H. Gibbs, Jr.. . . . . . . . 912467-2025
Beker %. (lecil(Janie) W
9 12-734-5679
Agnes Hatcher. . . . . . . . . . . 912-7456871
Bryan Jetta E. Foxworth
Billy Sutton . . . . . . . . . . . . 404-775-7277
Joe Fordham . . . . . . . . . . . 404-598-3372
George A. Kimball . . . . . . . . 404-646-3045
Henry Jason Patrick
Jasper Billy IIughes
Miss Jewel L h n b . . . . . . . . 912425-3332
Thornas Page Tharp,Sr. . . . . . 912-759-6875
Iincoln Vincent Hogan . . . . . . . . . . 404-359-3241
Qlut man
Bill Bennett . . . . . . . . . . . . 912-3344109
EW.YC~M. Lee . . . . . . . . . . 912-524-5277
Treasurers; County School Superintendents and County Boards of Education
Tom Flanagan . . . . . . . . . . . 404-8963633
Bill J. Dyer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 404-745-2654
Ur.C (Bill) Coggin. . . . . . . . . 912-283-3843
George C. Garrett. . . . . . . . . 404465-3930
P w R K e ~ e d y. . . . . . . . 912-8284760
Wheeler W.B. Jackson
County Mailing Address Telephone Names
Applins Baxley, 31513
912-367-3646 Superintendent : Board Members:
Herbert Vugd Carter John A Graham
Robert E. (Bobby) Mathews David M Sellers Ralph Waters
C.E. (Gene) Westbemy
Atkinson Pearson, 3 1642
Superintendent: Board Members:
Edwin F. Davis Burnell Gaskins George F. McOanie, 111 h.Ann Powell Sidney N. Strickland
M p h Tanner
610 N. Pierce St., Alma31510
9 12632-7363
Superintendent :
Mison D. Murphy
Board Members:
Jack Carter
Alex B. Gree~lway
Men T. J~hnson
Mrs. Troy (Syble) Lee
George J. W m
P.O. Box 40, Newton 3 1770
9 12-734-5346
Superintendent :
Grady Etheredge
Board Members:
Jimmy Barnett
Ivory Joe Benton
I k e l S. Bush
Nelson Judgins
Grace H. Miller
P.O. Box 1188. MiUed-geville 31061
912452-3516 '
Superintendent :
Dr. Will~amD. Gardner
Board Members :
James R Davis
Mary T. Dennis
James (J.C.) Hogan
James E. Lee
Thomas (Tommy) Noles
Banks Box 1657 homer 30547 404677-2224 Superintendent:
Board Members:
Bobby Ixwallen
Tom Banks Ralph Dalton James E. Hope
Terrell Simmons
J.L White
Barrow 109 Church St., Wmder 30680
404-8674527 Superintendent: Board Members:
Don Hght W.A Bramlett
County School Superintendents, County Boards of Education
Beth Caldwcll R H "Bob" Dixon Dr. James If. Farmer
H Jarrell "Red" Parks
James Riddly Panish Wfie Perkins, Jr. Walter E. Pope Wayne Ridgeway
P.O. Box 569, Cartersville 301 20
Doug Harris
Board Members:
Lamar Burton
King Cnamblee
Dewey A Hembree
Ceorge 0. Hendricks, Sr.
Eugene Taylor
Courthouse, Fitzgerald 3 1750
91 2423-3320
Superintendent :
Louis Eugene Harper
Board Members:
E.W. Mann, I11
J.B. Marlow
Royce Williams
A k Wn-
J.E. Young
P.O. Box 625, Nashville 31639
91 2686-208 1
Howard Lane Smith
Board Members-
Leroy "Sonny" Mathis
Rossie McMillan
Donald Powell
Howard E. Ray
Alvin H Riner
George W. Rowan,Jr.
Dr. Grady W m
Board of Public Education and Ckphanage for
Bibb County
Box 6157, Macon 31213
912-742-871 1
Superintendent :
Dr. 'lhornas E. W e r
Board Members:
Ed a f o r e
W h S. "Bill"Ehtching
George Isreal
W W A Lane
RJ. Martin
Ken Wester
Lillian T. Rice
Edd Wheeler
Melvyn Williams
T. Louie (Wlbber) Wood
Bleckley Cochran 31014 91 2-934-2821
Superintendent: Board Members:
Freddy Wmberly Mm. Sonja Curtis
Emory W. Porter, Jr. Wayne D. Rogen Devoe Smith, Jr. Freddie White
Courthouse Square, Nahunta 31553
Superintendent: James S. "Jimmy" Thomton
Board Members:
Kenneth E. Davis
John I. Lee
Claude "Joe" Sean
J.D. "Ted" Strickland
P.0. Box 51 1, Qutrnan 3 1643
Superintendent :
J.H Wells
Board Members:
Harold H Barrett
Joseph E. Cox
Paul Graham
Jack E. b l l , Sr.
ELR Lawson
Wis L Pickels
Wayne Thompson
County School Superintendents. County Boards of Education
Bryan P.O. Box 768, Pembroke 31321
Superintendent :
June 0. Baylor
Board Membem
Emogene B. Bacon Ellen S. Cannon
Louis Cowart
HughlynnPage Shelly Shuman
P.O. Box 877. Statesboro 30458
Edwin L (Ed) Wynn
Ebard Members:
Donald Wayne Akim
'Ihornas D. Anderson
Charles Brown
Hanison S. Carter
Henry J. (Jack) Proctor
Frank C. Rozier
Wfie Albert W.A) Smith
P.O. Box 596, Waynesboro 30830
404-5545 101
Superintendent :
James D. Smith
Board Members:
John M. EUis
Johnny Jenkins
Q.U. Iively
Anne W. Peny
Luther Robinson
181 N. hlulbeny, Jackson 30233
Superintendent :
Loy Hutchcson
Board Members:
Mrs. Juanita Biles
Joseph Davis
Freddie Dodson
Dr. Tom D. O'Dell
Max I. Perdue
Courthouse Square, Morgan 3 1766
9 12-849-2765
L Mitchell Conner
Board Menlbers:
James A. Arnold
Wdlie D. Beard
Chuck Cowart
Jim (Bubber) Sheppard
Wdha James Taylor
Bruce E. Ward
Richard H. West
520 N. Lee St., Kingadand 31548
David L Rainer
Board Members:
Gerald Cmrnmey
Tiden Norris
Leroy Reed
Patty C. Ross
Lawrence Stanfield
P.O. Box 536, Metter 30439
Jimmy Wilcox
Board Members:
Joe D. DeLoach
Homer Lewis Lanier
Reigh Lanier
Vaughan Lanier
Robert L Trapnell
402 Newnan St., Carrollton 3U117
Superintendent :
Travis B. Edmondson
Board Members:
Paul Cmper
J.M. Gammon
Lewis Shenil1
W.L Steadham
Box 130, m o l d 30736
404-935-2297 Superintendent : Board Members:
Charles Lindsey Jane Baxter
County School Supreintendents, County Boards of Education
John T. Butler Thomas C. Cash B i y Joe McDaniel
Garland Nance
500 S. Third St., Folkston 31537
9 12-4962596
Robert Sumner
Board Members:
Glynn Brooks
Joe Lester Chesser
Jerry Lott
Donald E. Renshaw
W. L "Bill" Waltm
Board of Public Education for the City of Sa-
vannah and County of Qlatham
208 Bull St., Savannah 31401
9 12-234254 1
Superintendent :
Dr.Sylvester Rains
Board Members:
Saxon P. Bargeron
Ruth D. Egede-Nissen
Martha B. Fay
Esther F. Garrison
Donald B. Lowe
Isaiah Mclver
Betty L McLendon
Robert H Moreland, Jr.
Tom Sears
P.O. Box 188, (3usseta 3 1805
Fred Alford
Board Members:
George W. Baker
Junior Burgamy
HE. Hobbs
l k m l l L Khodes
Janet F. Simmons
Chat t ooga
P.O. Box 30, S u r n m d e 30747
John W. (Bill) Kmg
Board Members:
Joel E. Cook, Sr.
Ray kku
Joyce Parker Johnson
Leroy Massey
William D. Mitchell
P.O. Box 769, Canton 301 14
Mike Johnston
Board Members:
Bill Abernathy
J.L. Dobson
Marvin A Satterfield
Max Stand
Howell Stewart
Glenn Tippens
Jeny Wilkie
P.O. Box 1708, Athens 30603
Superintendent :
Howard Stroud
Board Members: Mrs. Jarncs C (Charlotte) Brown
W. Frank Eberhart
Donarell Green, I11
Robert A Isaac
Carlene Kdpatrick
Dr. C.B. Lord
Evelyn Corene Neely
Dr. Cmrge O'Kelley
Vernon Payne
R h e s t Taylor
James C. Warnes
'Jay Fort Chines 31751 9 12-768-2232 Superintendent: Board Members:
Jerry White RW. Benefield Chester Cuny
Phi Redding Dr. Allxrt Stone Inywes Thornton
County School Superintendents. County Boards of Education
120 Smith St., Jonesboro 30236
404478999 1
Ernest L Stroud
Board Members:
Eddie Ashmore
w. Andrea Shehutt Callaway Onis Cowan
Lawence H. Wiley
Margaret B. Haynie
CE. Holcomb
E. h d y Krebs
Dr. Abner G. Moore
Lowell W. Northcutt
Mary Patterson
Ralph Weatherford
101 College St., Homerville 3 1634
H Joe Brooks
Board Members:
John Cooper
Bill Forbes
Johnny Criffis
Charles Clruver
P.O. Box 1088, Marietta 30061
Dr. Thomas S. Toco
Board Member:
Bill Bates
Qrolyn L Duncan
Duff Greene
G. Paul Moore
Harold Posey
Bob Shaw
Sam Whitfield
, Coffee
Box 959. Do- 3 1533
9 12-3842086-
Jack K. W~
Board Members:
Stacey A h
Rev. James Anthony
Elise H. Leverette
Stan Rcckett
Richard Worrell
1220 S. Main St., Moultrie 3 1768
Tom W. Wommack
Ecard Members:
D.W. Adcock
Lloyd Clark
Charlie J. Faison, Sr.
Maxwell G. Hancock
Jack N. Lanier
P.O. Box 10, Appling 30802
Superintendent :
Donald D. ?hornhill
Board Members:
Guy Fleming, Jr.
Douglas M.Luke
William T. Perm
Cuey J. Tankenley
1109 N. F'anish, Adel 31620
9 12-8962294
Superintendent :
Edward C. Leichner
Board Members:
W. Benny Ensley
Eugene Gibbs
Ralph J. Griffw
Edna L Jones
Bobby Lindsey
55 Savannah St., Newnan 30263
Superintendent :
Robert Lee
Board Members:
lirle R Bowers
Wdie L Boyd
Joe S. 0 a . n
Wm, Ronald lhffey
Paul R McKrught, Jr.
County School Superintendents, County Boards of Education
Gene Prince C. Bradford Sears, Jr.
322 Manor St., Roberta 3 1078
Superintendent: Elizabeth'S'Lkty Scarborcugh
Board Members:
W. Jack Causey
R L (Bobby) Cochran
Albert Colbert
a m l i e Frank Hanis
Linda Walton
Crisp Cordele 31015 912-273-161 1
Superintendent: Board Members:
Kay Mley Arthur Ben Morris Smythe Ann Mlrphy
am T~OUP
Don Veal
Sandra Hyde Windham Emmett Walker. Jr.
P.O. Box 188, Trenton 30752
Superintendent :
b y d C. Gass
Board Members:
Rex Blevins
Mrs. Evelyn Bowden
Donald Ellis
William E. (Fildy) Gifford
Bill Wallin
CLlurth0u~eD. dVf~llVdle30534
404-265-3 246
Randall Townley
Board hlemkr:
Ckd Bennett
Vera Carter
Bill Cllester
Ceorge David
Roger Slaton
100West St., k l b r i d g e 31717
91 2-246-5898
Charles R Bess
Board Melnkrs:
Bobby L. Brock
James E. Griffm
Joseph J. Guyton, Jr.
Bryon L. Johnson
Edward T. Mitchell
Ralph Snlith, Jr.
George Washington,Sr.
3770 N. I>ecatur Road, Decatur 30032
Dr. Robert R Freeman
b a r d Mernbers:
Elizabeth Andrew
Joyce Hairston
Kay Jackson
Frank Jernigan
Uabrori Ann Powell
John W. Truelove
FL Paul Womack, Jr.
Dodge Eastr~~a3n1022 91 3-3743783 Superintendent:
Board Members:
Dahl McDermitt
Jirnmy Andrew Jeny W. (Sec.)Fordhiun
C A (Quarter) Graham Danny Edward Hardy Talmadge F. (Zack) I-lilliard
RS. Kelly Talmadge Sheffield
Courthouse, Vienna 3 1092
9 12-268-4761
Superintendent :
Warren Alexander
Board Members:
Robert (Buddy) Akins
B. Lewis Brinson,Jr.
W. Harry Hamrick
Roscoe C. Keaton
Karen Mason
County School Superintendents. County Boards of Education
Doughert y
Courthouse, Albany 3 1703
91 2-888-5800
I$d B. Robertson
P.O. Box 1077, Douglasville 30133
404-942-54 11
Kathryn Shehane
Board Members:
Stan IIeCastro
John C. James
David R Peters, Sr.
lhelma J. Turley
Jack k Tysor
CoGhouse, Blakely 3 1723 9 12-7234337 superintendent : Board Members:
Ray Knight John A Brown
Jack Clifton
Bishop I hmter W.E. McDowell
Waymon Thomas
P.O. Box 207, Statenville 3 1648
Jackie L Chter
Board Members:
Dan Corbett
llthridge Fielding
Chandler Register
Juhane Reid
Jinmly E. Wdgett
Eff i
A h St., Springfield 3 1329
9 12-754-649 1
J. Mchael Moore
Board Mernbers:
Preston G. Exley
Arthur (Bubba) Hartelson
Charlie J. Heidt
W.E. (Billy) Royal
Jean Smith
50 Laurel Dr., Elberton 30635
404-283- 1904
Roy C. Hartley
b a r d hlembers: John N. (Pete) Anderson
Tom E v m
Casey D. Freeman, Sr.
Don liaryer
Bailey Webb
P.O. Box 98, Swainsboro 30401
91 2-237-6674
Novis Kenneth Fields
Board Members:
DoIan E. Brown
James Billy Edenfield
Martha C. Grinder
Bonnie F. Ogburn
W.G. Stephens
John Williani Turner
Coy E. Younms
Evans Uaxton 30417 912-739-3544 Superintendent: Board Members:
Lewis f t Griner
George Grant Arche Hendrix (krald Strickland
Linda S. Tippens C.B. Waters
I'.O. Box 606, Blue Ridge 305 13
404-623-377 1
Superintcndcnt :
Bob S a y
Board Memtxrs:
1-orrest Ambum
L ~ n y(l~arlesIhvenport
Bill R. h n n
Steve Patterson
hl~cllaclQ ~ c e n
Fayette 210 Stonewall Avc., I:aqcttc\-illL1~0311
County School Superintendents County Boards of Education
404461-8171 Superintendent: Board Members:
Hugh G. (Jerry) Stinchcomb
JamesD.(ke Norman P. Gray
Fred M. Green Suzanne Lee Johnson
Ted hlallory
1307 Redmond Cir..Rome 30161
Nevin Jones
Board Members:
R L (Bob)Angel
Sandra Lloyd Harper
RA. (Pete) O'Dillon
John T. Selman
Jack Waldrep
101 School St., Qunmiry 30130
B.M. "Bud" Arnrler
Board Members:
b y W t o n Day
E. Harold Caover
Edsel (Xr
Ron Wood
Arthur D. Wright
P.O. Box 98, Camesville 30521
404-3844556 Superintendent:
Ed Bryant
Board Members:
Roger Farrow Havard Hart
I6lgh W h y James Rice
Diane H. Toney
786 Cleveland Ave., Atlanta 303 15
Superintendent :
John W. Ghindle
Board Members:
Otis M Jackson
Edward E. Lewis
James W. McCord
Mrs. Delores G. Mcmee
Jessie &bum
P.O.Box 545, Ellijay 30540
Qlvin L Jackson
Board Memtxrs:
Jim Bowling
Herbert Bumette
MIS. Victor Bvis
Charles Fowier
Bud Holloway
P.O.Box 205, Gibson 30810 404-598-229 I
Superintendent: Board Melntxrx
Etta G. Wficher Men Gilmer
W W T. Gray Cheryl Hawkins
l3ubert Pulliam Levy Swint
P.O.Box 1677.B m w i c k 31521
9 12-265-6590
Kermit Keenum
Board Members:
Jean K. Grace
Miriam Anne Graham
Fwsell Jacobs
Mildred J. Kicklighter
Franklin B. McKenzie
P.O.Box 127,C'lhoun 30701
Superintendad :
Kalph Bennett, Jr.
bard Memkn:
knogene Blackstock
Roy Brart~blett
Jerry h e y
John Early
Carl F. Freeman
County School Superintendents, County Boards of Education
William D. S n e r Gary White
P.O. Box 300,Cairo 31728 912-377-3701 Superintendent: Board Members:
Dx ELliott
Max CMds Fred B. Collins Joe T. Henkg Wallace Sholar
Tommy Wells
203 Main St., Greensboro 30642
Ford Boston
Board Members:
F. Sibley Bryan, Jr.
Bill Callaway
R M "Mickey" Chamell
Don Lacoff
Eugene Scott
52 Gwinnett Dr., Lawrenceville 30245
Superintendent :
Alton C. (3rews
Board Members:
Ellis F. Britt
Cecil Gover
Eve P. Hoffman
Louise Radloff
Dave Richardson
P.O. BOX 467, aarkemdle 30523
404-75421 18
Superintendent :
Lonnie &ns
Board Members:
C3arles English
Fred Columbus Holbrooks
James Holcomb
h h . Martha Sikes
Burnes E. Sirrs
300 Green St., Gainemdle 30501
Superintendent :
Board Members:
Jerry D. Carpenter
Glenn L Dorsey
Clinton Ford Howard
Frank J. Knght
Bill Waters
P.O. Box 488,Sparta 31087
Superintendent :
Marvin E. Lewis
Board hkmbers: Emma Kendrick Clayton
Jimmy Dixon
RE. Edwards
James Hunt, Jr.
Robert T. Ingram
P.O. Box 508,k h a n a n 30113
Superintendent :
Dave Hardin
Board Members:
Thomas Anthony Ellis
Donald Hamil
Robert F. (Bud) Jones
M e 1 Broughton Rowell
Mrs. Saidie Simpson
Harris Hamilton31811
4046284206 Superintendent : Board Members:
Betty W. Whisnant James V. Edgar
Mrs. Julian T. Jones
kc. Knowles
Lon D. Marlowe
Tommy W m
P.O. Box 696,Hartwell 30643
Vernon Edwards
County School Superintendents, County Boards of Education
Board Members:
Mike Floyd
Dr.Sam C. Chizzle
I61ghDmey Kw!
Linder Mchhllan
Mrs. Hubert (Elizabeth)k k e r y
Courthouse, Franklin 30217
H R Dowdy
Board Members:
Dock H Davis
Robert N. Lane
Thomas Iipford
Aaron McWhorter
LL Rogers
396 Tomlinson St., &Donough 30253
Ted Strickland
Board hlembers:
Robert E. Brannan, Jr.
Jimmy Carter
Anna L Kelly
Rod H Oglesby, Jr.
Joseph F. Smith
121 1 Washugton St., Perry 30169
Superintendent :
Matthew Arthur
Board Members:
J.R Arnall
Billy P. Edeniield
William H George
Glenn Heck
R Wayne Lowe
Ben Lowery
LA McConnell, Sr.
210 Apple St.. Ocilla 31774
Rudene Gentry
Board Members:
W.D. Dinsdale
Donny Lewis
Mrs. Monteen (Franklin) Martin
Alphonso Owens
M e V. Walters
Waslungton St., Jefferson 30549
Board Members:
Ted Cook
Robert Farmer
Otis Hiland
Arthur Pam,Jr.
W.H Sell
Jasper 126 Courthouse, Monticello 3 1064
H~berPt aschal
Board hlembers:
Robert Carter
Jake Gude
W. F'hii Jordan
Larry P. Lynch
Ted Sauls
Jeff h v i s
Pine Forest Ave., Hazlehurst 3 1539
9 12-3754286
Roy Simmons
Board hlembers:
Robert Altrnan
Claude P. Cook
Earl Cothran
I61gh Floyd Jack C. Floyd
Elton Harrell
Maxwell 0. wilcox
P.O.Box 449, Louisville 30434
91 2-625-7626
Superintendent :
Ollie W. Carter
Board Members:
James C. Abbot
Nathaniel Boatnght
Johnny Ghant
Jack Ciadin
County School Superintendents, County Boards of Education
John C Kilgore, Jr. Paul Ledger
Wallace H Pil&
P.0.Box 660 Millen 30442
9 129824303
G.W. Pope, 111
Board Members:
Elbert Burke
Emory Gay, Jr.
Brenda Hocd
Menfll Johnson, Jr.
Watson W. Rocker
P.O. BOX 110, Wxightsdle 31096
Nick Holton
Board Members:
Ronnie Bray
Jim Hankon
Veal Moorman
Wesley Stephens
J.M Wornmack
Courthouse, Ciay 3 1032
9 12-986-6580
R Linton Jordan
Board Members: James Alvin Andrews, Sr.
William k Black
Joe C Gaeene
Larry J. Haskins
James T. (Ted) Stone
204 Gordon Rd., B a r n d e 30204
404-3581 159
Jerry E. Singleton, Sr.
Board Members:
Dar Bohnenstiehl
James L Gilbert
Horace Hightower
John L Waltem
Lewis H Webb
P.O. Box 158, Lakeland 31635
Superintendent :
Mrs. Margaret Swindle
Board Members:
Smitty Allen J.C. Felts
Larry Lee Jeny Smith
George L west
2128 Court Square Sta., h b l i n 31021
9 12-2729767
Superintendent: Board Members:
William P. (Billy) Johnson WAUigood Tony Johnson Roger Lord
WLowery Wm J. (Jimmy) Stinson
Governmental Bldg, Leesburg 3 1763
Robert A Clay
Board Members:
Otis Hawove
John Paul Jones
Robert E. hliller
Ralph M. Moore
Bobby F. W h n
P.O. Box 70. H i n d e 31313
9 12-876-2161
Edgar M. Edwards
Board Members:
aarence M Brown
George Groover
HO. Haymans
Barney H Rocker
Freddie Walthour
P.O. Box 39, Lincolnton 30817
404-359-3 742
Randall Edmunds
County School Superintendents, County Boards of Education
Board Members:
(harles McGill Begs Wayne J. Hawes Lamar Leroy
Fred A McWhorter Charles E. Ware
Low Ludowici 31316 9 12-545-2367 Superintendent: Board Members:
William T. "Bill" Owen
George S. Brown Birdie Lee Nunally
Gary P. Swindell
Blakely Thomton
Sandra D. Watford
P.O. Box 1227, Valdosta 3 1601
9 12-242-8760
Board Members:
RA Acree, MD.
Dr. David Branch
Pat Davis
George L Moulton
L M Tomlinson
Courthouse W, Dahlonega 30533
404-86436 11
Bobby A h
Board Members:
CBcil Anendale
Phil Folger
J.L. Fortner
Claude Gilstrap
Emory Stephens
Cglethorpe 3 1068 912472-8188 Superintendent: Board Members:
Jack L Fokes, Sr. Ambrose M Felton Maynard L. Melton
Charles E. Neisler Don Taylor Oliver Reston C. Willians, Jr.
Royston Rd., Hwy. 19, DanielsviUe 30633
404-795-2 19 1
Jim Perkins
Board Members:
Keith G. Epps
John Potts
Wdard Smith
George Strickland
Walter T. Walls
Marion Buena Vita 31803 9 12-649-2234 Superintendent:
Board Members:
LK Moss J. Monroe Giier
Ernest Hart Bob Jemigan Sam T. Rigdon James Rush
P.O. Box 957, ?hornson 30824
J.A. Maxwell
Board Members:
J.D. (Jack) Baston, Jr.
Joseph D. Gmne
W.L (Bill) Howard
Andrew H (Andy) Knox
Patricia M Lemley
Donald E. McCorkle
Thomas (Tom) J. Neal, Sr.
&Into& M e n 31305 9124374645 Superintendent: Board Members:
Wadyce F. Jenkins Ronald P. Dixon
Frances Middleton
Louise Mitchell Rashed
Sandra Robertson Betty J. Young
County School Superintendents, County Boards of Education
N. Court Square, Gseenville 30222
Qd R Stekelenburg
Board Members:
J e n y F. Hicks
John Holliday
Brent Kersey
'Ihomas E "Tom" Lovett
Juanita M.w h y
Courthouse Square,Colquitt 3 1737
James H Moore
Board Members:
Charles Baown
D. Lavon Hall
Jeny G. Mitchell
Wlck Tabb
Betrice Widner
P.O. Box 273, Qmilla 3 1730
( h i e s Stripling
Board Members:
Nebraska Bostick
E.F. "Ferg" Cowen
&istine Harden
mlty Rigsby L Earl Taylor
Mm. Eulalia M. Thomas
310 Montpelier Ave., Forsyth 31029
9 12-994-203 1
Charles E. IXunas
Board Members:
W. Dohn Bonner
James P. Evans, Jr.
Phillip Benson Ham
James Floyd Hunnicutt
Dave Ftnnamon, Jr.
Jarnes S. Watkins, Jr.
Gayle G. Watson
Mtgomay Broad/WashingtonSt., Mt. Vernon 30445
Jim Paul Poole
Board Memben:
William Braddy
Jim P. (lifton
avn i Halt
L A Holland
Milbern &Rae
Alton Warnock
Morgan Route 2, Box 5E, Madison 30650
'Ihomas Riden
Board Members:
chtis Bell
Wilson Broach
James E. M e r
Taylor Holloman, Jr.
Eugene R w k
Ronnie Stapp
Mm. Georgeana W. Tamplin
Y -
P.O. Box 68, Chatsworth 30705
404-695-453 1
Doug Griffen
Board Members:
Mary Dill
Michael ELrod
Arnold Gray
k k y Holcomb
WilliamL (Bill)Ross
Gus Thomas
1200 Bradley Drive, Columbus 3 1994
404-324-566 1
Dr. Braxton A Nail
3187 Newton Dr., N.E., Covington 30209
Richard Schneider
County School Superintendents, County Boards of Education
Board Members:
John W. Wlrson
Sam B. Hay, Jr. Garland IGllman Mrs. Venon H "Fran" Ison Leonard Standard
Courthouse, Watkinsville 30677
404-7695 130
Superintendent :
Sammy H Sanders
Board Members:
Brenda S. b t t
J.C Childers
Ben McLeroy
Jerry L Studdard
Harry Thomas
P.O. Box 190, Lexington 30648
404-743-8 128
Superintendent :
'Ikomas Y. Harris
Board Members:
Jane Bowen
James A. Faust
Kelly Gaaham
Jimmy Hayes
Lee Thaxton
522 Hardee St., Dallas 30132
404445-205 1
Jean b t o n Silbaugh
Board Members:
Amos Eugene Benson
Ned Cooper Gene Graham
Kate b a t o n
Ollie L Locklea.
Lany C. -dale
Henry Spinks
Knoxville St., Ft. Valley 3 1030
91 2-825-5933
Superintendent :
Ernest R Anderson
Board Members:
Billy Dick
Robert E. Dunbar, 111
Charies Evans, Jr.
AB. Johnson
Grover L Nelson
hlrs. Louise D. Powell
Charles V i n
Kckens 21 1 N. Main, Jasper 30143 404-692-2532
Superintendent: Board Members:
Glenn Anderson
Jerry Andrew Wendell Qgle
Tony w a n Emogene Darndl
Larry Holden
Courthouse Annex, Blackshear 31516
Edward h w d y
Board Members:
Jawb hvis
Walter Dixon
Coleman Nanison
Edward Hyers
H Vann Steedley
Jackson St., Zebulon, 30295
Dr. James D. 'hrpin
Board Members:
J. Ronald Adam
Steve Ballard
Lany Lynch Jack W. Pilkenton
Alton Turner
P.O. Box 128, Cedartown 30125
404-74&382 1
Superintendent: Robert Thomas Guillebeau
Board Members:
Bruce B. Albea
Doughs V. Bentley
Katherine H Haavie
H Olin Hackney
County School Superintendents. County Boards of Education
Bettie Fay Lewis Henry (HD.) Lindsey MA (Ardie) Robinson HP. (Scooter) Stephens
Jimmy C Strange
UcCormick Ave., HawkinsviUe 3 1036
Jim M Love
Board Memben:
George P. Anderson
Mrs. Mary Ann Black
Rudolph Brown
Teny Cannon
John W. Wwson
J.C Hadden, Sr.
Joe Shelton
P.O. Box 31, Eatonton 31024
Van Layson
Board Members:
Frank Jesse Qmes
Winford Little
Jeff k Maddox, Jr.
Anthony B. Ray
Andrew J. Sadler, Sr.
Georgetown 31754 912-3344 189 Superintendent: Board Members:
James J. Gary, Jr.
Wfie J. Anderson Stanford Bennett Willie H. Wlssey
Lloyd T. Lewis MIS. Linda S. Nolan
Rabun Mt. CTty School Bldg., Clayton 30525
James T. Burden
Board Members:
Lloyd H James
Harley E Keener
Lewis F. Reeves, Jr.
BiUy F. Veal
A. Barry Wood
309 N. Webster St., Cuthbert 31740
Superintendent: James E. (Jim) Holloway
Board Members:
Columbus Larry Brown
T.J. Brown
Mrs. Betty Jean h h t i n
Jimmy Gilbert
Wilson Porter
2083 Heckle St., Augusta 30910
4047736-845 1
William G. Oellerich
Board Members:
MIS. B.J. Annis
Herb Beckham
Frank 0. Byrd, Sr. William Jesse ChTOll, Sr.
John J. chu;l
SFC m e s Elliott (RET.)
W. Henry Grant
k K Hasan
Vester H Hayes
h h m y E. Nunnery
Jack Padgett, Jr.
Ida Lee Powell
m e y Riley Ralph H Walker
Justine W. Washington
Mary Elizabeth Wooten
954 N. Main St., Conyers 30207
m n Joiner
Board Members:
Bill Almand
Donald E. (Don) Cannon
Robert Donaldson
Esta Geoffroy
County School Superintendents, County Boards of Education
Rob Kelley, Jr. Nada F. Kerr
Paul Reckamp
W~Y Elladle 31806 9 12-93 7-2405
Superintendent: Board Members:
Arthur T. Miller Marcus Dillard Alvin Gattis
Benny W. Hambrick James C. Jackson Frank Roberts
P.O. Box 1668, Sylvanja 30467
912-564-71 14
John k h4ills,111
Board Members:
W e C. Bazernore
Robert N. Bourne
Robert Glenn oladwick
Wvid L Hinson
Walter N. Smith
Wm Ronnie Waters
Frank M. Zeagler
P.O. Box 188, Donahnville Superintendent:
3 1745 ~es
e &
Board Members:
Jack Wlrke
Robert F. Dozier
J.H. Godby, Jr.
Bewin Preston
Bill Thmby
P.O. Drawer N, Griffin 30223
Dr. (&ales H Greene
Board Members:
Gmnie Snell Chandler
k E . Mitchell
Lany P. Lewis Robinson
William F. Westmoreland
Courthouse Annex, Toccoa 30577
Superintendent :
J.M. Stephens
Board Members:
Jerry Bailey
Jeny R Chrroll
Suzanne S. Clove
Mary Frances Howard
J.B. Hudgins, Jr.
Harold Kelley
Lumpkin 31815 Y 12-8384329 Superintendent: Board Members:
Benjamin W. "Bill" Mayo Eugene Baldwin
W.P. (3lestnut
Vernon Halliday Ernest W. Richardson
David White
Sumter Americus 3 1709 912-924-6949 Superintendent:
Board Members:
Ronnie Satterfield
J.N. Cook Jack Deriso
Edward L Hutchinson, Sr. Marvin McNeill Dan Parker E.J. Satterfield
Martha (Sewell) ww
Talbot Talbotton 3 1827 404-665-8528 Superintendent: Board Members:
John Raymond Terry Jirnrnie Lee Hardnett
Frank J. Jordan, Jr.
Albert Smith, Jr. George W m Thomas
h.J.H. Woodall
County School Superintendents. County Boards of Education
Route 2, Crawfordville 30631
Superintendent :
blaHW m
Board Members:
Casper Evans, Sr.
MIX. Willie Mae Fambrough
Mrs. Mable HU
Nell 0. Pittman
G e o ~Teurner
Tat tnall Reidsville 30453 9 12-5594726 Superintendent:
Board Members:
Ben F. Sikes Billy Alexander Larryw.Banks Robert E. Kicklighter Benny D. (Buch) Shuman James E. Strickland
P.O. Box 1937, Butler 3 1006
9 12-862-5224
Superintendent :
Norman Carter
Board Members:
Edward Benns
Charlie A. Hicks
Dr. Morton S. Silberman
Walter E. Wilson
210B E. Parsonage St., McRae 3 1055
9 12-868-5661
Norman Jarrad
Board Members:
Tommy Lee Ashford
Preston Fussell
E.C. Graham
Lucy M Ladson
Dorsey Marchant
Herman Moore
Luther Nunn
Terrell Courthouse, D a m n 31742 9 12-995425 Superintendent: Board Members:
Richard Barry Ronald Ferguson
IW Lee
Colden Rainey W.L Stallworth Will 0.Weston
P.O. Box 2300, Thornasville 3 1792
9 12-226-7102
Superintendent :
Dr. Carol Purvis
Board Members:
Judith aoCker Corbin
Betty J. Marshburn
Johnny Reichert
W. Dewitt Smith
John C. Stephenson
Cecil D. Stewart
Ronald B. Vonier
P.O. Box 389, Titon 31794
9 12-3824000
CE. M c b y
Board Membas:
Henry Banks Allen
D. Earl Branch
Bill M c m a n
Jones Ponder
Ralph F. (Rusty) Simpson
Qrl W. willis
Edward C. Willis
Lyons 30436
912-526-3 141
Board Members:
Johnny Mack Conner Wayne Beasley
Warren C Cdpepper W m A. Dickerson
Bennie Parker Steve Partin
Tom Courthouse, Hiawassee 30546
County School Superintendents, County Boards of Education
W96-2279 Superintendent : Board Members:
Bill Kendall Wayne Bermng Hugh C. Hoodenpyle
Paul Moore Lois Palmer U.E. Sampson Carol Underwood
Treutlen Soperton 30457 9 12-5294228 Superintendent: Board Members:
Bobby Ihiggers, Sr.
h g e n e Burns Gerald Hooks James Carlton htcheson MIS, Charlene Peterson Timothy Spikes
Courthouse Annex, LaGrange 30240
Superintendent :
Otis J. Abernathy
Board Membem:
James W. Boddie
J.G. (Sam) Heflin
ularles W. Hunt
Hiram Reeves
J . Frank Slaughter
Jamie B. Taylor
213 N. Cleveland St., Ashburn 31714
91 2-567-3338
W h G. (Bill) Hardin
Board Members:
James 0. Austin
Dwight Hobby
Wendell Hobby
Jimmy NeSrnith
Roger Wilson
Intersection 16 & 96, Jeffersonville 3 1044
912-945-3 127
Superintendent :
Charles W. Keily
Board Members:
Mrs. Merle Arnold
Maynard Barlow
hlarion Dennard
1Mrs.Jesse Mack
Billy Ray Nobles
School St., Blaimille 305 12
Earl Odom
Board Members:
Glen Robert Davenport
F.E. Dyer
Johnny W. Jones
Walter I i Lunsford
Myron TLuner
Upson Courthouse, Thornaston 30286
Superintendent :
Lynn Bates
Board Members:
Qlvin Ulnrungham
G. Jay Davis
Kelly Perdue
Jerry M Reeves
Mrs. W e t t e (Helen) Salter
Charles C. Tate
Kenneth Watson
P.O. Box 29, LaFayette 30728
404638-1 240
N.M. Epperson, Jr.
Board Members:
George Bible
Arnold (Pug) Eaves
lkrold D. Ikll
Renn FEse
J.D. Westbrook
Walton 115 Oak St., Monroe 30655 404-2676544 Superintendent : Board Members:
Joe B. Bradley Robbie Adcock
County School Superintendents, County Boards of Education
J. Coy Baker William "Billy" Carter Chides Robert Edmondson
Maurice Jackson John H. Reddm
Joe Warren
P.O. Box 1789, Waycross 31501
9 12-283-8656
Richard B. Young
Board Membexs:
G a r W. Bell
Jerry F. Qmpbell
EB. Chnichael, Jr.
Law-rence J. Duane
Mrs. Cecil (Naida) Tanner
P.O. Box 228, Warrenton 30828
Superintendent :
George M. Holliman
Board Members:
(lifford Graham
Howard Johnson
Thurman Rabun
Samuel Sparks
Eston Usry
P.O. Box 716,Sanc!ersville 31082
E. Tmer Averett
Board Members:
Gene Adarns
Olin Ronald Jackson
k. CJadys Rice
Fred Salter
Wayne Sheppard
555 S. Sunset Blvd., Jesup 31545
Superintendent :
Glenn Keebler
Board Members:
LG. Aspinwall
Lany K. Brown
George W. Mallard
Richard A. Moody
Martin Proudfoot
Hany M. Yeomans
Webster Preston 31824 912-8283315
Superintendent: Board Members:
Meredith Walker LD. Burks
Lilla P. Goodwin
Rex Kennedy Eugenia Stephens
P.O. Box 427. Alarno 3041I
912-568-7 198
W h S. (Billy) Clark
Board Members:
LB. Chambers
Richard Clark
Bobby Grimes
Harry Mitchell
Vanzel Newton
Wfie R Wnght, Jr.
Courthouse, Cleveland 30528
404-865-23 15
Superintendent :
Raymond Collins
Board Members:
b y Barrett
Isabell L. Couch
Douglas F. Nix
Robert (Bob) Owens
Steve Smith
P.O. Box 2167, Dalton 30720
Superintendent :
Dr. James E. Melvin
Board Members:
Lucien aaiborne
Steven L Cockburn, Jr.
Robert (Bob) Keith
Dave Mch4ahon
Don R Thomas
County School Superintendents, County Boards of Education Boards of County Commissioners
Wdcox Abbeville 3 1 001 912467-2141
Superintendent: Board Members:
Wdliam B. (Billy) Brooks Raymond Futch
Janes G. Rhodes Eugenia b t e r Selph IIarold A (Pete) Stone, Jr.
John C. Walker
Wd kes
P.O. Box 279, Washmgton 30673
404-678-27 18
Superintendent :
Fred N. Dorminey
Board Members:
Alice L. Lindsey
Come L Maxwell
Comer H Randall, Jr.
Billy Thomton
W. b n a l d Ware
P.O. &)x 1106,Irwinton 31042
H M e n Mills
Board Members:
Julian F. Council
Dm M Dixon
John H Lord
Earl Arnold Sloan
Joe Stuckey
204 E. Franklin St., Sylvester 3 1791
91 2-776-6943
James E. Whitfield
Board Members:
J. David Bryan
T.J. Cantrell, Sr.
Buford E. Kennedy
Curtis Whitman
Ralph W~
County Mailing Address Telephone Names
100 Oak St., Baxley 31513 912-367-7761
Kenneth (Bud) Craven, Chminrm Joel D. Fowier E.F. Hunter
J.W. Orvin Johnrue Thomton Benjamin (Ben) Weaver
At kinson P.O. Box 518, Pearson 3 1642 912422-339 1
HF. Sears, Chminrm W& Earl Giddens
Eston Metts
P.0. Box 356, Alma 31510 912-632-5214
Cleon her, Charimrm
Zach Johnson
Denny Ray Smith
Baker P.O. Box 10. Newton 3 1770 912-734-5294
J.W. Hay, Chmimvl Wyatt Brooks J.W. Gaines Lee R Heard Hopson Irvin
Baldwin Room 6, Courthouse, Milledgeville3 1061 912453479 1
Sanuny 0. Hall, Chminrm Randy Dunn
Wendall A. Hardie Buddy Johnson Grady Torrance
Boards of County Commissioners
Banks P.O. Box 1686, Homer 30547 404-677-2231
l k o l d E. Watkins, Chaimrm Jimmy Morrison
Donald L. Whon
3 10 South Broad St., Wlnder 30680
404-867-758 1 x 201 Anne J. Segm, Chaimm? David Brown
William J. (Bill) Brown Hanis Ilardgree
Bartow Box 543, Cartersville 30120 404-3824766
Frank MOOR
Ben Hill Courthouse, Fitzgerald 3 1750
9 12423-2455 Ed Drexler, Chaimrm Lawrence Adkinson Norman Dorrniny
Berrien P.O. Box 446, Nashville 3 1639 912-686-542 1
Ernest Sunner, Ulaimm
J.M. Brogdon Larry WY
Bibb P.O. Box 4708, Macon 3 1201 912-7456871 x 210
Emory Greene, U m h m
Albert Billingslea Larry Justice
Wdliam P. (Bill) Randall Edd Wheeler
Bleckley Courthouse, Cochran 3 1014
Jackie Holder
Brantley P.O. Box 398, Nahunta 3 1553 912-462-5256
Junmy Woodard, Chainnrm
Bobby h c e y M e 1 S. "Red" Cohen, Sr.
Kenneth Johns
Darrell w m
Brooks P.O. Box 272, Quitman 3 1643
9 12-263-5561 J.B. m d , Ckhmn Steven (Steve) Burton Dwayne Cardin
J . R "Jimmy" Knight Ho~nerC Scruggj
Bryan P.O. Box 428, Pembroke 3 1321
912-653468 1 Louis Carlton Gill, Jr., Chaimm? James R Massy Warren Miller Ivey Smith
Rex L Waters
Bulloch P.O. Box 334, Statesboro 30458 9 12-7646245
Denver Lanier, Chaimrm Wdson P. Grmver Charles I. Hendrix
P.O. Box 62, Waynesboro 30830
404-5 54-23 24
~~ Ray D e w e ,
Boards of County Commissioners
C.H. (-lie) Kitchens T.M. (Toby) Lovett
Qumton (Peanut) Rogers Eddie Saxon
Butts P.O. Box 166,Jackson 30233 404-775-7277
D.W. (Dave) Bailey, Chaimmz Jimmy Whlte
Calhoun P.O. Box 68,Morgan 31766 912-849-271 5
Charles M Cowart, C h m ' m Ennis L. Brooks
Dan %nrnack, Jr. W h n R Owen, Jr.
Robert L. Turner
Carnden P.O. Box 99,Woodbine 31569 91 2-576-5623
Harry Callahan, cltmi7mn
~anlarDnuy Howard Peeples
W.E. Smith Jack Sutton
Candler Courthouse Square, Metter 30439 9 12685-2835
George Walter Bird, Jr., &hmn Gary Allen
Wesley Laruer
Carroll P.O. Box 338.Carrollton. 30117 404-832-3541
Home hncan
Catoosa 206 Nashville St., Ringgold 30736 404-935-2500
James A Moreland
Charlton P.O. Box 98,Folkston 31537 91 2496-2549
Jack R Mays, Chminm2
Pasco S. Bryant Hugh Dorsey Q-ew
Jesse Clews, Jr. Roy A Taylor
Cbtham P.O. Box 8161,Savannah31412 9 12-9444984
Bill Stephenson, &hmn
Roy L. Allen
Charles C. (Charlie) Brooks Willie Brown
James M Deloach
Frank 0. Downing Robert L. McCorkle
Barnard Portman Daniel D. Pruitt
Chattahoochee P.O. Box 217,Qlsseta 31805 404-989-3641x 6
Julian Greer, Chaimmz Roscoe R o b i n Bdl Taylor
(hattooga P.O. Box 211, Surnrnerville30747
404-857402 1
Wayne (Pete) Denson
100North St., Suite 1, Canton 30114 404479-1966x 212
Trammel Carrmchael
Clarke P.O. Sox 448,Athens 30603 404-546-8330x 1 10
James R Holland, Chaimmz
Boards of County Commissioners
George Bullock Jewel John
Herbert bgan Archie M a s o n
P.O. Box415, Fort Gaines 31751
912-768-263 1 Gerald Isler, Guhun Claude M Cook, Jr. Raymon N. Oozier Bob Hall C Hill WKemie
Clayton Administration Buildmg,Jonesboro 30236 40447 1-1905
olarley &well, Chmbmrn Loren B. Cheaves Annie Ruth Ford
Raymond E. Johnson Ernest Wnght
P.O. Box 363, Homerville 3 1634
404487-2667 George Allen Sirmans, Chmbmrn Mack Brown
Alex Corbett
Nolan McLaine Freddie L Trowell
Cobb P.O. Box 649, Marietta, 30061 404422-32 10
Ernest W. B m t t , Chaimrrn Wit Qrson
George W. Iankford Harvey D. Paschal
Butch *Thompson
Coffee Courthouse, Douglas, 31533
9 12-3844799 John N. Moore, Guhun Frank Jackson
W.E. Miller *Thurston hulk, Jr.
(Xvis Vickers
P.O. Box 517, Moultrie 31768
Billy G. Fallin, Chminrm
Larry Booth
Randy Buckner
Roscoe Gay
Merle C Hall
P.O. Box 11024, Martinez 30907 404-863-7580
A1 Dempey, Chmimm Ckules Allen, Jr.
AR (Ted) Lane Lynn J. Nonis, Jr.
Larry Prather
212 N.Hutchinson Ave., Adel 31620
9 12-896-2266 Roy C Sumner, Guhun Aubrey L Bates
James G. Cormell RL Kendrick, Jr.
Arlie Walker
Coweta P.O. Box 945, Newnan 30264
404-253-2668 W.C Adamson, Chaimrrn Johnny Brown
Leroy H Johnson
Thomas A Luckie
Malcolm Daniel Stephens
Crawford Courthouse, Knoxville 3 1050 91 2-836-3782
Boards of County Commissioners
John B. Hutto, Chminrm 0th C. Dent
David J. Moncrief
Gisp P.O. Box 486. Cordele 3 1015 9 12-273-2672
J. Regmild Eiany, Jr., Chaimrm
W.M. (Bill) Davis J.R Dowdy, Jr.
Wde P.O. Box 613, Trenton 30752 4044574625
Larry Moore
Wwson P.O. Box 192, Dawsonville 30534 404265-3 164
Joe Lane Cox
Decatur P.O. Box 735, Bainbridge 31717 9 12-246-5703
J.C. Dollar, &hm
IL Woodrow Gaiffn
W.B. (Buster) Miller Everett W. Murray Marvin Rentz
DeKalb 556 N. McDonough St., Room 900, Decatur
30030 404-371-2881
Manuel J. Maloof, Chaimrm Robert Lanier Liane Levetan
Brince hkitmng. 111 Gary Moon
Jim Patterson Jean F. W m
P.O. Box 564, Eastman 31023 9 12-374-436 1
GUYT ~ ~ P P
W~Y P.O. Box 322, Vienna, 3 1092 9 12-2684228
Billy S. Gdes, & ~ X U I
Alton P. Draughon Wayne West
Dougherty P.O. Box 1827, Albany 3 1703 912436-05 14
Gil Barrett, Chaimrrn George Brown
John L B m n Don Cutler
David J. Gambrel1 Karl Hall
Bill Underwood
Douglas 6754 Broad St., DouglasviUe 30134 404-949-2000 x 269
Jerry H Watson, & h m m
Marion Garrett Roy L FIamrick
Early 117 River St., Blakely 31723 9 12-7234304
Wdbur A. Evans, fflaimrm G.W. (Smokey) Davis
Ralph J e n b J.H(Buck) Radney
Liston E. Radney
P.O. Box 190, Statenville 3 1648
Donald Dukes, Olaimrm
pew Coggins Vernon Lghtsey
Boards of County Commissioners
Effmgham P.O. Box 307, Springfield 3 1329 912-754-3310
Noel Conaway,Chaimrrn Lonnie Alderman Doris Flythe Wendell Shearouse
W l e s Leon Usher
Elbert Box 70, Elberton 30635 404-2834702
Billy R Brown, Chaimrm J. Raymond Anderson Paul Burden Otis Ulilds, Jr. Joe Johnson
Eananuel P.O. Box 787, Swainsboro 30401 912-237-3881
Sam F. Smith, Chminm? Don Eh&sh
Raymond H. Mason
Evans P.O. BOX 711, aaxton 30417 912-739-1 141
Wayne T. Massey, &zirmm Norman DeLoach
W.11 (Bill) DeLoach Carlon A Lewis, Sr.
David Xppins
Fannin P.O. Box 487, Blue Ridge 305 13 404-632-2303
Richard A. Stanley, Chaimmz Don Sisson
John 7'. (Tommy) Stephens
Fayette 200 Courthouse Square, Fayetteville 30214 4044616041
Jeny Barronton, Chaimml Rose Marie 1rTom I lanis Kaymon Johnson Mike Reid
Floyd P.O. Box 946, Courthouse Annex, Rome 30161 404-291-925 1
Anne kgas, Chrmm C.T. (Buddy) Blankenship
Glenn Johnson Cllarles C. Parker 1ioward M Snlith
Forsyth P.O. Box 128, (lulnnlmg30130 404-887-5923
Leroy 1iubbard, Qll~~~mxm Bffl H Barnett
David Gilbert Donald Glover I lanison J. Tdant
Franklin P.O. Box 156, Camesville 3052 1 404-3842483
Terrell Koper
Advisor?, Rwrd
Parks Martin Ron Miller
Donald Phillips Robert Pruitt
Fulton 165 Central Ave., SW Koom 208, Atlanta 30303 404-572-2458
bliciiael ~otllarU, zainlru~ Bruce Bannister
h Kcgjnald Faves W t o n Fams Tom Lowe Lee J . Koach
(]luck Williams
Boards of County Commissioners
Gilma Courthouse, EUijay 30540
404435436 1
Ben N. Whitaker A&ry Bomd
Roy Bryan
Kenneth Hensley
Clascock P.O. Box 66, Gibson 308 10
404-598-267 1 Charles C Roberts, Chaimrm Murray E. Iiadden
IIubert mes
Gynn P.O. Box 879, Brunswick 3 152I
9 12-265-7600
Harold Pate, Chrrirnmz
Ron Dempsey
Wayne Hutcheson John M Mcaurd
Wdou Copeland Smith Alton L Wooten Ronald W. Young
Gordon P.O. Box 580, Calhoun 30701
404-629-3795 Buford (hit w d ,
Haroid (Ooky) Faith
w mJimmy Hall P. Hunt
Qenn Yancey
Crady P.O. Box 90, B i r o 31728
John P. (Buster) Bell, Chaimrm H. Levaughn Bond Jack Bryant Ewyn H Childs Ralph Gainey
Creene Courthouse, Greensboro 30642
404-453-77 16 Reid Callaway, Chaimrm Benny Asbury Francis L. Bye, Sr. Ken George
W.L "Pep" Stone
Gwinnet t 240 Oak St., Lawreneville 30245 404962-1425
Charles W. Ashworth, M I M
Maron Buice
Edwin Howard
Jere W. Johnson Guy E. Stokes
Habersham Box 227, aarkesville 30523
David Burre11
HIkbron Lovell Jay McNabb
Hall P.O. Drawer 1435, Gainesville 30503
404-536-668 1 IIenry 0 . Ward, Chairmmz Cecil Cochran
Louis K (Lou) Stargel Wdbert F. Stowers Bill Vickers
Hancock P.O. Drawer I, Sparta 3 1087 4044M-5746
George Lott, Chrrimrnl James t L (Hen)Jones Wfie F. Lester
Haralson P.O. Box 488, Buchanan 30113 404646-55 28
Jim Frank Smith
Boards of County Commissioners
P.O. Box 365, Hamilton 31811 4046284958
Raymond E. Grant, Chkmm Robert A Cannon
Carl a a y t o n (Buddy) Hobbs, 111 Duel F. Jones
George W. Tee1
P.O. Box 279, Hartwell 30643
B a d ofFuzmzce
Alan T. Powell,
Hubert 0. Moon
I t Kenneth York
Heard P.O. Box 55, Franklin 30217 404675-3821
Steve Lipford
Henry 345 Phillips Dr., McDonough 30253 404-957-913 1
Ed l L Whiddon. Chirman James R Brannan
W h M. Gardner W m D. Patrick Marion H. Simpson
Houston 200 Carl Vinson Parkway,Warner Robins31056 912-922-4471
1L Alton lbcker, Chaimml Qlarles B. Carter Betty P. CXiffm
V.W. McEver, Jr. Houston G. Porter, Jr.
Irwin P.O. Box 287,OLAla 31774 91 2-468-944 1
J.C. Harper, Ozaimrrn Floyd C Powell Winston Tucker
Jackson P.O. Box 68, Jefferson 30549
~~ 404-367-9838 He~uyD. Robinson, Cecil Bray Harold Fletcher
Jasper Courthouse, MonticeUo 31064
J. Frank Atluns, Chhm
Cecil Amas
Uayton King
Jeff Wvis P.O. Box 602, Hazlehunt 31539
9 12-3753263 DanMims,~m L.L Home, Jr. Edwin Miles
Jilnmie Kyles Janes Tate
P.O. Box 658. Louisville 30434 912-625-3332
T.E. (Ked) Buchanan, Chain7k7rl W. Rudolph Evans Tommy New
P.O. Box 797, Millen 30442
9 12-982-2563 Charles F. B m , uiakvml Quinney A Lane Charles W. h l i e r
Ray Messex Grady L Wkon
Johnson P.O. Box 269, Wrightsville 3 1096
9 12-864-3388
Boards of County Commissioners
Ernest Rogers, Chaimm? John Powell
J. Wynton Snell
P.O. Box 316, Gray 31032 404-9864405
James C. Balkcorn, &nmn
Nelson Qlapman David Lane
Lamar Courthouse, Barnemille 30204
404-358-3624 James W. Butler, Chaimrm Warren Bush
D.K. (Dave) Cockan
Lanier Courthouse, Lakeland 3 1635
91 2482-2088 1.L Caskins, Jr., Chaimrm Lee Ivey Benny Johnson
Wens P.O. Box 201 1, Eublin 3 1021 91 2-2724755
Mike Wolfe, Chaimm2
B. Tal Fuqua Aurice Harden James R Travick, Jr. Manrung Youngblood
P.O. Box 56, h s b u r g 3 1763
Chaimm? chambers
Charles V. (Charlie) Hamngton
RH (Buddy) Reid
Charles Rhodes
Liberty P.0. Box 81, Hinedle 31313
912-876-2 164
James M Floyd, Ouinmz Earl M Bags
Hazel Bagley Carter Bobby L Fussell Charles M Gaskin
Lincoln P.O. Box 340, Lincolnton 30817
Walker T. Norman, Chmimrm
J.A. "Jake" Bentley Talrnadge Reed
Long P.O. Box 476, Ludowici 31316
9 12-545-2 143
Lonnie L Skeens, Chmi.lmn Harold R Deloach J o h y R Hodges Darwel A. Long
DeW~tt0. Middleton
Lnwndes P.O. Box 1349, Valdosta 3 1601 9 12-242-7053
Fred Deloach, Jr., Chaimm? G. Norman Bennett Kyle Zipperer
280 Courthouse IEU, Dahlonega 30533 404-8643 742
J.B. Jones
P.O. Box 297, Oglethorpe 3 1068 9 12472-702 1
J. Neal Bently, ( ~ ~ U I Woodrow D. "Buddy" IIobbs, Jr.
hlxvin C. Joiner John M Luclue Jeny 1. Parson
Board8 of County Cornmiaaionen
P.O. Box 147, 404-795-2 125
V m t J. Hx,Chaimmz V ILangford Carey
G.A (Guy) Hart
P.O. Box41, Buena Via31803
Horace Snider, Chmbmrn
my Powell
Reuben K. Tyler
hkDuffe P.O. Box 28, I I h o m n 30824 404-595-3982
William E. (Jake) Hawkins, Chrdmmt
Huey L Carithers
Herb Widener
hkIntosh P.O. Box 584, M e n 31305
9124374671 RD. Gardner, ChaimrPz 'Ihume1.I Alston, Sr. Alden Davis Walter F h e r
George Ktts
Meriwether P.O. Box 438, Greenville 30222
Wofford L Jackson, Chinnm
Julius Bowman Brown EH (Gene) Hudson J. Vernon Phillips Norman Woodruff
mer P.O. Box 36, Colquitt 31737
912-758-2731 Milton Phillips
Phillip A Hnes
W e s Kirkland H o r n Lovering,Sr. Gordon Richardson
Buren Womble
hfitcheil P.O. Box 187, Camilla 3 1730 912-336-5352
J.E. "Jimmy" Autry, Chmbmrn D. Jack Baker, Jr. J. Harry Collins M Howard h v i s
(harles "CB." Lodge
Monroe P.O. Box 189, Forsyth 31029-0189 9 12-994-2035
W m N. Peters, QClaimrm Linda M. Arthur
Robert M Wdbrm
Montgomery P.O. Box 295, Mt. Vernon 30445
912-583-2363 Don 'Ihigpen, & ~ W I W e Quley IBvid Collins Johnny W. Codey
Julian J. Warnock
Morgan P.O. Box 168, Madison 30650 404-3424725
Charlie Mason, Chaimraz Henry Carson
W.B. (Bi.) Cochran John F. Nunn
Ben C Porter, Jr.
may P.O. Box 1129,Ulatsworth 30705 404-695-24 13
Kirby Patterson
Boards of County Commissioners
Wogee P.O. Box 1340, Colurnbus 3 1993 404-324-77 1 1
h@ormulCly Gmcil -1 Jackson, Mzyor Philip J. Batastini Frank D. Ckester
Fred 11. Franklin Mike Henry
James E. Jemigan Edna Kendrick Jack Land
A.J. "Mac" McUung Charles M Rector John Wells
Newton Room 4, Courthouse, Covington 30209 404-786-2686
Roy L Vamer, Chainmr Bob Bates
Ilarold Cobb Franklin Gray Jerry Rosser Billy S. Smith
Oconee P.O. Box 145, Watkinsville 30677 404-769-5 120
Choyce A. Johnson, &hmn Jart~esA Marshall Bobby Porterfield
W.A "Bill" Wagner, Sr.
Bobby Whitehead
Oglethorpe P.O. Box 261, Lexington 30648 404743-5 270
J.W. Griftit11 AdvkoryBomd
Carlton Carter 'Illomas hleyer Robert 'Illaxton
Padding 116 Main St., Dallas 30132 404.145-2974
Donald C. Watson, C?2aimrm Bobby 1IoUis Ernest Miller
Peach P.O. Box 468, Fort Valley 31030 91 2-825-2535
ILW. (Ilal) I'eavy, Jr., Ulmirmn W. L Brown David Carter
J.D. "lhmlie" Ihles Annie Ndridge Rumph
Pickens 21 1 North Main St., Jasper 30 143 404692-2 121
Ekd K. Stancil, Jr.
Pierce Courthouse, Blackshear 3 1516 9 12 4 9 - 6 6 4 8
T.J. Bnith, O?mi?rral C. Foy Kinlbrell Troy Mattox
Pike P.O. Box 377, Zcbulon 30295 404-567-3406
Joanna Angle, i k i n m m
VirglBrown Monroe Rlkenton
Polk P.O. Box 268, Ctdarlown 30125 404-748- 1305
Csrry M. I3rown, Ulainlrm Charles E. Baldwin Charles Kinney, Jr. Jdin Redding Reston Whitnun I L Don Wdlirll~s
Boards of County Commissioners
Maski P.O. Box 29, HawkinsviUe 3 1036 9 12-783-4 154
John Henry Anderson, Jr.
Putnam Courthouse, Eatonton 3 1024 404485-5826
Roy V i Chinrnn Haw-
Donald Ridley
Quitman Courthouse, Georgetown 3 1754 9 12-3344565
I L L Balkcom, Jr., Qlminrm John H Bennett FIany Clarice
Tommie L Kendrick Cllarles E. Waddell
Rabun P.O. Box 925, aayton 30525 404-782-527 1
Vugd P. Ledford, Chmimrn Dr. Richard Turner Max W. Watts
Randolph P.O. Box 22 1, (luthbert 3 1740 9 12-732-6440
RW. Moore, Chaimmz J .T. Bruner
David L.Jackson
C.W. Lumpkin Melvin Peavy
Richmond sty County Bldg. Room 605, Augusta 30911 404-8284700
Bill Hers, Chaimmz Frank A. Albert Travis Barnes Harold C. Smith Biu Williams
Rockdale 922 Court Street, Conyen 30207 404-922-7750
Cnarles S. Smith, Jr., Olmimm Richard E. Robinson
Cnarles S. Trollinger, Sr.
W~Y P.O. Box 352, l3kaville 3 1806 9 12-937-26W
hnogene 0. McLendon, b g h P. Flynt Lamar Jordan W.D. McCorkle
T.1L (tianlp) Stevens
Screven P.O. Box 159, Sylvania 30467 91 2-564-7535
CB. Kurlic, Sr., Chaimrm B. H Anderson, I11
Robert L. Fruitticher 0 . L Lariscy
L.C Oliver, Sr.
Seminole P.O. Box 458, Donalsonville 3 1745 9 12-524-2878
Jack Brannon, Chmimrn Lenward (Sonney) Eubanks
Philip IIomsby Donald E. Moore
Joe Spooner
wdins P.O. Box 1087, Griffin 30224
494-228-9900 Jim C;ooIsby, Ouirmm Ruth G. Martin Frank h Thomas
Stephens P.O. Box 386, Toccoa 30577
Boards of County Commissioners
404-886-949 1
Evatt Thomason, &irtmn Bethel aunkelton Jeanette Jarnieson
Stewart P.O. Box 157, Lumpkin 31815
91 2-838-6769 Peny T. Usher
Sumter P.O. Box 295. An~ericus3. 1709
9 12-924-3090 W.W. (Billy) Ferguson, O m h u ~ J. Wade Halstead
Bvid A. J e m i w Arthur Pless
Johnny Taylor
Talbot P.O. Box 155, Talbotton 3 1827
404-665-3220 Freeman Montgomery, &irtmn Eddie B. Bassett, Jr. W h Huff, 111
Taliafem P.O. Box 114, Crawfordville 30631
404456-2494 Lois Richards, &irtmn W u m Wayne Fouche Louis Patrick
Tattnall P.O. Box 25, Reidsville 30453 912-5574335
Frank M c W , Chainmn Dan Alexander Foch Brewton
Homer Durrence J.E. Stanfield
Taylor P.O. Box 148, Butler 3 1006
9 12-862-3336 John Neely, Qlaimmz Murray Jarrell
Edward Wainwright
Telfair Courthouse, McRae, 3 1055 9 12-868-5688
Gene W ~ n
Terrell P.0. Box 525, Ihwson 31742
9 12 - 9 9 5 4 7 6
Wdbur T. Gamble, ataimmt
Madison Faust Don Foster
Lawrence Green
Margmt W. Stiltner
momas P.O. Box 920, 'Iho~nasville31792
9 12-226-0516
Wayne Dollar, Chainmn John D. Bulloch, Jr. Billy Carter
F.V. Hancock James K (Bobby) l b e s
Leon lImt 1lenry D. Owens Paul J. Sherrod
'Iift P.O. Box 826, 'I'ifton 3 1793
912-382-5350 Ularles Kent, Chaimnn
Ronald 0. Brownlee J. Wallace 12rank.s
linda 1Hl
Kay Taylor
Toombs P.O. Box 112, Lyons 30436 912-526-33 11
Mell 'hylor, &irtmn
Ikbert Fountain
Boards of County Commissioners
O.C. Howell J e w 4 Van Lewis Mary Baker Rice
Tom P.O. Box 457, Hiawassee 30546
404-896-3633 Judge, Robate Court acts as Commissioner
Treutlen P.O. Box 88. Soperton. 30457
9 12-529-3684 Jim L Gillis, Jr., Chmimm George L Mckndon Sidney Sherrod
P.O. Box 1149, LaGrange, 30240
Hawley Smith, ChaimrPl
Richard English
Marvin Jones
Roger Parmer
C. Frank Traylor
her P.O. Box 191,Ashbum 31714 912-567-2041
Lester A d h o n
Benny W. Denham Joe McNair
T* P.O. Box 202, Jeffersonville 3 1044
91 2-945-3629 Millard Hendricks, Chaimm I-larry W. Bloodworth
W ~ M.mBond
Gary Nobles
Donald Watson
Union Route 5, P.O. &ox 3800, Blairsville 30512
404-745-2654 Judge, Robate Court acts as Conlmissioner
Upson P.O. Box 889, ?hornaston 30286 404647-7012
Inin Hendricks, Chaimmt J.C. Ellerbee, Jr. Lincoln Reeves
Walker P.O. Box 445, LaFayette 30728 4046381437
Roy E. Parrish
Walton P.O. Box 585, Monroe 30655
404-267-753 1 Robert M "Bobby" Hawk, &nhm Bennie Kaji Anderson
Lamar Thomas Atha Jmles W m Buson
Eddie Neal Byrd
Ware P.O. Box 1069, Waycross 3150; 91 2-283-7265
Tommy Gray. C;hmmrzn Keavis E. Diwon
E.M (Bozo) Everett Alfred Lec
W.G. (Jerry) Stricklanti
Warren P.O. Box 46, Wamnton 30828 404465-2 17I
Allen S. "Pop" hhy
LVarrcr! "Clatfkh" U)eBcaugine S.F. I'elton
washing to^:
P.O. Box 271. Sandersill-, 3 1083 91 2-552-2325
Osgood M. k t e n m , Chmn?mi
.r. M U ~ ~~ Y~ l k e
Augusta Lawson
Boards of County Commissioners Combined Boards of Elections and Registrars
Wayne P.O. Box 2 17, Jesup 3 1545 912427-3789
Roger O'Qunn, &hmn J.B. &on
Joe Baker FJarris Julian A. Jackson, Sr.
John E. Tyre
Wehster P.O. Box 29, Preston 3 1824 912-828-5775
L u ~ i u sBlack
Wheeler P.O. Box 177, Marno 3041 1 912-568-3061
W.1L Thomas, Jr.
White P.O. Box 185, Cleveland 30528 404-865-2235
Joel Rogem, Chmn~mz
1iershel Palmer Charles A. Partin
Whitfield P.O. Box 248, M t o n 30720 404-27&7262
John R 1Iolcornb, C;I2mi-r?mz
Wayne Aldernun Jerry Albertson Jim I h t Ikrold Maim
Wdcox Courthouse, Abbeville 3 1001 912 4 7 - 2 7 3 7
ML). Brown, Chaimrnz
J. 1X1bicl Brown Ilonicr Lee h e r , Sr.
Johnny J. Luke f limy G. Walker
Wdkes 23 h ~Coturt St., Room 201, Wasllinb.ton 30673 404-678-251 1
Guy W. IZufford, Jr., Chiinrm
George Nornun Gerald Nonnan Kobert Sanders "Bo" Khodes
Maddl Shel~er
P.O. Box 161, Lrwinton 3 1042 9 12-946-2 236
Guilford I'ayne, Chinrml
I'onmy F. Rruner
Billy Carr C.1L CZiswell J.B. "Bubber" Gibbs
Worth P.O. D r a w t ~30, Sylvester 3 1791
9 12-776-3456
J.11 Odorn, Ounhrnl Gnffm Houston
John E. Jones, Jr. W.W. Mim
Bowen Wnght
Macon-Bibh County hard of Elections 9 12-745-6871
I lenry L lkws, Jr. fleetions &pervisor
Jarrlic Cockfield LViln~erM Dickey, Jr.
Arthur Clriffith, Jr. hlr;. Carolyn Hamilton
Willis Sheftall
Clarke County Board of Elections 404-546-8330
Arm Jarrell. Guninwz
Combined Boards of Elections and Registrars; Boards of Elections
Dorothy Barrett I'at t y Curtis
Annie Mildred Jackson tlarold Duden
Columbia County Board of Elections 404-541-0065
Mn. Nelhe RuTthhMor~wlansh.f2.leBcltaioloncsk.&cmp"kmorz Dr. Jarrl~sG. Keagle Frank Wilson
DeKalb County Board of Registrationsand Elections 404-371-2241
N o r m Lyons, Rectiois v y ir
Wdliarn M rdshedr Suzette Gooch Ted Marcus
D. Sue McC~~mell
Fayette County Board of Elections 4 0 4 4 1-8096
h d a D. Benefield Judy Brarnlett
Ja111es J. Mabry, Jr.
Ciynn County Board of Elections Lorraine h e n b u r y IIelen K J o h n Cttcil httle Gage D. Miller Jer11u1-gsOverstlcet
Houston County Board of Electio~li 404-987-1973
Mary k m b w d u Uufin)wr
~ i u gRt ~a t t y Milton Beckha11
!januny Nelson Robert h (Tony) Robb~rs
Lnwndes County Board of Rectio~ls 01 2-247-2937
L.1'. ll~omasU,zainlrn?
H l h o n TLlr~rnn Frank Wisenbaker
Board of Electionsof Ricl~n~onCdounty 404-828-6905
Linda W. Beazley tjcecutivee e c t o r
Neal Yd. fickert, CJlmnrm~ Jan~esB. Nonis
? Emo Russell
Robert ~ a b u m 1Ierbert E. Kernaghan,Jr.
Rockdale County Board of Elections 404922-7750
Sara1yn Middlebrooks, IYectiors Lois c w e l Ken Po nter
Evelyn (ME. Ben F.) Jorch Jarnette W w t o n Nash Willialns
(Thcse counties also have Boards of Kcgistran)
b k e County Board of Elections
404-554-5529 W. T. Thompson, Chminraz I',. F. J lerrington Ralph B. W ~ ?
Carroll County Board of Elections 404-834-0697
E.G. Ault Patti Brown Jarnes: "Pete" Gamble Carol Martin
Jack ?7lreadgdl
Elections Board of Chatham County 9 1 2-944-4654
Mary I lumlxxi, I:Iectio~aG~,Siipm~i;wv Jt'alulc 'l'rapluli, nectiols G~~Vqxrvisor
Wdhs &chardson. Jr-., CI~nintrnl
Boards o f Elections; Boards o f Registrars
Marie Brazzeal Wdham E. Gilchnst Daniel W. Wnght, Jr.
Board of Elections of Dougherty County 912439-2247
Carolyn K. Hatcher, Chm'mmz
Carl Bryant Jackie Dnggers Dennis G. O'Comor Earl W. Sheeley
Fulton County Board of Registration and Elec-
tions 404-572-2646
'Ihonm C. Malone, blectiotrr Supervisc~r Bernard Park, Cllain?rnz
W e n Ihn~nlond
Terry Mosher
Frances B. Turner Nathaniel H Ingram
Board of Elections of Gwinnett County 404-962- 1438
Mae Belle Britt, chzbvm E. Lanm Franchtseur
I Ierb Green Emory Pierce
Hall County Board of Elections Mrs. Dorothy Bums Hoke I-L Smith
Ann C. Spear
Henry County Boud of Elections
404-957-2082 Irene R Cason
Earnestine Slaughter Ed F. Wallace
McIntosh County Board of Elections
912 4 3 7 4 6 8 9 T.B. Dalby
Frank Clem
Thelma Barbara J. Lewis Eleanor Skipper
k o g e e County Board of Elections
Louise Dillon,Hectiora S u p i s o r
Edith V. Spurlin, Ckbmm
Dr. Jun Foster
Roy R Gibson
Ueen Kibby
Ed s u m
T i t County Board of Elections
A Harrell Joe Lewis
Mrs. W.T. Smith
Whitfield County Board of Elections 404-2784454
James E. Bethel Virginia L. Hackney
Virginia R Shope
(*Counties wluch also lave Board of Elections)
Applini3 91 2-367-7085
D.11 Webb, Ouef Eva Mae Parker
Mrs. KW. Strange
klges Baxley, Chief Mrs. Ward Kiglit Wilson Paulk
Bacon 917-432-5614
Mrs. Sallie I L Swinehart, Ouef Lexie Floyd
C.L. Sibley, Jr.
Boards of Registrars
J . R Rhodes, Jr., Chief John L Rentz, Jr. Michael B. Tabb
Homer Menitt, Chief B. Frank Anderson AUene N. Butler
RH Bond, Chief Mrs. B.B. Griffm Mrs. C.L. Tucker
Barrow 404-867-758 1 x 207
Jeannine Harrllgree, Chief Virginia Glass Frank Kinney Jane Myers
C. Gregory Chlverhouse, a e f HC. (Carl) Bohannon Louis W. Jackson
Ben HiU 912423-2320
Clifford Pickens, Chief Wul Hughes
W.F. Anderson, Chef
James K Gaskins
Leon Levin
Brantley 4044626159
Andrew Thompson, Chief Rupert Bates C.T. Foster
m e Rowell, Chief Mable Moody
Loyce woods
Ada Frances M d , Chief Eddie Jo Brooks Albert Bruce
Joe Wmter, Chief David Kelly
Barbara Kay Speir
Hany I. Brunson, Chief Mary Bray
Frank Mikel!
Butts 404-775-7545
Iienry C. Muel, Jr., Chief W.E. Bessent
Wfiam A. Stephens
L.evi J. Ball, Chief Christine I k d y Zella Mae Taylor
W~nburnWillis, Chief Charles E. (Chuck) Cowart
Mike Ginn
Earl Scott
Boards of Registrars
Carnden 91 2-576-3259
Janles W. Coffel, Quef Lettie F:r:~zier Merctlitl~1Id1
Candler 1' 11-685-2662
Lester W. Stinson, Sr. Qliej' (;rayson Douglas J.0. Rocker
*Carroll 404-834-0690
Jalnes C. <Yawford. a e f
Leroy <:.Childs
Majorie 'Townley
Cat oosa 404-93 -3OC)0
Clarence Asohrook, f i e f '
131111c Dav1.7 Ilslc Sullivan
*Q~atham 01 2 - 3 2 - 8 7 5 5
Joseph D. l'l~nis,Quef Ann E. I l o l l u ~ d
(krtrucle I I. Lark
Chat tahoochee 404-08')-364 1 x 5
Jacclueline Ci)lemru~U, ucf 1lonler h ~ ~ l e n o n Nlcn <'lli.ste~-S, r.
Cl~attooga 4W-S57-l555
1Isic I L F~llolsU, ucf' k t t y Y. OMlllg~
Jeanette E. 1'arh;un
Cherokee 404470-1'166 x 234
J.O. <&ett, Qucj' May I. Ikmlcy k ~ l j >Ohwen
Jall1t3(Jim) I:. I'alnler
Claytoll 404478-001 1 x 318
John 'fom Dav~sU, lic'f' Wilsor1 ('oak
W I ~ I IJUean Nipper
Cliticl~ 404-487-2480
J.1). O'Qlinn, Qlicy' J a n w ( . lilce J.A. kttleb
Cobb 404470-3 150
Dorothy Barfield, Quef hhry Aven
Betty tihoclcs
Coffee <)I 2-3x4-701 X
J(x I Llrold 'i'rayI1~11<1,lli<f' Mni. N Suttlcs I lershcl Vickcrs
Cook 912-806-30 16
Crisp <)I7-2730130
Boards of Registrars
Mrs.(;ladys &to, Quej'
Wtx)drow I'crmeritrr Lhrothy Revels
1:vclyn (;. ('artletlpc, Quef Kuth Floyd
John W. I louston
I:va Mae b r o G k t t y Jean I t n e y
htuy Mina Mtmney, o ~ c f (iuolvn f1. Adk117~
Ddde 404657-7563
Dawson 404-265-3 164 x 76
Decat ur 9 I 2-246-2 190
John A. Murphy, 02icf' Ruth Bratlfortl
K ; l n ~ Dl ckerson Ruth W. Mtwre
l:rancfi M. Shepherd
Mrs. J m c s Tdton. Q~iej' Jeanette (;. Matlclox Lloytl I'. Vuughters
(;len ('. I lotlgex, Uucf LL)lll~c.I lotiges t:.W. 1ILU t Lcroy Jackson
I lelcn Lec Santlers
Dodge 0 12-3744357
Sclnia ( ; r ~ ~ ~ lCe slu. cj' (liarles liol>ert ('oody
Lxonartl F ~ d y Ihnaltl Self
James Spratllcy
huglas 404-440-2000 u 7 1 7
Ann~c1 ~ xB1urrell, Cliicf I I. V . Branan 1i~rfu.sB. Polk
Early 012 - 7 2 3 4 5 2
1<111>4W' llll~Q. lic'f' I<~ihy(handler hlelba LXilliels
Echols 91 2-559-7526
Ncnc I'nwell, Qlicf Brenda L l u ~ l a n
Gene Vorsworthy
Effingham 91 7-754-3458
Lynet te 1). Widdhnur, (Juef 'I'. h Cowart
('athenne I lollida
Boards of Registrars
Elbert 404-283-291 9
Thomas B. Rucker, Chief
Mattox Glenn Jane P. Johnson
Ernanuel 9 12-237-347 1
James H. Applegate, Chief'
Lillian Moore
Meredith B. Price
Evam 91 2-739-2622
George Durrence, Chief Bernice Macon
Rubye C. R u s h
Fannin 402-4987
Charles Woodall, Chief
Janles Hood Mildred Newman
Floyd 40429 1-9251 x 169
Lois Greene, Chief
Mary Doster Wanda White
Forsyth 404-887-7759
Janis Thomas, Chief
Kathy Lamb Everett Bettis
Franklin 404-384-3191
Roger McConnell, Uuef
Wdred Foster
AC. Shealy
Joseph Honstein, Chief
Bonnie R Colson Leonard Wfiams
Giascock 404-598-3741
Gordon 404-629-3795
Grady 912-3774132
*Gwinnet: 404-962-1433
Habersilam 434-75411068
W . R Green, Chief Jean L Gatewood
Dale L. Powell
W.G. (Bill)Todd, Chief
Emory Chalker Irene I Ioward Dianne Rabun Lynn Todd
Clara G. Ferguson, fief
Louise Baxley Brenda Brock
Max Tyson, Chief B.M Lee
kiolmes Maxwell
Mrs. C.W. Smith, Quef Mrgima M Harrison Sahe T. Ryggm
Mte Belle Britt, UuJ' C.A. (Gus) Morton
Forrest Puckctt
Catherine Logan, Guef Desnu Fry
h e Moore
*Hall 404-535-5372
HaraLson 404-646-3853
Harris 404428-52 10
Hart 404-37689 1 1
Heard 404-675-3907
*Henry 404-957-75 18
Boards of Registrars
Ann C. Spear, U*f Helen Plrkle
('xlene Maprulis W~ud
WLLlie Wfiarn, O w ' Rohrrt l hthaway Bobby Rcllardson
KC'. W e y , Guef' <XI ('onnell Sue W i h
Louie 1'. Morgan, Chief I'at Christian
J ~ MSShepherd
Jule Weldon, auef W&c I larper I Lil (la Mauldin
Jane D. Silnontor~G, ueJ' Kolxrr Canady Nick A. I Iopmn
w h a 1'. a c k , auef Barbara A Ddvis May A Fargason
Jackson 4W367-9543
Jeff Davis 0 1 2-375-2206
Jefferson 9 12-625-8357
Jenkins 91 59824925
Johnson 91 2-864-3388
Jones 912-986-3722
U.A. Wortlungton, fief J.E. Lcger
Janies Royal
Douglas Beck, Chief Sam b e y Jerry I3dson
Mary J. Turner, Chief J.C. Benton
'Theron Fnlwards
Ihyrnond <'. Maddos, Ulief' Ada Maynard
To~nnlyI)on Moss
C'.lL (hter, Gzief J.C. Mgort.. Jr. Q.1:. Parker
E.W. Grahuln, Uu'cf J.(', l h u g l x
Kuth C;. Mclmn
Kaylnond Carter, Guef Ivalcne &tacham B. l e o n Wlggns
hZ;wJ o t d f o r d , Guef
F.velyn 1li11 I<olxrt WeUs
Boards of Registrars
Lamar 304-35843150
Grace W~tlerC, hief h i m Aluns
M a L~l~ilEleaston
RJ. Robinsun, Qlief Jinimy hlancil
B. Frank Strickland
Lee Y 12-7594481
Liberty (gl2-876-3310
Joseph Ulianc, Quef J.B. Allen
M.O. Dmey t-iazel Slaughter
hUZilcfred Stone
Judy G. GLl, Chief c;eisc Llsry
Ben ('.\ t r i
U i t h Aycock, Uuef Geraldine Brwrne
W y Coffee Shirley Glaze
L)on Sparks
91 2-545-2234
IIaniett Sim~nonsO, lief 1% Otlla Johnson Frances (hambless
404-864-6289 Mrs. Henry W. Moore, Jr., Chief Dora Arrendale Francis Smith
Macon 91 2472-8520
Josephine R Denton, Chief Hton I lunter, Sr. Janie 1'.Robinson
Madison W783-5589
Mary Patton, Udef' Edna ('idloway
Patricia Umstim
Mario11 9 12-649-5 23 1
hlrs. NB. Wells, Jr., Ouef h h e Brow. Myrna Parker
McI)uffie 404-595- 1326
Jim W. Jones, Chief Grover C7arnson
W.E. Hunt E.G. Long
Garvin Reeves
*McInt& 9 124374605
Linda Taylor, Chief
Lee 0. Martin, s.
Joseph Washmgton, Jr.
Bobby Brown, &f
W ~ r Hn (lark B. Harold Guy
Miller 91 2-758-3456
Mitchell 911-3364436
Monroe 912 - 9 0 W 70
Boards of Registrars
M~S. TIICO Reagan, auef Davit1 Ihll1ter Loraine Tyson
Willian~(Billy)Clarroll, Ulkf (Afford I t flynt J.E. Foister Ihnald 1hys
Montgomery 912-583-2571
Morgan 404-3424132
Murray 4046?5-342:
*Musrogee 404-324-77 1 1
Newton 404-787-0446
Oconee 404-769-8701
Oglethorpe 404-743-8422
Paulding 40411454850
Peach 912-825-35 14
Pickens 404-692-25 15
Pierce 9 12 4 9 4 7 3 6
Pike 404-567-8450
LeW Thompson, a e j ' Joe Baldwin k n o s Jones
LLFIT)'S i l ~ t ~ p s ~Ului ,ef B.F. Babb
&. Jerry l y j e
Barbara Carter, Cluej' Patsy Avery
Samuel Oates Charles Spencer Robert P. Vamer
W l e s Haggard, auef Cathy Allen Ruth Bentley
Kayford Dawson, Chief Joe ColLier
Frank Pamish
Claudette Duffell, Uuef Milton Glenn
Raymond Mathews
C. Malcolm nlrner, Uuej' Otis Brooks
Bonnie W d h n s
Ella Ruth Annstrong, Chief ILE. Bryant
Bennett &don
Pat Fhnson, Cluef Jirn Evans
Glenn Mullmix
Ben Walker, Quef Mary Lynn Allen
lvey Lee
Boards of Registrars
Polk 404-7484073
Ann 1'. Gmnon, Oucj' Kotxrt E. Vincent Bartlctt E. Walls
Put nanl 4044854551
Q~utman 91 2-334-2578
Kabun 404-782-3614
Screven 912-564-2 153
(kady (hrna, C ) U C ~ ' Wdl~eW e y
Betty 1'. Wootcn
Frank KedClll~ gU, uej' Andlrtw Bennett Wdlil: Russey
l ~ n l a rBlwkley h k . k I , Edwards Mrs. Luther lkndrick
J.W. (m,Chief Marian Butler H Brooke &on
June hghtner, Chief
Fddie Wvis LoisLee
Harold J. Scott,Chief Mrs. Roy H Howell Mrs. Ikrold J. Scott
Louise Alday, Chief 1lerman CoacllI1m Wdhani 1). Givens
Sara Robinson Francis Smti
Uepl~cns YA-&So-8954
Stewart 91 2-8384267
Suknter 91 2-924-9303
Arthur Mitthews, Uuef Floyd Q l h ra Mdes Dams
W i l h n N. Greene, Chief Jesse J. Davis T.h l FOI, J I..
Charles S. 11-, Jr., CIlicf
k.Eva Grant Bridges k t t y Jean 1h i s
Tat tnall 912-5574417
Taylor 912-862-3997
Telfair 91 2-868-2896
Boards of Registrars
Lrnerson Chew, Oucf Annie B. Ellington Ed ward Sim,Sr. Ruth Spwht
Caesar WdLia.m
Frank J. McFadden, Olief AD. Burns, Jr.
Ihgh Wullson
Andrew W t l e y , olief' tEram Mc(>artha Solan W h
Edward Barineau. Chief Lester Tjopson Doris {Xnles Jamie Routh Cornell W h n
I knry Brim, Chief Jack Cowart
Ifuhert Mosely, Jr.
912-226-78 14
'Tit 912-3824515
Thoalas 1L Vann, Jr., Uuef Ruth Ihult Len Powel!
Amos Marc1lant Onef J. Thonas cbttlc Bernice MzKinnon
Tom 4048%-2267
Treutlen 912-529-3745
Troup 4048849479
Iiarold Rhoden, Chief' W.D. Galbreath Betty G. Todd
a@' Nonzo Berrong, Billye McNabh Bar hard V;ln NIS
Pats! 1'. I'oolc, Ouej'
11IurnLin Joh~son Itay 1klen little
Se.lvwyn S. Scabrough, ffzief k n 0. Ashew, Jr. Toll S. Mitchell
Mrs. A V . Butler, Ouef .hi,(:. Parks J.E. Story
Union 404-74545.19
Ilughes (kiwell, Chief Xlliit Daniel 'l'.M. bnffin
Roixrt 1:. Jakson
Boards of Registrars
Walker W>38334'1
Ihvainc Lov~ngtwtl,Cllicf Bllly Neal Hla
Jcsse A. 'Tliacker
Walton 404-267-8 I 13 x l b
Jerry (imnc.11, Uucf (;wcntlolyn I'eters 1:dciie Pltts
Ware 91 2-285-X863
Mrs. 'To~r:( ( korgi;~S)petic~Q. ucf' J.1:. 1~1~.kle
P.B. Mc<by
Warren 4 W 6 5 - 7 ? 31
Gaynor Norris. Chief John W. Ilart J.C. llcath, Jr.
Frances A. Lokey I LC. Wheeler. Jr.
Washington 91 2-552-5239
W. lanluu Brown, ffuef
Mildred J. Copeland C;eorgc W. I'rosse
Wayne 012327-7841
W.S. Tyrc, Uuef E~iwnrd1'. I lopps, Jr.
Mrs. Joscph Keith
Webster 9 12-828-3090
. h o l d Dacus, Uuef Warren Ellington
Clayton Ollis Spann
Wheeler 912-523-5453
Vivien Joyce, ffuef
J.C. Lee Ihmy Mitchell RE. Tuten, Jr. Jimmy Whlte
White 4 0 4 8 6 5 4 141
Bradley Dorsey , Chief
J.D. McKimey Mrs. O.B. Wst, Jr.
*Whitfield 404-278-7 183
Viginia Hztckney, Chief
James I?. Bethel
Ikan Smith
Wil kes 404-678-1850
Wilkinson 91 2-')462301
Worth 9 12-7763457
Mrs. A.1'. Gunter, Chief R.V. Farrow
J.R. McWholter
Janles A. Reynolds, Chief Wdliam S. &Vaughn Wdliarn Young
Raymond Bacon J.R Baisden
Laura G. Greene
C'. Brown Wdder, Chief Mrs. J.T. Moore
James A. Sherling
State G ~ i r(t(1Ap/~iiirgCai~![!.
Telcplionc: <)I 7-3b7-703b I'eytol: 5Wza, Jtltlgc 1:rnrlett 1'. Sohnson. S o l i ~ i t ~ ) ~ S t t d &IJLS Gxirt ( ~ ' ' A p p / i<~i~) l igt i f ] , TelepIi(,n.: 'f 17-2673649 G.W. O'(>unn, Judge
Bacon SmaN Chins Cixirt (?/'LbtnrC~il1111t1,
ISuger~i,L~opl'r, Juilgc~
G m ~ t Gy nwt of &.kl~iiti GNU?^'
T c l e i ~ h ( ~9~1~7e4:534445 hliltoll I:. (Litinn-, Judge Jmiw: XI. U'at ts, licitor or
Snnll Cla.rn\.Gurt oj'Rald\r.irl Gnu~ty
Telcpllone: 9 17-43-4440 Uit'stcr L. (;lint))..Judge
Ben Hill
Snnll G&rm Cinlrt oy'Ucl~1611 Gnltln
Telzpl~olic 17373-3934 G.11. b'5'1t1, Judgc
Bemen Small Clmi,s Gnvt q/'lk.rnctl Gxalr11
Telephone: U 12 6 8 6 7 0 1Y S.1I. Barkel. Judge
Bibb State Court o]'LziI~Gh nolty
Teleohonc: 913-7456871 x 9-84 J. '1'2:jlor Hullips, Judge Clarence H. Uay, Jr., Solicitoi (fvil Cburt ojBbb Chlnh* Telephonc: 0 12-7456 8 7 i \ 745 J. DoupJas Carllsle, Judge
l k G y h t Hrowwl, Judge
Smalf ail it?^ Cinut of'&oOks a u t l ~ '
Teleph,~ne:9 17-9-63-9989 Mn. hWdred MpnLhWade. J~icigc
Bryan State Gnirt of'Brya~rGnolh)
Telcl~lione9: 111653491 1 ~ e & c t hS. McSumett. Judsc Billy N. Jones. Sohc~tor
Small a i m s fiu? o j B y m ?Crnltit[~.
l'elcplionc: 912453-2855 I1"d-11( . N ~ W I ZJ~uIdIge,
State G)Luo: f 121dlocIl Gnit10,
Telepl~one:911-764J)4 18 Fxti~cisW. Men. Judge Robert S. h e r , Solicitor
Stmll Cluins C mof &dl(ocllGntt~ty
Telephone: 0 12-764-6458 k w i b <BI.~oUBlankenslljp, Judge
State Gxut cV'&vke Gnurh3
Telephone: 404-554-5 151 George W. Fryhofer, Judge Marion Cotten, Sohcitor
&i?LS GXUT Of &ke G ~ u ~ ~ J J Telephone: 404-554428 1 Edward B. Temey, Judge
Srmll Qm'r?aGnat of h t t s Cinult~' Te!ephone: 404775-23 1 1 thrgl~M. Glidewell, Jr., J u d p
Srmll m t t s Cavt of 021/101ulanulh,
Telephone: 912-849-2115 Judge of I'robate Court serves as Judge
County Judiciary Officers
S ? d lClaim Gmrt of'OatrlenGno~ty
Telephone: 0 1 2-576-50 19 J;lmes C. Proctor, Judge
Candler Statc GnVt Oj'QaIdlc~G ~ a i t y
Telephone: 9 124185-2676 1.C'. hnder;on, Judge ( k o r g Lane, Solicitor St?& C l a i i t ~G. ~ t rotj'CiultUcrG ~ u l t y l'elephone: 0 12-685-7888 C31cstcr W. Wdtians. Judge
Carroll State Cinvt c?f'GProNGnttity
Telephone: 404-832-326 1 KJ. ( Bob) Brown. Judge 1lenry C'. Head, Solicitor
a ~thaam
State Gnu?of Chathm~zCuluzt~~
Telephone: 912-9444775
am& W. llead, Judge
IZavid K Elmore, Judge D.A Eastern Judicial CIrcuit acts as Soliclto~ Jeff F. Ilckcy, Uerk Walter Ntchell. Jr., Sheriff Recorder's Crutrt of Onthmn Gntrlty hone1 I:. Drew, Judge Miclue1 L. t(arpf, Judge Muiici~lalGnut of Savmvarrl~(,;et)tgia Telephone: 9 12-94448536 Victor I L Multug, Judge
S?d/CZm'rmGnut of'UuttcxgaCinuzty
Telephone: 404-857-1 8 13 ~ u d i eP, robate Court acts as Judge
Cherokee State Gmrt of Ozerokeem d Fmyth G m h ' a
Telephone: 404-887-8721 kc&d S. (Stan) ( h d t . Judge Elliott K Baker, Solicitor
Clarke State ORUlof &ke Chnly
Telephone: 404-546-8330 x 120 ~ r a &C. Pittard, Jr., Judge Ken Stula, Solicitor
A t l ~ m&-hz ChmtyAhgistrate's Cavt
Telephone: 404-546-8330 Rerre Boulogne, Judge
S ? d la v l s CiRvt of'@ G m t y Ddn L Gay, Judge
Clayton Statcl Ci)ivto j ' ~ t o t Gz ~wzty
l'elcphone: 4W78-c)i)11 x 300 li. Nvin I:ostcr, Judge Ihunett J. Arnold, Ill, Judge Wiliain I:. "l'cte" I4'rey. Solicitor
Clinch Statc G u t o j ' a i t d ~Coluzty
Telephone: 9 12487-5316 Bemen L Sutton, Judge IIlo~nlls<'. Chamlxrs. Sol~citor
Statcl Gnvt of'G)bbGntrity Telephone: 404429-3238 P. Ilarns Ffines, Judge Tom Cauthorn, Judge Ckorge I L Kreeger, Judge W~lliamWchael Brandes Stoddard, Judge tlerhert %, R~versS, olicitor Rebecca "Becky" Willianls, Uerk Kay Gary,Jr., Magistrate George ti. Bridwell, Magistrate
Coffee State Gnvt oj'Cr)jjecGnmt?,
Ielenhone: 91 2-384-5258 'P.v.'wU~~ILJSr,., Solicitor
County Judiciary Officers
smll claim Cbwt of affee Cauzty
Telephone: 9 12-384-2983 hkrgaret A. Kitchens, Judge
Colquit t
State Gxut of Cok@IrutGt mQ
Teleohone: 9 12-985-3858 ~ a c i ~ h o rJutd, ge Sam Csrdner, Jr., Sohcitor
Small claim Onvr of Ollqrutt Gnulty
Telephone: 9 12-985-2888 Wfiam C. (Billy) Peters, Judge
Small Uatm Cbwt of O,hn1]>iaG w t y
Telephone: 404-54 1-0033 ~a-nce E. Maioriello, Judge
Cook M l claim Cbwtof Gwk Cauzty
Teleohone: 912-896-3151
L vkce Mashburn, Judge
State Cavt o f ~ w e t Caounty
Telephone: 404-253- 1390 Nathan Cene Knight, Judge Clifford A Cranford, Solicitor
M claim ORut of G ~ w t Ca ounty
Telephone: 404-25 1-9907 Eddie Ball,Judge
Ckawford MclaimCiRalof~ordOlunty
Telephone: 9 12-8363508
Freddie J. Tidwell, Judge
M claim Cbwt of @sp County
Telephone: 912-273-1721
Eugene E. m e r , Judge
Bate Gxut of Lk.ntur Olunty
Telephone: 9 12-246-8560 Robert F. Galpin, Judge Bruce Kirbo, Solicitor
M I claim cowtof Lk.ntur County
Telephone: 9 12-246-5672 ayde Poitevint, Judge
DeKalb state Ccrcrt of &Kdb Onurly
Telephone: 404-37 1-2591 Ralph E. Carlisle, Judge Jack Bryan Smith, Judge Clarence F. (Cluck) Seellger,Judge John R Thompson, Solicitor
Dodse M claim CZlevt o f ' M g eM t y
Telephone: 912-374-7243 Carlus Gay, Judge
Ml claim aw-to f m b CsRuzty
Teleohone: 917-2684324 Clifford J. Loggns, Judge
~~ Dwsherty
State Gnut of
Telephone: 9 12-883-1210
Rosser Malone, Judge
Telephone: 912-883-1210
W h T. Jones, Judge
State Court of Eirrb Chnly
Tele~hone9: 12-723-3134 ~veietTt racy Moulton, Jr., Judge
w'Ihomas H Baxley Solicitor claims C b w t o f ~ ~ Telephone: 9 12-723-5919 Judge, Probate Court serves as Judge
Cbunty O m of kbIs CcRuzty Judge, Probate Court serves as Judge
County Judiciary Officers
Small Cluivtr Gnu?oJ Fcllt~lG~u t i p Telephone 9 1'3-559-7576
Judge of Rohate Court \ewes Judge
State Oxul of l;jijitlg+mtiGxttzt.v Telephone: 9 12-754-6413 K Edw;ud Reddick. Jr., Judge Z. Vance k h e r , Svliclto~
Stmll Cluiinr ORvt of EIjTt~ghnzGnoltj
Telephone: 9 12-754-6413 Vigil H. Znller, Judge
Elkrt State C h r t of .67bwt G R U ~ Q I
Telephone 404-283-576 1 Rokrt (Bob) W l~venderJ,udgc TIIOI~LSL Ildges, Ill, Sohiltor
st?&/ QinntrGAVTof .67be1-tGxozh~
'Telephone. 404-283-29 1
Paul McCluley, Jr ,Judgc
State Gxat c?fE~rmntclGnult~
Telephone. 9 12-763-7607 Ja) Carroll Cux, Judgr killid~nI1 ( B d ) McWJtortet. JI , S o l i ~ ~ l o
S d l Clains Gmrt of E~matcdGntrlm
Telephone '912-237-6759 J d u C'urry, Judge
Evans State Onvt of ~ ~ V MG~mSl N
lelephone: 912-739-2081 Itiny R Dcbach, Judgc Wfianl E. (Bill) Callowa!, , Solicitor
S d l Claims Gnvt of'EtmsCorul2.v
Telephone: 9 12-7394110 Larry Anderson, Judge
Fayette Smll CImtm COIN? oft;avette CiRu~ty
Telephone: 40446 1-1126 J a m s A White, Judge
State Gxut of &roX;ce mul Fmyth Gmnties
Telephone: 404-887-7782 ~ i c h a r dS. (Stan) Oault, J u d g
Elliott U Baker, Solicitor
SrmIl Claim Gnu?of b-rnlklitz Cinulry
J ~ G Telenhone: 404-3844277 N. Neal. Jutlge
Fulton Addrcs. d l c/o Civil CYitninal COW B~ulhng
State Oxvt of fiidtuu G m q
Telephone: 404-572-2 179 (harlie Climes,Clllef Judge Tom Moral, Judgc
Wflla~nIt Alexander, Judge
Nick Lambros, Judge Dorothy Toth Beisley, Judge Ed Johnson, Judge Don A Langhan~,Judge John Judson Bruner, Judge Hinson McAuliffe, Solicitor-General
SZmll Clains G mof G i l m CiRu?ty
Telephone: 404-635-7766
SZmll Clm'nzsGrut of Glascock Cbunty
Telephone: 404-598-33 19
Glm State Cburt of Glynn ORulty
Telephone: 9 12-265-5359 Ronald F. A b n s , Judge Nan B. Smith, Solicitor Wayne E. Floyd, Clerk
Mgistmte's Cavt of GIynn Cbunty James V. Pleasants, Magstrate
Grady State Ciurt oj'crcLj,&mty
County Judiciary Officers
Telephone : 9 12-377-3350 J. Patrick Ward, Judge J. Richard Porter, 111, Solicitor
Telephone: Y 12-3774132 Max Tyson, Judge
small CIains Gnat of Greene f i ~ n t ? ,
Telephone: 4041153-2306
Gwinnet t
State Gnrt ofG\~uit~Gttnu~f?l Telephone: 404-962-I 585
W w ) n Jachon, Judge Herbert T. Jenluns, Jr., Soli~ltor
State Olurt of ihbentiatn Cmz@
Telephone: 404-778-8600 F. Jack Atiams, Judge Linton K. ('rawford, Soli~ltor
W l CIaims Gnvt of hkhcmhmnOmnty
Telephone: 404-754487 1 Alton Carr Brock, Judge
Hall State Gmvtoj'IMl W t y
Telephone: 404-536668 1 x 296 C. W;nfred Smith, Judge Howard Thompson Oliver, Jr., Solicitor
Small Un'm G-Rvt of lYmwck k l y
George W. Eisel, 111, Judge
WI a a i m Gnat o f I m Cacnty
Telephone: 4 W 7 - 8 4 9 7 7 Wdliam Burton Steis, Judge
Hart WlaaimCbevtofmGnmty
Telephone: 404-376-9872 Wdliam Oscar Lindholm, Judge
Henry W l a a i m Gnvt of Hewy Crmnty
Telephone: 404-957666 1 ~ a +D. Tew, Judge
State Cacrt of Hmton Crmnty Telephone: 404-922447 1 x 263
Paul C. Armitage, Judge Carl A. Veline, Jr., Solicitor Ray Bliss, a e r k
Irwin small a a i m Gn4rf oflruin k t y
Telephone: 9 12468-7487
W eGnvt ofJackson Gmniy
Televhone: 404-367-5706
am& Florace Wood, Judge
Eddie Benton, Solicitor
small aaim Ccevt ofJ- c b m y
Telephone: 404-468665 1 J O G Lee Parrott, Judge
Jeff Wvis WlaaimGnu-tofJeffanisOlunty
Telephone: 9 12-375-2079 wan& W ~ m sJu, dge
State Cacrt of Jefferson k t y
Telephone: 912425-7216 O.B. Cannon, Judge James C. Abbot. Solicitor
Small a a i m Cavt of J e f f m n Crmnty
Telephone: 9 12-625-3003 Walter J. Wasden, Judge
Jenkins State Gnvt of .Jenkins ORUvy
County Judiciary Officers
Telephone: 912-4'824796 Julian P. (heney, Judge K.IL Keeves, 111, W ~ i t o r
Stndl Glm'nsGnu?of Jenkitls G n u 0
Stanley Colernm, Judge
State Gnut of Jdmotz Gmty
Tclephone: 9 12-864-2014 Joe W. Rowland, Judge I<. Ziodges Kowiand, Solicitor
Ml Clam CosalofJonaGmty
Telephone: 404-9865 11.3 b?et$ Massengale I larper, Judgc
Lamar Small ClaimCourt ofLntrnr m1y l
Tele~hone4: W3.58- 1686 ~inGnie&ousas, Judge
Sndl aic~ainlrGnu-!of I m m uGumty
Telephone: 9 12482-2207 Jinuny R Kelly, Judge
~ o l l Wh. ~Warren, Judge
S t d l Chim Cavt of Carnty
Telephone: 9 12-759-2601 Marlin R f'oole, Judge
SfateC i w t of I.ihQ117 Gnuzty
Telephone: 912-8763625 J. N ~ OsIteen, Judge J. Sidney Flowers, Solicitor
MI Uaim Onvt of Liberly Qmly
Telephone: 912-8762343 .4l L. Phillips, Jr., Judge
W l Chim Cixcrt of Limdn Gmnly
Telephone: 404-3594547
~ l & t e rR Fentris, Judge
State Gxut 0f long 07euUy
Richard D. W p s , Judge Joseph C. IGtctm, Solicitor
SmaU C&tm G m of long Gnu@'
Telephone: 9 12-535-2315 Flu& D. Gordon, Judge
Sfate&[if of I~)wIdeWs z t y Telephone: 9 17-2449634
1% M h u r hlzlane, Judge John Kent Edwards, Soli~itor
W l aailm Cvurt 0f'LoMndeS aunty
Tclephone: 9 12-242-7528 E. Hdyn Smith, Judge
Sndl Uaim Gxvt o f Lumpkin Culnty
Telephone: 404-864-3736 h v i d Wallace, Judge
State ORVt of Mm~zG m t y
am Televhone: 912-924-2269 T. Koberts, Judge Walter S. Chew, Jr., Soli~itor
Sdl Qm'mGnul ofkkcon Onutty
Telepl~one9: 12472-8509 AC. CUpepper, Judge
Snrzll Lbim Gnu-!ofMaCffie aunty
Telephone: 404-595-5214
am& Woodrow W a n , Judge
Mchtosh SrmU Claim Cnvt ofMclrztosh Owzty
Telephone: 9124374888
County Judiciary Officers
Meriwether Sndl &ms Gnu7 of M w t I z e r Coun~y
James Melvyn Ned, Judge
State Gmt of Mller Gnuzty
Telephone: 9 12-758-3943 Walter W. Ilayes, Judge Ronnie Joc Lane, Solicitor Snnll Clairm G w t ofMIer Guilty Telephone: 9 17-758-2904 Bohhye J. hbanks, Judge
State ORVt of MtcIzell Gwzt;)~
Tele~hone: 12-336046 1 ~ ; r & S. Twitty, Jr., Judge Wfiatn F. "BiUy" Tyson, Jr., Solicitor h a l l Claim Gmrt of hBtchell County Telephone: 9 12-394-8457 Walter h Gee, Sr., Judge
Monroe S V d @?E Cbwt of&P~Oe GUllty
Telephone: 9 12-994-6626
J. Aubrey Sutton, Judge
S ? d l Claims Gmrt ofhhrztgor?~qG~wzhi
Small Clairlrls Onvt of h b p z Gmrzty Mrs. Lynne Brown, Judge
Muscogee State Gmvt ofCc)hrnbus,Georgia
Telephone: 404-324-77 1 1 Mrs. Kufe E. McCombs, Judge Robert G. Jolmton, Solicitor h.iulici@ Gmvt of alumln~sG, eorgia Wfiatn S. Ckin, Jr., Judge Gus 11. Slunner, Sr., Marshal
Smll aailns Gnvt ofNewton County
Telephone: 404-743-8343 Ben F. I lentlricks, Jutlg
Small aui??lsG w t of'Ckwt2cem l [ v
Telephone: 404-769-8847
M l Ckirtn W f of'Ggiedwrpe Cinult)!
J m e s tlarold McFarland, Judge
Pierce State CiRvt oJ'PimceGmzty
Telepl~otic:01 2 4 9 - 5 5 7 1 Francis I louston, Judge Franklin I). Kozier, Jr., Solicitor
Pike S d l Qainn G m of Pik Onuzty
Telet~hotie4: 04-567-3370
State Gnvt of 'PolkCin~lrty
Telephone: 404-748-2852 Olin T. I*lournoy,Judge
J. Calloway ((A)Jlolrna, Jr.. Soltc~tor
h d l Qaifl~rGwt of'Polk Gntrzh3
h d l CZm't7sGRIMoJ'RclasliiGnuzfy
Telephone: 9 12-783-1357 Wdliam 1'. <'ollins, Judge
County Gnu? of'AitturnzOnuzfy
I'etet- J , Ihce, Jr., Jutlge D.1). ''I>dUas" Veal, Solicitor JZ?lzll&IIE Gxvt of fittun1 Gnuzy Telephone: 4044854501 J. Clayton l h p o v e , J u d g hhgistrate's Gnrt of'fittlanz G n a l ~ , Judge of the Small Clains ('ourt ;~ctsaMs agistrate
County Judiciary Otficers
S ! d i c%tm G nut of /(mldt)lpilGnt1t.1'
JIIIIl,'iisc.J u d g
Richmond Address all c/o kch~nund('ounty hlunicipd
~ a n l &E. Slaton. Judge <;ayle B. khnrick. Solicitor a i l Gxrrt o$Rich~torld&alv J . Bachcller Rythe, Cllief Judge Oliver K. Mixon, ,L.;s.;ociate Judge
Rockdale ,%gistmtc~'sGnu-t oj'R(x:kdaloG~luzty
T e l e p l ~ ~ m4c1.M-922-7750 I lal Dawluns, J u d g
Screven ,j'itzte Gxrt O~'SCTLYOC~i)uizt?'
'Telephone: '11 2-56126 14 Ilany I I. Ihu~terJ,udge \Viiam Ilzonlas Mdlicm, Solicitor
, S Z ~ w l lChina Gnvt of'Scrtfl1e)Gz mtl&
Telephone: 9 12-564-7995 M p h C. Culhcrson, Judge
Seminole Small a t 7 s Glwt ofsenliiaolc Gxu1ty
Telephone: 304-524-5090 Jlu~iwB: . Ifeston, Jutige
Spalding Stnte 0nu-tof J i i t g GnuQ
Telephone: 404-228-8586 Ton1 E. Lewis, Judge John T. Newton, Jr., Solicitor Smzll CIains Gnvt o f S@ng ORuzty Telephone: 404-228-1 170 John 0.Cle~nentsJ,udge
Stephens State Cburtof S t @ ~ s nCaurzty
'Telephone: 404-886-2 167 .4lton M Ada~lsJ.udge Jamw E. Cornwell, Jr., S o h ~ t o r Smll Claiim Gmrf of Stephens Gmizty 'Telephone: 404-886-6205 Samuel G. Church, Judge
State Gwt of'SIullte~Count? ?el-j~hone 9 12-924-0316 George R Ulls, Jr., Judgc Henry 0 Jones, 111. Sohator
Srdl &t?n Onvr of Slalrer Gnulfi.
Telcphonc 9 1 7-1C!4-6609 Lrn/ W Sutton, J u d g
Tat tnall State Gmrf of Tattnall Cimtrtty
?clepllone: 0 1 2454-2 1 16 IM'S. Cowart, Judge B M e 1 Ulhherly, Jr.. D.A. Stdl &mr Gmrt of'Tattild1Guilty relephone: 912-55 14372 Ianlar L bfcC;regor, Judge
Sinall Clm'irsO m o] KglhrCinti~tv
I elephuni: 912-862-5999 hln. C~thenneCarper~tcJ~u,dge
Tel fair Slmdl a n l s GRlrt of'lii]fhirciR4ilty
Tc>lenhone:91 2-868-6772 M~s.'D.w(.Joarln) Sclph, Judge
Snull auirm Gnu?of'Tmdl Gnmrj*
County Judiciary Officers
Telephone: 0 1 2-c)95-3757 Sam I h i e l , Judge
State G R Vo~f 27u)ttmGnuztjv
Telephone: 0 12-126-1716 Charles F. Johnson, J u d g Elliott P. McCi~llurnJ,r., Solicitor
Small Claim Gnvt of m t m r M t y
Telephone: 9 12-226-6701 James W. Keyton, Jr.. J u d g
State Gnvtof EftGzuzfy
Telephone: 9 12-3824243 R R (Dick) Bucklcy, Judge Wvid Roy Hege, Solicitor
Sml1 Qm'msCiRVt of EftCiRUlty
Telephone: 9 11-3824912 J.C. Norman, Judge
Stare Onvt of Tx,mhs W U y
Telephone: 9 12-537-2281 Don P. Carpenter, Judge Bruce V. Buden, Solicitor
Smll Qm'tmCiRvt of Toornbs W l t y
Telephone: 9 12-5268984 Ezra J. h o n , Judge
Treutlen State Cavr ctf Treutlcn Cbwlty
Telephone: 9 12-529-3225 J. Carlton Wamock. Judge J. Clayton Burke, Jr., Solicitor
State Cowt of'noup Gmnty
Telephone: 4W882-693 1 A Vernon Belcher, Judge Loeb C. Ketzky, Solicitor
S?rwlfCknms Gnat of noup G m t y
Telephone: 404-882-7779 Jeanette Lewis Little, Judge
Turner small&mGnu-tof~ORcnt;v
Eugene P. Camwell, Judge
W l &~?tr Gnu-t of Cpson Gnu@
Telephone: 4 W 7 - 5 8 4 1 Jarnes R Davis, Jr., Judge
State Cowt of W k e r Ci?unty
Telenhone: 404-638-16 16 &les aements, Jr., Judge Jon B o b Wood, Solicitor
W l Qm'mCowt of W t o n Gmnty Telephone: 404-267-8001 x 59
Ware State of Mhre Cbur~ty
Telephone: 9 12-283-5223 Ben Snlith, Jr., Judge Delrnan L. (Dick) Minchew, Solicitor
Warren SnrrIlQainsChrtofMbrren~fy
Telenhone: 404465-3 123 G l e s L Harper, Judge
Washington State Cburt of Mtrshington Cbwlty
Telephone: 912-553-4911 Thornas h Ihtcheson, Judge Robert W. Wommack, Jr., Solicitor
Slmll &ns Cowt of W n g t o nW ~ t y
Telephone: 91 2-552-3591 Glenda K. Brown, Judge
State Onvt of Myne G m t y
Telephone: 9 12427-9582 Ray>. Chdon, Judge J. Kenneth Royal, Solicitor
County Judiciary Officers; Justices of the Peace
SmrN Clai11tr Gnol of Mzeeler CrRuzty
Telephone: 912-568-7818
Nonc Appointed
Whitfield Snall Claims Gnut of WutfieldW~ty
Telephone: 404-278-57 17
Jim ?anpbell, Judge
Wilke.3 WClm'msCowrof UIIkesCacnty
Telephone: 404678-1881
meion Aldndge, Judge
Stare Ci-nutof WorthGmnty Clarence A. Miller, Judge Joe L IIouston, Solicitor
WClairmOnvtof WrthM t y Telephone: 9 12-7764266
Jean A. Powas, Judge
Applins G.W. O'Qmn,
457 G.MD.
. . . . . . . .Courthouse Square, Baxley 3 1513
At kinson
Joe Sir~nans1, 026 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 13,Wflacoochee31550 Curtis Giddmgs, 1130G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 623, Pearson 31642
Dwight Smart, 1390G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .I11 E. 12thStreet, Alma31510
Lee P Houston, 931 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 288, Newton 31770
Lee Berry, 105G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.A.da.mRso,u1te151G, B.MoxD4.7. 0.,
3 .
. . . . .Route 3, Box 4 14, Milledgeville 31061
Tonmy W m , 318 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 1641 N. Jefferson St., Milledgeville 31061
Roscoe A. I-Iarrison, 321 G.MD. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Drawer B Iiardwick 3 1034
Donald A. Mock, 265 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Route 1. Homer 30547 Wayne Iiolcolnb, 1580G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Route 2, Alto 30510
Johnny F. Srnith, 243 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(burtl~ouseW, mder 30680 Jack Scgars, 236 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .kiighway 82, Winder 30680 Norine Dills, 316 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Box 3 3 9 4 Winder 30680
J.R Leachlm,822G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 himkingbird Dr., Cartersville 30120 Roqce Gwin, 828 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Route 4, Caddis Rd.,Cartersville30120 Ularles B. Jones, 856 G.ML). . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Snow Springs Road, Adaimille 30103
Bell W G.H Wyatt, 1537 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I 11 S. Slieridan St., Fitzgerala 3 1750
a e ~ Mn ikeS, 1144 G.M D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ray City 31645
R.u.ss9e0l8lkkkretllWsoans,hm11g5to7nGA.Mve.I.,) 9.
F. Gene Home, 386 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Justices of the Peace
Chattooga Jess hnory, 870 G.M.1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tate Kd., Trion 30753
Uyde E. "Gene" liellett, 925 C.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Courtliouse, Surm~lenille30747
GY M M (Pap) Sllivers, 43 1 G.M L). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 1, Fort Gaines, 31751 C.F. Standley, 749 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ft. ma,31751 Chtis L llubbard, 969 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 93, Bluffton 3 1724 Roger Taylor, 1579 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 1, Box85, R. Chines31751
Gary T. Welden, 538 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 2, Box 7863. Harnpton 30228 Connie Bruce, 548 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709 Kmg Road, Riverdale 30274 J. Davis Roberts. 1088 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1619 Hillview Ave.. Jonesboro 30236
Charles k Gravitt, 1189 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1839 Cancilelght Court, Morrow 30260
Ruby Koyal Quck, 1406 G.UD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 175, Ellenwood 30049 Joe Y. Walls, 1644 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .4356 IIendrix Dr.,Forest Park 30050
W ~ H Innfinger, 1219 C;.MIl.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fargo 31631 Roger Metts, 1224 G.M.L).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Court Square, lbrnenille 3 1634 Cobb L Wayne Roberts, 846 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .3890 Smith Dr., Powder Springs 30073
Olan McCray, 851 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4350 Cherokee St., Acworth 30101 Cecil k Wniel, 895 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 158, Mableton 3mS9 Doris Norsworthy, 897 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 Serramonte, Marietta 30067 Wm. Joe Jenkins, Jr., 911 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . .
. . . . .940 Brackett Rd. N.E., Marietta 30066 Harry Austin Bendiburg, 991 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . .3005 Krughtsbridge Rd., Kennesaw 30144 Richard C. Jordan, 992 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910Winchester Trail, Smyrna 30080 C. Talton Barnett, 1017 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . .
. . .3200 Kennesaw View Dr., Marietta 30064 Carol Bristol, 1292 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 2569 Spring Dr., Marietta 30080 Harold hvenport, 1318 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4275 Shlesboro Rd., Kennesaw 30144 "T.O." Sturdivant, 1319 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3565 Omnee Tml, N.E.,Marietta 30062 Douglas Roy Davis, 1378 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 56, Austell30001 Dorothy W. Luyerfelt, 1395 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Fitzgerald Lane, Austell30001 Julian S. Johnston, 1568 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . 2176 Qlmberland B.S,.E.,Smyrna 30080 0 . M (Jack) Littleton, 1608 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . 4030 Glenn Road, Powder Spring 30073 Herbert C. Barron, 1826 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . .
. . 5116North Avenue, Box 8, Clarkdale30020
Frank L Simpon, Sr., 1891 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Privette Rd., Marietta 30060 W h F. Janleson, 1897 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . .807 N. Cobb Parkway, Marietta 30062 Floyd G. Moffett, 1900 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Anita Place S.W., Mableton 30059
Stanley Ridgen, 437 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, West Green 3 1567 Richard S. Wilson, Jr., 748 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 1271, Route 3, Douglas 31533 Norma Carmichael, 1170 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 144, Nicholls 3 1554
J~rsticesof t h e Peace
Colquitt Ton~W.Bar!'idd,1151 G.hl.1). . . . . . . . . . .
6 2 1 3rd St., S.E., hloultrie 31768 Arthur l-lenry illis. 1665 <;.M.I). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lJ.O.Hox 1 28. Norrrun I'uuk 3 177 1
Columbia Eleanor Lee Morrb, I75 (i.M.1). . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .770 Dunwoc)d Rd., hhtinez 30-107 W. Hal Morris, Sr.. 125-A G.hZ.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b34 Old 1:cn-y Ktl., mar tine^ 30907
Jean Ann lavallee, 1285 G.M. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grovetown 30813
Helen Darhy Mtshburn, 1115 G.M.1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'.O. Box 375, Add 31620
Ronnie Fender, 1156 G.M. 1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Routc 1, k n o x 31637
Coweta Douglas White, 645 GM.1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.0.k ~ 9u3, Shlrpsburg 30277
John Jones, (546 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 First .be., Newtun 30263 Wry1 R Cranforcl, 732 G.M.1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Box 218.-AB,Newnan 30263 Hugh C . Norton, 746 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 2, Box 305, Newnan 30263 Howard L. hlwre, 806 C;.MC). . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1. Box 2 , West Cxnp St., Mureland 30259 Tho~nasS. (Jack) Wallace, 1139 C.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 36, Grantville 30220 Tho111asE. (Ton11Falls, 1711 G.MI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Sharpsburg 30277
Melvin R Clark, 573 (3.hl.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 294, Rohrta 3 1078 John I t Hick, 1584 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 91, Roherts 31078
-P Horace Musselwhite. 1451 (;.hI.C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 E. 3rd Avenue, <brdde 3 1015
mde Lester O'Neal Oshome, 1037 G.ldD.. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Route 1, Box 77, Trenton 30752
ELizaheth S.Gil1, 513 G.MI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 31 1, Bainbrike 31717 Chven W. A d t n m , 1188 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. I , M w n 3 1 7 2 5 Jolln hl. llarrell, 11-77G.hl.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RL. 4, Box 444, lhinhritige 31717 Luther W. Swi~,ord1, 392 G.M D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 2, Box 312, kinbridge 31717 Julian'heelcr, 1646 GM i).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Bainbridg 3 1717 Emory Lamb, 1805 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I301 Ekthel Rd., West kinbridge 31717
Fred P. bleyer, 524 G.M D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .6487 1'each:hlrceInti. Blvti., Dordville 30340
mari ion my,Jr.. 53 1 G.hLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 31 B. Iqat Shoals Rd., Atlanta 30316 Dick Schneider, 536 G.M D.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .3234 IIarbor Woo& IU., Decatuu 30034
Robert J. (Bob) Golden, 563 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . .I25 Triity Place, Suite 205, Watw 30030 k g e Mashburn, 572 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . .2316 hlain St., Rear C ~ f eBr ldg.,Tucker 30084
Tdnadge Sheffield. 364 G.hLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Fast11m-131023 F.E. Wiggla, 1821 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K t . 3, Fistllm 31073 h h . Clark I, Cofer, 349 G.XD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,407 Ogiieil Ct., N.W., h t m a n 3 10?.3
kly J . h ivfc(l.ure, 533 (;.hlD. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . ..Box374, Vie1m131092 Lewis Burnlun, 583 (;..2.tP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lJ.O.Hos 101, Ryro~lvllle3 1007
Justices of the Peace
CJ. Lopgins, 1552 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Courthouse,
3 1092
W.E. Joiner, 516 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Courthouse Vienna31092
Donnie Jo Bonds, 730 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 121, Douglasville30134 Leonard Danley, 1259 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7818 152 Road, Wmton 30187 John L hvis, 1273 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Cardinal Dr., Austell30001
Early Julian J. Moore, 866 G.M.D..
. . . . . . . .725 N. Church St., Blakely 3 1723
C.W. Gowan, 1164 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Blakely 31723
Caron Padgett, 1058 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 1, Box77,Fargo31631
Ef fingham
Erma M. Bird, 9 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box84, Rincon31326 Jane K. Roach, 10 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 1, Box 3, S p w i e l d 3 1329 Sheila F. Saxon, 11 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . P.0. Box 432, Spirngfield 3 1329 Yolanda T. Bota, 12 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 2, Box 116, Spnnsfleld 31329
Harry Mosley, 53 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 3, Swainsboro 30401 Mooh hake, 395 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Adrian 31002 Willie R (Son) Gay, 1429 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Swainsboro30401 Kay Canady, 1560 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 2, Twin City 31002 Earl Monis, 1748 G.hlD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 2, Adrian 31002
Booker T. Hogan, 1607 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. BOX403, a m t o n 30417
Milton 11. Fitch, 9 13 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 8, Morganton 30560 Charles F. Galloway, 1205 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 171, Epworth 30541
A.K. (Kenneth) hlelear, 496 G.KD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 327, Fayetteville 30214
Jinlrny L (Jim) West, 1248 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2430 Ilwy 92 N., Fayetteville30214 G. Lany Blanks, 1262 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Austin Dr., Fayettevde 30214
Elmore W f r e y , 859 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 1, Rushchapel Kd., Adairdle 30103 Randy hfichael, 919 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 East 2nd St., Kome 3016 1 1Iugh N.Padgett, 924 G.hLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 2, Cedartown 30125 Gorge Kusell Abrans, 962 G.MD. . . . . . . .
. . . . . Kt. 1, A b r m Rd., Silver Creek 30173 Caenda Caldwd, 1120 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Meadow Lane, Kome 3016 1 RM. Brewton, 1562 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Garden Ave., Lindale 30147
RM. Bernhardt, 795 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 5, Bagley Kd., Cumming 30130 AE. MarJenhoff,879 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 722, Qunrning 30130
Ben C. Jordan, 885 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 2, Box 2, Gainesville 3 1030 Frank Twitty, 1276 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3380 Francis Kd., Alpharetta 30201 John Waylon Tallent, 1437 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, cclrmidng 30130
Justices of the Peace
Ernest Jackson, Jr., 206 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 22, Lavonia 30553 Walt Williams, 213 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 3, Lavonia 30553 Fred M t , 263 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Carnesville 30521 Elton Bond, 1420 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt.1, Box 64 Elton Rd., Royston 30662
ME. Gene Wdkins, 499 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . .
.4895 Een Hill Rd., Box 309, Red Oak 30272
Paul Guthrie, 1226 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390C North River Parkway, Atlanta 30338 Douglas E. Strack, 1100 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1140 Alpharetta St., Rawell30075 Gary J. Markwell, 1176 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Milton Ave., Alpharetta 30201 Harold Qwthon, 1332 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2206 Montrossi Dr., East Point 30344 Benjamin W. Tally, 1589 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Moreland, Hapeville 30354 Sherry Sanders, 1615 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . .I762 E. Princeton Ave., College Park 30337 J. Leon Thompson, 1725 S M D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6300 Thompson Dr., Union (IIty 30291 Joseph S. &pi, J.P. Emeritus . . . . . . . . . .
. . .2870 Nonnandy Dr., N.W., Atlanta 30305
Vernon Dover, 850 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Courthouse, Ellijay 30540
John L Grizzard, 1169 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt.1, Gibson 30810
Warren P. Bnith, 849 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 5, Calhoun 30701 A1 Kittle, 874 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 56, Fairmount 30139 Millard Geeson, 1063 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Calhoun 30701
W- C. Ruff, 753 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box651,Cairo31728 Margaret A, Wells, 576 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 3, Box 152, ThomasviUe 31792
Laverne C. Ogletree, 145 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Courthouse, Greensboro 30642
Gwinnet t
Bill Hedden, 405 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4500 Atlas Place, Tucker 30084 Robert C. Sacks, 406 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 935, Lilburn 36247 George G. Robinson, Sr., 407 G.MD. . . . . . . . . 383 Spring Ridge Kd., Lawrenceville 30245 Macklyn A. Smith, 544 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .223 Perry St., Lawrenceville30245 Hurley W. Biffle, 550 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 634 Leather St., Buford 30518
Ronnie M Moore, 1295 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 1785 Highway 20, Grayson 30221
Patricia kL Holman, 1397 C.M D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,2605 Iianlilton Mill Kd., Buford 30518 Ronald D. Sirns, 1564 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2462 Rolvinridge Dr., Dacula 30211 Leghton Deming, Jr., 1578 G.M.D. . . . . . . .
. . .5265 Jimmy Carter Blvd., Norcross 30093 Wendell L Pemy, 1604 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 402, Buford 30518 Richard E. Collar, Jr., 408 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1789 Vertex Dr., Snellville30278 W.P. Wdbanks, 1263 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box636, Euluth30136 Iamar H Johnson, 404 G.M D. . . . . . . . . . .
.I682 McKendree Rd., L a m n d e 30245
CharlesM Hoskins, 478 C.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Box 2 3 5 4 Bethlehem 30620
Preston Galloway, 422 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 95, Iiollywood 30523
Justices of the Peace
Jasper Elizabeth
. . . . . . . . . .Courthouse, Monticello 3 1064
Jeff Davis
1364 G.MI1. . . . . . .
Ferry Rd., tiazlehurst
D.L Griffin, 1621 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, HajAehurst 31539
L a n a Hutchinson, 82 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .835 h4imasa Dr., Louisville 30434
Stan Coleman, 1635 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Box 499, Millen 30442 Brantley E. Burke, 1636 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Box 109, m e n 30442 h r i n Pierce, 1637 GMD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 231, Miller130442 Eugene Dwelle, 1638 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 60, Millen 30442 Mary Jo Lane, 1639 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 4, Box 78, Millen 30442 M e n A Hooks, 1640G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Box 260, m e n 30442
Bonita Colston, 55 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box48, Kite 31049 MT. Riner, Jr., 56 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 1, Kite 31049 Dana Martin, 1201 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrightnille 31096 James C Davis, 1405 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Wnghtsville 31096 Bobbie Jean W t o n , 1746 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Courthouse, Wrightsville 31096
Bert Liston, 304 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 14,Box748, Macon31211 Jimmy H. Collins,459G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Box 44, Pinewood Dr., Gray 3 1032
W.H (Bill)Bullock, 533 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Box 184, Barnesville 30204 Hoyt Eugene Ray, 523 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . ~ t1,.BOX 6 4 ~m, a 30247
Wesley Studstill, 1300 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Lakeland 31635
Bennie E McCoy, 52 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .407 Poplar Drive, Dublin 31021
George H Adam, 342 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 1306 Edgewood Ave., Dublin 31021
Ernest S. Stinson, 1309 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brewton Road,Dublin 31021 Charles Kicker, 1682 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Caldwell31009
Lawrence (Lany) Breeden, Jr., 915 G.MD. . . .
. . . . . . . . .Rt. 4, Box 137, Leeburg 31763
Carolyn Bowers, 975 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . .
G.L (Jerry)
. . Rt. 4, Box
Tauber, 1238
219, Leeburg 31763
G.M.D. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .Rt. 4, Box 223, Leesburg 31763
Lee Stanley, 738 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . ..P.O. Box424, Leeburg31763
Liberty Me
. . . . . . . . .Rt.1, Box 359, Ricebom 31323,.1P7.GO..MBDox.
584, f
James Caant, 1359 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box31, Mdway 31320
Keel, 1458 G.MD. 103 B. West South
1313, wBo,x1417664G, R.MicDhm.
shelby L Groover, 1756 G.MD. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Rt. 2,Box206,Hinesville31313
Justices of the Peace
Jan~esC. Justice, Jr., 184 G.MD.. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 182-4 Lincotnton 30817 John Bussey Snlith, 186 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . P.O. Box 433, Lncolnton 30817 T. Tormnie Wilhxns, 269 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 2, Box 91, Lincolnton 308 17
Jun Fuller, ?4 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'.O. Box 456. hdowici 3 131~ 6 . Betty Raulerson, 1756 G.M.D.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1,Box31, Ludowici31316
George 11 liart, Jr., 663 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Courthouse, Valdosta 3 1601
William W. Taylor, 1267 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 S. Ckurch St., 1lalira 3 1632
Talnladge Sandin, 1268 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 67, Lake Park 3 1636
Annond Law,543 G. MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Courthouse, Oglethorpe 3 1068 Rogers G. Street~nan7, 57 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 7, Ideal 31041 Arthur Kodgers, 770 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1'. 0. Box 245, Montezurna 31063 Calvin Avera, 1070 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 305, Oglethorpe 3 1068
Janice M i e l , 807 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box401, Buena Vita 31803
C.W. (Red) Ilemdon, 134 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Main St., 'Illonson 30824 Carroll C. Burton, 152 G.MI1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. l,Box312,Thonmn30824
W~ A. Biggers; Sr., 665 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 296, Greenville 30222 Jack M. Blankenship, 704 GMD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 191, Warm S p w 31830 James Melvyn Neill, 1290 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '407 W. Main St., Manchester 31816 HG. Rollins, Jr., 1520 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Manchester 31816
Phillip M. Richardson, 903 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .303 Virgmia St., Colquitt 3 1737
AlexCurles, 1173 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 E. Stevens St., Vanilla 3 1730 Walter A. Gee, Sr., 1194 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .833 W. Railroad St., Pelham 3 1779
Brack L. Goolsby 466 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Luther Smith Road, Rt. 1, Juliette 3 1046 Ann R. Fmrnan,467 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 569, Forsytli 3 1029 W.A. Tumer, 474 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Forsyth 31029 James Auby Sutton, 480 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 974, Forsyth 31029 Joseph Warren Proctor, Jr., 523 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 5, Box 101A, Jackson 30233 Guy C Johnson, 596 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Box 244, Forsyth 3 1029 'Ilieln~aTreadwell, 599 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Forsyth 31029 J.D. Grubbs, 618 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 24, Bolingbroke 3 1004
Glenn C. Truett, 1343 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 26 1, Mt. Vernon 30445 Terry L Reece,1810 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 394, Uvalda 30473
CK. Edwards, 276 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Washington St., Madison 30650
Justices of the Peace
Von H Caylor, 101I G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1 , ~ d a l l 3 0 7 1 1
Richard M.Gray, 461 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .65 Salem Circle, Covington 30209
Tommy Alexander, 462 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 7 100 Pinecrest Dr., Comgton 30209
.Glenn L &by, 546 . 3124 Henderson
G.MD.. Mill Rd.,
Comgton 30209
Janet Y. Wheeler, 567 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . .
. .3514 Highway 162 South, Covrngton 30209
Robert A Smith, 1249 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 667, Oxford 30267
Robert W. Allen, 1525 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box ll,Oxford30267
LorraineJ. Moss,240G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Box 2 - 4 Bogart 30622
weth o w Bobby R Arnold, 226 G.MD.
Gordon,BIIoIx, 253806,GC.Mra.wDf.o.rd.
. . . . . . . . P.O. Box 2336, Philoxnath 30659
L Lee Sisson, 233 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Lexington 30648
Lew Johnson, 942 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Austin Bridge Rd., Hiram 30141 Mildred Ragsdale, 1080G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 E. Griffm St., Was 30132 Brian A (;arrett, 1381 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Old Mill Rd., Hiram 30141
Gordon E. EUmgton, 1813G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 853, Ft. Valley 31030 George W. Harris, 1816 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 38-0, Ft. Valley 31030
Charles L Chapman, 1098G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I237 Nalley Dr., Jasper 30143
Homer E. Wynn,584 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 451, Blackshear 31516
Richard D. King, 551 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 618, Zebulon 30295 RJ. A h , 580 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 97, Zebulon 30295
Sydne F. Bell, 1072 G.M D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 438, Rockmart 30153
Ira Lee Johnson, Jr., 384 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Hartford, Hawkinsville 31036 Oecil P. Lanier, 542 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . P.O. Box 133, Hawkinsville 31036 Ken Peny, 1677 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .327 Menitt St., Hawkinsville 31036
Sue W. Borders, 811 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Box 12-4 Georgetown 31754
Jamg F. (Jim) Lovell, 587 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 1153, Clayton 30525
John R Baxter, 86 #1 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
G21il4b4erEt,a8st6si#d2e CGo.uMrtD, .A.
. . . . . . . .I934 Fairway Dr., Augusta 30906
James C. Smith, 86 #4 G,M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
AUie J.
Q. r.3p6en3t0erP,om86pl#o5naGD.Mr.,
. . . . . . . . 2110 Mims Rd., Hepzibah 30815
Justices of the Pcace
Ted R Coltins, 86 *6, G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Kt. 1, Box 114 D, Auguta 30906 Vernon Ogletree, 88 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1813W h o n C i r c i e , Augusta 30904 Bobby D. Cheeks, 89 G.XLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3402 kchnlond IliU JLl.,Augusta 30906 W W i f L ( B d ) Hanlhrick, 90 C..MD.. . . . . .
. . . . .3524 Wnghtsboro Rd., Augusta 30906
FLII. U o t t , 476 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I458 Northside Dr., Conyers 30207 Carter A. Setliff, 561 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 W p w o o d Circle, Conyers 30207 Frank D. Smith, 1619 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1683 Oak Street, Milstead 30207
Schley L.S. bI~lcklickle9. 46 G.hlD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 4, Buena Vita 31803 Frances t L IIuntel, 96 1- 2 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 352, WlaviUe 3 1806
Jan= B. l'reston, 1046 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.0.Box 384, Donalsonville 31745
John 0.Clel~lents,1001 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708 Beize St., Griffm 30223 Gail Ilair, 1066 C..MIl.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1600blusgrove Kd., Griffin 30223 Rita Thurston, 1068 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Vaughn Lane, Griffin 30223 T.W. Ogletree, 1825 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172Poplar St., Cjlffin 30223
Jack C. W ~ n s26, 7 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Eastanollee 30538 Warren Wilkinson, 402 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Toccoa 30577 Billy R Hoibrook, 440 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Ridge Rd., T m a 30577
George S. Lce, 725 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omaha31821 Hershel L. French. Jr.. 727 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 2 ' ~~.rjroddSt., Richland 3 1825 W.B. Law, 796 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Main St., Lumpkin 31815
W ~ Homston, Sr., 687 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Leslie 3 1764 J.W. Southwell. 789 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 1, Americus 3 1709 George 'Iheuer, 1007 G.BL D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 2, Arnericus 31709
J.W. Downs, 685 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 83, Talbotton 31827
172~11uAs Stubh, 502 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 231, Woodland 31836
Ularles R kuh, 40 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Glennville 30427 Henry 0.Walker, 41 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Main Street, Reidwille 30453 J.C. Powell, 1601 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Railroad Street, Collins 30421
Waylnon Lafavor, 1901 C.hLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208 E. Poplar St., McRae 31055 John E. Dopson, 1904 C.; M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 54, Jacksonville 31544
EdMcGill, 1143G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 2, Box 103, Dawson 3 1742 C.W. (liap) Oliver. 1154 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 503, Dalvson 3 1742
Glenn M Strickland,754 G.MD. . . . . . . . . .
Justices of the Peace
. . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box37,Boston31626
G. a.r.laPn.Od.,
637 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
Box 879, 'Iho~nasville31792
Ledford Hmd, 1314G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Courthouse, Titon 31794
Ralph B. Page, 51 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 N. Maple Dr., Vidalia 30474 Donald I1 Lewis, 1715 G.M D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Box 190, Vidalia 30474
Towns John W. Goodwin, Jr., 833 G.M.D..
. . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Box 110, Hiawassee 30546
990 P.O.
G.MD. . . . . . . . .
Box 363, thwassee
30546 e.mRtn.,11,4Y6o8uGng.MHDan. is.3.0.58. 2.
Talmadge Powell, 1221 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Soperton30457
lbrner a.ts2o0n5,
1624 Wh
G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . .
n s Ave., Ashburn 31714
'M3@ Doyle Stone,
. . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1,Jeffersonville31044
Gerald Griner, 354 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 1,Jeffemnville 31044
S.hi.rl.ey.L.,61, 3B2o2xG30.M4,DM. a.c.on.
Philip Baxter, 1024G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
: . . . . . . . .Rt.3. Box42-B.Blainille30512
UP. Hamby, 1409G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box30, Blairsville 30512,,
Phil (lawford, 588 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 225, Yatesville 31097 0 s H~endricks, 537 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
Rt. 3, IJendricks(ThmhRd., Thomaston 30286
G.a.ry.k.,.O55. 5BGox.M7.2D6.., Jo.e.B...B.ri.dg1e8sI, W13y36BGill.yMDDr...,
Thornaston 30286
mvid Russell, 1610 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Rt.1, Box 396, Thornaston 30286
8.7.1.G..M. .DB.o.x.8.54.,.L.a.Fa.y.e.tte.
.o2d010,8J9e3nkGi.nMs .RDd...,
3074 1
Walton William T. Wright, 417 G.M.D.
..........,.ntS..nr1e..,rB,,4Po45ax14rk93Ge4Gr.7MD.. ~DrL.,.mDM.a;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Monroe 30655
David k Hall, 1231 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box824, Waycross31501 Isbon Mercer, 1256 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1 , b x 2 9 , hfillwood31552 W* E. Linton, 1372 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 5, Box 488. Waycross 31501
Lewellyn Thompson,Jr., 155 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box,haesena30819 Gene Johnson, 158 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box, Norwood 30821
Washington Wiiliam Helton Johnson, 88-90 G.MD.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 28, Oconee 31067
Justices of the Peace; Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
Henry Z. Josey, 92 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
r Eugene
. . Rt. 2,
BSomxit1h9, 927,BGa.rMto.wD.3. 0.41.3.
. . . . . . . . . Courthouse, Sandemdle 31082
Albert L Moye, 1253G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Box 175, Wvisboro 31018
Harry E. clmm&q 1488G.M.D. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . Courthouse, Sandersville31082
W.H (Dink)Nesmith, 1255G.MD. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 27, Jesup 31545
Vernon Spradley, 333 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . .
Glynn Larry
. . .Rt.1, Box 1 3 8 4
Horton, 583 G.M.D..
. . . . . . . . . . P.O.Box1811,Odum31555
Benjamin J. Kennedy, 978 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Preston 31824 B.J. Goodwin, 1092G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weston 31832
Albert F. Tayor, Sr.. 836 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Adair h4ills Rd., Cleveland 30528
Roy Qrder, 627 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .812 Tilton Bridge Rd., Wlton 30720 Mack Belue, 863 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2268 Old Ringgold Rd.,Rocky Face 30740
James H (Mickey) Lon&872 G.M.D. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 2413 3rd St., Wlton 30720 Fonest L Griff~n,1049G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Box 124-4 Tunnel W 3 0 7 5 5 Ell Springfield, 1233G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2762 L a n m Rd., Rocky Face 30740 Etta Mae Norre11, 1298G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .,t1tSe4pRr3i3dn.Gg, .RRMod.c.D,
Ottis(Red) Dykes, 1442G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Courthouse, AbbeviUe31001
m e 8
John G. Wnght,
164 G.M.D..
. . . . . . . . . Courthouse, Washington 30673
Reece H Smith, 168G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . Courthouse, Washington 30673
W.A Hackney, 169G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .Courthouse, Washington 3M73
Thomas R Weaver, 331 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. l,Gordon31031
Marion L Bridges, 867 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box64, Sylvester31791 HJ. Langdale, 1576G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2,Sumner31789 F.D. (Marcus)Land, 1701G.M.D. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. l,Sumner31789
W.O. Crosby, 1390G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
JS...Tew... aS..rtd..ewR.. a..rS.t.,m..1i.5.th23.,,,..AA..llmm..aa..33..11.5.511..00..
y Lewis, 1730GM.D..
..R.t..3.,A. .lm. a.
Boatnght, 1731
..R.t..4.,A. l.m.a.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt.3, Alma31510
W. .oPo.Od,.
322 G.M.D. . . . . . . .
Box 1464, hlilledgrevllle
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
Glee D. Gunby, 321 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 1082, Milledgeville31061
Hamld E. Clark, 207 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Commerce 30529 h.i.te., 4.4.8.G..M..D. ...
F.E. Brewer, 912 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Lula 30554
Edward Bennett, 1464G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Gillsville 30543
Paul L Hamilton, 243 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 114 Ridgeway, Winder 30680,m.24p.6s.oGn..,M.2..4D9...GR..tM..4.D,
Pete Patrick, 316
Jo..h..n..M..u..c..kl..e,..1..7..4R2.tG..3.M., ..BD.o.Rxt..33.16,.,
.1.74.0.G..M. ..D...B.ox.
Wmder 30680,,rC1.171l.7a47r4.1k44.3GTG.G.Mo..w.MM.D.nR...DDRt....d4....,,
Winder 30680
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Hoschton 30548,e..8ls..1o9Pn.,.OG.8...M2QB2a.DodG.xe.M3.R6..D2o,.a.Qd..,r.t.Ae..crws..vo..irltl..he..331..00..120..01..
Reuben Jones, 827 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .,,..8.D..5.6.Rt.G.....M2..,.Dw...H.
. . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 166, Adairsville 30103
J. Frank Floyd, 936 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . .
.M.a.dd.o.x,.9.5.2.G..M. ..DR. t..
Albert, 9.6.3.G..M. .DR.t..1., .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt.6,Qrtersville30120
EW.Counch,1471G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Taylorsville 30178
Ben Hill
Tom Lester, 1537 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fitzgerald 31750
Qrson Boyd, 1144G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 22, BonnieMoore, 1157G.M.D.. .
. . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 296, Nashville 3 1639
.G..M..RDo. u.te.
1, Cochran31014
W. .de.y.,
EK Moxgan, 1565G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 117, Nahunta 31553
H. .od.g.ePs,.O2.0BGo.xM5.D1.,
Richmond Hll31324
Buuoch Bonnie N. D e k h , 1209 G.M.D.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 5, Statesboro30458
R.a.ym. o.n.d.L.
1523 G.M.D.. P.O. Box 98,
J.W.h h s h d , 65 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notaries Public Ex-Oificio Justices of t h c Peace
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keys~dlr30816 MS. Jones, Jr., 68 G.PI1.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 1 , Glrard 30426 Xhir Jo Kiner, 73 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J'.O. Box 165, Midville 30441
John 1Iowxd Mtmre, 6 12 G.M. D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 3876, J'~ckson30233 Kolxrt F. Burpee, 614 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 541, Rovilla 30216
J.C. Chury,31 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Uox 194, WoodOine 3 1569 J.C. Parker, 270 C;.hlD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 127, WhiteW31568
Pxn Holland, 1685 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635 Dorothy St., hletter 30439 1.E. Fordhmn, 1733 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 1, Box 24, Metter 30439 Janits Fdward Ward, 1734 G.btD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 2, Box 110, hktter 30439 Lois Wdhns, 1735 G.h l D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 75, Pulaski 30451 0.11. Warren, 1736 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Box 492, Mettcr 30439 Josh Holloway, 1737 G.M. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 1, Cobhtown 30420
Kanddl Smith, 642 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CarroUton 30117 Janes K (Bob) Key, 649 G.h.1.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Box 228, leniple 30179 KalpllJmll, 682 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Whitesburg 30185 Ihbert IIendIix, 714G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 11, Box313, Carrollton30117 Jack Johnson, 1006 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 2, Bowdon 30108 J.G. Rainwater, 1111 G.hLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .306 Rottle St., Bowdon 30108 J.B. Lew, 1163 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Carrollto~3i 01 17 Mrs. Jack Pate, 1297 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Whitesburg 30185 Claude Eason, I310 G M D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 1, Bowdon 30108
llarold Young, 930 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 7, Box 63, M o l d 30736 Tom C. Napier, 1004 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Ringgold 30736 Henry Longwith, 1109 G.h tD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 3, Ruygold 30736 Kay Dean Watts, 1110 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, w o l d 30736 Herbert Cocllran, 1555 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
. Post Oak Rd., Rt. 1, Box 35, w o l d 30736
Perry G. Stewart, 1894 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1841 Stancil Rd., East Ridge, l n . 37412
Ikndon Griffin, 1104 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 365, Cusseta 31805
Emnett Iiemphdl, 927 G.hLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, S u m ~ r v i l l e30747
Robert F. W c y , 817 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I217 Siesta Lane, Acworth 30301 Hubert Green, 818 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 149, Rt. 5, Canton 30114 Grady Ekmell, 1019 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4,Canton30114
Bertrand, 749
. . . . . . . Rt. 2, Box 99 L, Ft. Gaines 3 1751
Lawton Park, 1579 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt.1, Ft. Gaines31751
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
Dan Harolcl htes, 1088 G.M D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Courthouse, Joncsboro 30236 V i a Davis, 16.14 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 4684 A* St., R r i ~3-01, Forest Park 30050
ChffordBennett, 1M1 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Star Rt.. F IonieMLle 3 1634 Ben 'T.Wdoughby,.lr., I14 1 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Box 113-B. kiornede 31634 Iverson f L Huxford, 1224 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 377, I~Iommille3 1634 Mary men Colburn, I 280 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PO. Box 5, Duponi 31630 Fred Steedley, 1389 G.M.11.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Argyle 3 1623
Lloyd Lee, 1766 C.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. ?, Box 2 18, Lakeland 3 1635 Coffee
bretta Parker, 748 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .W. Ward St., County Bldg., Douglas 30533
Mn.Jeffery L. Qiinn, 1127 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 199, Broxton 31519 JearreU Vickers, 1556 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 173,Arnbrose31511Sydney Thomas, 1170G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box411,Nicholls31554
O.HP. Juhan, Jr., 1020 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 176, Berline 3 1722 Mchael A. Sherhg, I 15I GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 68, Moultrie 31768 Mckey Baker, I I84 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt.2, Norman Park 31771 G.D. McEver. 1373 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, hiordtrie 31 768 W.F. Brcgdon, 1374 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Route 1, Omega 3 1775 James R Shiver, 1445 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Route 6, Moultrie 31768 Leonard Smith, 1482 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bloultrie31768 J.B. Green, 1510G..M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 155, Hartsfield 31756 G.B. Griner 1538 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Me* 31765 Wallace Gila, 1549 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Moultrie 31768 C.W. Davidwn, 1582 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 1 1 6 , h m 3 1 7 4 4 MadelynGiddings, 1617 C;.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 1,On1ega 31775 Horace Wfians,1684 G.M D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Moultrie 31768 W.P. Sloan,Jr., 1759 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Moultrie 3 1768 Mack Dekle, 1769 G.MD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 6, Moultrie 31768
Edrie Lyle Ferplson, 125 G.M D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 741-4Rt. I , Evans 30809 Ralph L Hogan, 125-4 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 19 Stardust Rd., Martinez 30907 DavidG. H e y , 128G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .P.O. Box 102, Rt. 2, Harlem 30814 CurryB.Monis, 129G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Star Rt., Box 26, .4ppling 30802 Bobbie Jockel, 1285 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 495, Grovetown 30813
Codc W.B. McGinty, 1145 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adel 31620 Wvid Robinsun, 1156 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 127, Lenox 3 1637
Harvey LeeBennett, I311 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2,Box319,Adel31620 Brent Wynne, 1461 G.UD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 80, Cccd31627 JuiiusCarter, l664G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Box 555, Sparks31647 L C . Cadwell, 1761 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2. Box 72, Adel 3 1620
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
olarles H Buntex, 806 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 84, Moreland 30259
Robert Southwell, 732 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 102, Arabi 31712 Verlie Moore, 945 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box403,Cordele 31015 Bill Olsen, 1004 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3,Cordele31015 Doris Sirn~ons1, 040 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Pitts 31072 John Tom Wright, 1451 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .606 E. 15th Ave. Cordele 31015 Carl Whelchel, Jr., 1697 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Cordele 3 1015
Mrs. Bernice S i r q 873 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Trenton 30751
J.B. Geddie, 960 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 601, Trenton 30752
W h Swan, 1037 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Wddwood 30757
Donald E. Moreland, 1089 G.M.D. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 324, Wddwood 30737
Marvin Donald Hicks, 1215 G.M.D.. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 45-B,
Fawn 30738
Doyle Stephens, 1222 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . Box 352, Rt. 2, Trenton 30752
George R Townsend, 820 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Dawsonville 30534 Wylie Z. Samples, 830 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Wwsonville 30534 E.D. Tatum, 916 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Dawsonville 30534 Herbert Glassman, 931 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Dawsonville 30534 Eugene Goode, 979 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Star Rt., Marble Hill 30148 Arthur Cdlreath, 989 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Dawsonville 30534 Dale Moore, 1022 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Dawsonville 30534 Elton Stowers, 1023 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Dawsonville 30534 Paul Payne, 1178 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 254, Dawsonville 30534
we Kitty (Magorie) Cravey, 339 G.MD..
. . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 203. Rhine 31077
MIS. Alton Mullis, 349 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .7th Ave., Eastman 31023
Robert Harrell,364 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 1, Eastman31023
Douglas Martin, 384 G.M. D.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Eastman 31023
Stewart Kelly, 1254 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .Box 188,Cnauncey31011
G.W. (Buck) Bowman, Jr., 1455 G.M.D. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 5,Cochmn31014
Marlin Moore, 1456 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chester31012
Johnny E. Dykes, 1674 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Gxluan 31023
N.L Sheffield, 1702 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Route 3, Eastman 31023
Ronnie Lancaster, 1751 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Milan31061
D.W. Linder, 1821 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Route 3, Eastman 31023
LL h l l , 1881 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Chauncey 31011
Early Rex Reeves,866 G.M.D..
. . . . . . . .620 Flowers Drive, Blakely 3 1723
P.B. McCurley, Jr., 189 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .I18 N. McIntosh St., Elberton 30635 Otto G. Jones, 190 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 6, Elberton 30635 J. Clark Hudson, 191 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Elberton 30635
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
Herbert Lykins, 192G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Elberton 30635
Robert L Bradford, 193G.MD. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .Mattox Bridge Road, Elberton 30635
Frank Melton, 195G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Box 113,Elberton 30635
Martin Anderson, 196G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Anderson Hwy., Elberton 30635
Jimmy Canales, 197 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
'IheronH Ward,
199 G.MD.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt.2, Elberton 30635
P.D. Webb, 202 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 5, Elberton 30635
Tom Jones, 315 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Elberton 30635
Bobby Qul, 53 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . South Main st., s w b o r o 30401
Evans Barney Lbrence,401
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wlsy 30423
Tommie Smith, 1366 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, h4amwis 30438
Ronald Hallman, 1607 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &ton 30417
Mrs. Rufus Jones, 1738G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ t 1.,aaxton 30417
Alvin Blalock, 1739G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellville 30414
Johnny Richards,913 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . .
Bobby Jones,
1029 G.MD.
. .
. . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 119, Mneral Bluff 30559
Rick Walz, 1205 G.MD. . . . . . . Star Route, Box
183, Epworth
R.B..RFtol,s5te0r1, 549H5wGy.8M5DS.o.ut.h,
496 .395
G.MD. . . . . . . . . .
Qynn St., Fayetteville
Albert H Berg, 538 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Woolsey 30294
J.G. Presley, 549 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Rt. l,Box344-H,Fairbum30213
.'ll.o.m.psRotn.,5,JrH.,w7y0.93G14.M, FDay.
Chades F. Moye, 1248G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Rt. l,Box76,Fairbum30213
Allen Putman, 1293G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 23, Brooks 30205
Bobby L Throneberry, 859 G.MD. . . . . . . .
Albert J.
. .Rt. 8, Bells Ferry
Kirby, 919 G.MD..
Rome 3016
. . . . . . . . . 3 Notasulga Drive, Rome 30161
Kathy Brandon, 924 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Lindale 30147
'llolley L W e , 949 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Route 1, Armuchee 30105
Steve Bennett, 962 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Silver Qreek 30173
Wnny H Drummcmd, 1048G.MD. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 6, Rome 31061
Willard W. Burchfield, 1120G.MD. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 9SevenHibPlace, Rome30161
Joe Smith, 1504G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Aragon 30104
.... 1.,
Forsyth Eua Orr, 795 G.MD..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 5,Chmnring30130
J.W. Tatum, 835 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 6, ~ 3 0 1 3 0
. k. D.O. Freeman, 841 G.MD. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, G a i n M e 30501
M.aRckt.L4,B~ai~le3y3, ,Sr6.,1858I0XGe.wMRdD.. ,.Q.u.n.rr. 6.n.g.3.0130
b e s t hklvin Richards, 1276G.MD. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Rt. 5, Shiloh Rd., Q1mnring30130
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
Betty W. Akin, 212 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Martin 30557 Herbert Whitworth, 213 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 194, Lavonia 30553 Ansel J. Todd, 370G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Elbert Road, Royston 30662
Donald Hallford, 812 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Chmesville 30521 Emil A. McCuriey, 1363G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 221, Canon 30520 Charles H Moon, 1377 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Martin 30557
Berry E. Brock, 733 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Rt. 2, Box 311 - 4 Fairbum 30213
Herbert Smith, 845 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .900 M e St., R a w d 30075
.A.da.6m5s,1J8rC., h1e1rr0y0TGr.eMe IDa.n. e.,
Atlanta 30328
Walter H Wulff, 1134 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 185 Valley View Drive, Fairbum 30213
William A. Huff, 1332G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . P.O. Box 90339, East Point 30344
James J. Preston, 1589G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
E...M. a.3rs0h4, 4SrS.,yl1v6a1n5RGd..M, IDkp..ev.ll.le.
. .3961Pine Valley Drive, College Park 30337
Joe W. White, 1725G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 4673 Heather Court, Union City 30291
CharlesUsy,1167G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Main Street, Gibson 30810
Luther Bagley, Jr., 849 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 996, Qlhoun 30701 aarence J. Gaeene, 1054 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 97, Sugar Valley 30746
.Pe.a.rc.5e,8755T3eGn.tMh ADv.e..,
NW,Cairo 31728
u Mk a
G. ..M.D...
. .
. .
. .
.Penfield 30648
James E. Clayton, 405 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .I97 Jennifer Lane, Lilbum 30247 William F. Want, 406 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .29 B S Peachtree St., Norcross 30091
TYoy S. ?homoson, 111,407 G.MD. . . . . . . .
. . 403 New Hope Road, L a w r e n d e 30245
DonG. GQskill,408G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 2756 N. Beth Drive, Snellville30278
James bnan, 444, G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .2025 Hwy 124, W o r d 30518
David Mason, 571 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .Hwy, 124, No. 4108, Lithonia 30058
Athan J. h.lullinax, 1263G.MD. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 577, m u t h 30136
Robert L Kennerly, 1295 G.MD. . . . . . . . .
. .2672 W e Still Road,Lawrenceville 30245
John H Jacobs, 1578G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .2244 Hudson IXive, Lilbum 30247
T.m.y.S.UhanripotnonG, rJor.x,
1587 G.MD. Church Rd.,
. . Box 5480,
Auburn 30203
Pratt Reece, 268 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .Rt.
. . . . . . .Rt. 10, Box 249, Gainesville 30501
G1.B.,.,4.537.45GGR..tMM. 6DD,
. . . . . Rt. 7, Simpson Rd., Gainesville 30501
Robert L Sprigs, 803 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Murraw30564
Tho~naJs. (Tommy) Farr, 1270G.M.D. . . . . .
D. y.eBr,o1x630656G, .FMloDw..ery.
. . . . . . . . . . . .Box 294,Ckkwood 30566
Jeny L Simmons,1690 G.MD. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Lula 30554
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
h e s t L Kendricks, 103G.MD. . . . . . . . . .
P.O. 107
. . . . . . . . . .Rt. l,Box79,Mayfidd31059
EuniceCdver, 118G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . Rt. 1,Box 1894 Sparta 31087
Tallapoosa 30176
k .
.1R0t7. 72G, B.MoxD.1. 9.5, a.rt.
Jerry Williams, 1078G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Wlchanan 30113
Freeman Aym, 1143G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 531, Buchanan 30113 Ht. 1R,2ic7h-iAe,T1r2e5e1toGp.DMriDve..,&. m. .en.
301 10
M.B. Shealy, 1426G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 164,Waco 30182
Earl Kirk, 1475 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt.2,Tallapoosa30176
W.F. Mosley, 1585G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. l,Bremen30110
Hart,.11.1.2.G..M. .D..R. t..
1, Chon 30520
G. ..M.D.....R. t..
1, Qnon 30520,d..1a..1m1..5,..G1..1.M..14..DG.....M..R...tD....3..,..HH..aa.r.rtt.ww. ..eell..ll33..00..66.44.33..
Talmadge "Pete" Dean, 1116 G.MD. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bowersville30516 Elbert Fleming, 1118G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Rt.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Hartwell 30643
G.MD. .
P.O. Box
5, Franklin30217,P9.O87.
G.MD. .
Hemy e.s.ley.R, 4t.826,
G.MD. . .
Box 1257,
Hampton 30228, .W.aRldtr.o4p,,
44.98.89.GGR..MMt .DD2..,..~..G..
. .r
. o.
....... .v .e . 8
Russell Rd.,McDonough 30253
.S..W. .ils.on.,.5.7B6oGx.4M7D5,.
Locust Grove 30248
JG..Wle.n..CMRlactr.ak5e, a,1Sr4yt7a,7g7eG7c5.oMaGcD.hM.D.Dr...,
. . . . . . .Rt. 4, Box 410, UcDonough 30253
Houston M e AUen W i d , 527 G.M.D..
. . 106 S. Kimberly Rd., Warner Robins 3 1093
........ O.,.1.66.2.GR.tM.2D,O.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Rebecca31783
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
Dean A, S m e r , 242 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Athens 30549
T i Vancel, 245 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .P.O. Box 4 15 Athens St., Jefferson 30549
Jeffrey T. Bell, 248 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Hoschton 30548
B.M Sailors, 253 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Rt. 1, P.O. Box 68, Nicholson 30565
C. h.a.n.dl.ePr.,O2.5B5oGx.3M3D2,..Co.m. m. .er.ce.
Ralph Canison, 257 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Jeffason 30549
W.R Langford, 455 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pendegrass30567
Glenn Evans, 1407 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 75, Hoschton 30548
Don O'Neal Fanner, 1704 G.M D. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Ncholson 30565
Richard Nixon, 1747 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt.2, Athens 30601
Dean Bell, 1765G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1,Braselton30517
Jasper a o f f Howard, 293 G.MD.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillsbor031038
Monticello 31064
Albert Benefield, 76 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 23, Avera 30803
James Milton, Jr., 77 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2
JohnHenry Lewis, 78G.M.D..
K. .e
. . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 83, buisville 30434
W- Wells, 79 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .Rt. 1, Box 211-4 Lmhille 30434
Jack Templeton, 81 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . W. .as.d.e3n,0882IGam.MarDS.,W. r.e.ns.
Jack Gaston,
. . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 337, Wadley 30477
W...H.~.e.w.b.e.rr.y.8, 4.
W h A Hall, 85
G...M..DR. t.
............ .3,,s..,14P.1.65O.09.P3G.BOG.Mo..xMBD1Do.5x..87,..5S..,
. . . . . . . . . . . P.O.Box 146, Avera 30803
RogerMoats, 1802G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .Rt.2, Box 206, Bartow 30413
Johnson Joyce Ihwson,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kite 31049
W.E. Jackson, 56 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clayton lord,
.12.0.1RGt..Ml,DB.o. x.1.13.,
. . . . . . . . . . . .Box 27, Wrightsdle 31096
1.3.2R6tG. .2M,.DB.ox.4.7.,
Jack Frost, 1396G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Box 49, Wrightsville310%
Jones B.R Andrews, 304 G.M.D.
. . . . . . . . . Rt. 14, Box 754, W n 31211
M e n Green, 459 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. l,Gray31032
Lamar Jimmy Burousas, 533 G.M.D..
. . . . . 408 'Zhomaston St., B a r n m e 30204
Iluren Payne, 341 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Dublin 31021
W..D. ..J.os.e.y, Emory Lord, 343 G.MD. . .
......... .h.b.l i.n.
CIv...lea...yu...dWe...oB...or..d.ida...grde...s,..,.33..9.41...5G...GB....MMo..xD...D.1...2RR..t7t...., 5M1..,,..oDDn..uut.b.brall..iixnn..333..111..000262..151..
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
Hayward Lowery, 1367 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 5, Box 200, Dublin 31021 M L Krnght, 1369 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 11, Rentz 31075 Jack Lewis, 1412 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Adrian 31022
Liberty,.71.5GG.PM..OM.D...DB.o. x..
... 3.3.4.,
.......... R.
2.Pb.O..~B~o.x...7.8,.M. i.d.w.ay.
3 1320
GR.oo.yrd'.Foi.nia.Bk.e.lya..n, ..c1h.8.a8..rdG..,..M.1.8..D3.R..G.t..RM.1t..,.DL1..,i..nWc..on..lbn..ut.o.rng..33..00..86..13.72.
James Elder,
16 G.MD.
. . . . . . . . Rt. 2,Box 121, Ludowici31316
Jack Andemn, 24 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 41, Ludowici 31316
Faye Middleton, 1544G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . P.O. Box639, Ludowici31316
James E. Swindell, 1672 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .Rt. 3, Box 133-4 Glennville 30427
Ja.m.e.s, 1t.715,6BGo.Mx5.D4,.
Elsie Hughes,663 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valdosta 31601
Lumpkin Lawton Waters,
821 G.M.D.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, WwsonviUe 30534
Mrs. Zed Martin,831 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Box 238, Dahlonega 30533
8. 3.P7.OG..MB.Dox..
5 14,
Whlonega 30533
Dean Seitz, 840 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.0.0.G..M. ..DRt...3.,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt.4, Dahlonega 30533
Earl hlulkey, 935 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt.3, Dahlonega 30533
Lewis Mason, 999 G.M D. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .Rt. 1, Box 99-4 Dahlonega 30533
Mton Caindle, 1051G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, h4urrayvlUe 30564
JohnC. W o r d , 1244G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt.1, Dahlonega 30533
James Jackson, 1252 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 4, Dahlonega 30533
Elbert Caddis, 1296 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt.4, Ishlonega 30533
David E. Scarboro, 1352 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Dawsonville 30534
Lyndal Seabolt, 155! G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 171, Dahlonega 30533
Clarence Hair, 770 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 E. Railroad St., Montezuma 31063 W.L Maruung, Sr., 1070G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 42, Oglethorpe 31068
HB. Thompson, 203 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Box 27, Carlton 30627 W.C. Fowler, 204 G.M D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 151,DanieMe 30633 Lynn Kellurn, 205 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 43, Comer 30629 Barbara McGee, 262 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Commerce 30529 k. W.L (Doris) Shell, 382 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2,Box218,Hull30646 Wes D. W o r d , 1616 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Comer 30629
Notaries Publis Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
John Mathews, 807 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Buena V i a 31803 Jesse Snlith, 808 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tazewell31828 Willard Urqullart,948 G.M. D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Box 148, Buena Vita 31803 Gary Watson, 955 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. l,Mauk31058 Wayne W e y , 1034 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Buena Vita 31803 J.F. Pope, 1339 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kt. 3, Buena Vista 31803 Wayne Jemigan, 1539 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 49, Buena Vita 3 1803
Joyce Luke Hart, 134 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .654 Matthews St., lhomson 30824
George McNair, 22 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Townsend 31331
Mrs. I-Iannah Tostenson, 271 G.M.D. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Darien 31305
Cornelia Walker Bailey, 1312 G.M.D.. . . . . . .
. Genaal I
Mv Jr.,
e14~8y0S, Gap.Melo.DN. a.n.d.
. . . . . . . .RE'D 1, Box 226, Riceboro 3 1323
S.A. Poppell, 1514 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Johnnie Lee
Rt. ewn
,l ,1B5o1x59G, T.Mo.Du n.. s e.n.d.3 1. 3.3.1.
. . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 213, k e n 31305
W.M. hlin, 1771 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 106, Darien 31305
Robert F. Rowe, 657 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Rt. 1,
Albert Gr&am,665
Box 118, G.M.D.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Greenville30222
Bobby Kay Brown, 669 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .Box 194, Woodbury 30293
WnaRurt,704G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
.P.O. Box 36, Warm
705 G.M.D.. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alvaton 30202
J.E. Young, Sr., 706 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Box 76, Woodbury 30293
James P. Ilannan, Jr., 715 G.MD. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Box 56, Gaeenville 30222
Ihnter Crowder, 726 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Rt. 1, Box
Stanley Wheelus, 809
G17.M9,.DW. a.rm.
. . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 3 7 @ 4 fIc+mville 30230
j.Vcmon Estes, 1213 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cay 30218
'hornas k I Iouston, 1290 G.M.D. . . . . . . . .
E.'o.r!.>u.s,F1ar4r0is0BGl.vMd..D, h.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Iiogansvllle 30230
b h i e M. Prickett, 1474 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .RFD I, Woodbwy 30293
Norma Yhillips, 1495 G.MI). . . . . . . . . . . .,.K15t.201,GB.Mox.D3.4,.G.rr.en.v.iU. e.
. . . . . . . Rt. 1, b x 179, Manchester 31816
Aaron "Bubba" Vamadoe, 903 G.M.D. . . . . .
. . . . . . 117
Frank Ililburn,
E. Crawford 1029 G.M.D.
St., Colquitt 3 1737
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Colquitt 31737
James N. Feagin, 791 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cotton 31739 H?&ton Monk, Jr., 1194 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.0. Box 664, P e k q 3 1779
Franklin Johnson, 467 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. l,Box231,Fo1~yth31029 LE. Davis,473 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 12, Macon31204 Alvah olilds,474 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, FoIsyth 31029 Paul James, 480 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. B0~4il,F0fiyth31029
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
5. 2.3.GR.Mt. .5D,..Bo.x.
196, Jackson
James A. Ham, 554 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 352, Smarr 31086
J.J. Pierson, 557 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 101,M o d e n 31016
Hansford King, 596 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Fmyth31029
Howell M W h n , Jr., 599 G.M.D. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . Rt.4,Box 154,Forsyth31029
Ms.Nancy Harvey, 618 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . P.O. Box5O,Bolvlgbroke31004
Miller Owen, Sr., 634 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, FoIsyth31029
Edward G. Wood, 1757 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 188, Ailey 30410
Mw3an Paul Bryant, Jr., 279 G.MD.
. . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 436, Buckhead 30625
-Y Winston
Massengill, 824 G.MD..
. . . . . . 904 Green Road, Chatsworth 30705, 8.7R4tG. .1M, BDo.x.2.02., 1.
G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
1726, Chatsworth 30705
Iandon Chastain, 1013G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 477, Eton 30724
1039 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
5, Box 76, Chatsworth 30705
Lester Ledford, 1895 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Chatsworth 30705
Oconee,.2.23. G. ..MRDt..1,
HR Thomas, 224 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Bogart 30622 Walter Kirkland, 225 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RFD Box 176-B,Watkinsville 30677 Bonnie Lashley, 240 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Watkinsville 30677
OBlethorpe Brenda P. Coley, 229 G.MD.
. . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 16, Lexington 30648
Pope Hoyt w a n t , Jr., 236 G.MD.. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Lexington 30648
Padding Clint S. Wvis, 1443 G.MD..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Temple 30179
Charles R Adams, 111, 1813G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 209, Fort Valley 31030 InvinW. Tnames, 1817 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 43, Byron 31008
Elmo Faster, 794 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Talking Rock 30175 W.M. White, 899 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1,Jasper30143 N.C. Low, Jr., 1036 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 5, Tallung Rock 30175 Sara Chumley, 1098 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Box 290, Jasper 30143 Frank Pendley, 1099 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1,Box 191,Jasper30143 Elmer Wdson, 1101 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Fairmount 30139 Steve Griffeth, 1129 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 25, Tate 30177 EuaJones, 1182G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1,Jasper 30143 Erl Long, 1370G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Tallang Rock 30175 B.F. Harbin, 1492G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 34, Nelson 30151 Robert T. w e , 1509 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Jasper 30143 Wade Chastain,1698G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Tallang Rock 30175 Homer Martin, 1801 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . .
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Jasper 30143 W d h n T. Young, 11, 1026 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Box 119,Jasper 30143
MD. Raulerson, 584 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box618,Blackshear31516 Ernest Aspinwall, 1181 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 281, Patterson 31557 ME. Lovett, 1609G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Box 596, Blackshear31516 Frank Dmwdy, 1694G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 548, Bristol31518
John Strickland, 505 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 67, Concord 30206 (harlesMartin, 545 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wiiliarnson 30292 Jamie Presley,580 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 93, Zebulon 30295 Ms. LF. Johnson, 534 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1,Williamson 30292 J.Ll(mg,581 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Route 1, Zebulon 30295 EL Parker, 551 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 397, Meansville 30256 Merre11 G. Hammock, 592 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Zebulon 30295 Mrs. Betty hacOary, 1465G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mdena 30258
Robert Earl Brooks, Jr., 1075 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 Ellawood Ave., Cedartown 30125 Gary Forrest Norris, 1223G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4,Cedartown30125 C.A. Brown, 1447G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. .Rt.2,RocW30153 -1esE. Hunt, 1570G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Cedartown 30125 BiUy Kellett, 1588G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aragon30104
Bobby Bobo, 364 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G.E. Davis, 384
.G..M.DR. t..2.,
Dunaway, 511
. Rt. 2,
Goss, 542
G. ..M.DRt. ..3.,H. a.w.k.i.m.d.le.
. . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Hawkimdle 31036
Dean Nobles, 764 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Pineview 31071
Donald Franklin, 1236 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Hawkinde 31036
J.E. Mashbum, 1677G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Pineview 31071
1.L Balkcorn, III, 1196 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Monis 31767
Keith Hopper, 587 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, Clayton 30525
Gerald Bowen Goodman, 718 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 219, Cuthbert 31740 Roy Thompson, 1334G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 334, Shellman31786
Fletcher T. Poole, 475 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4609 Haralson Mill Rd., Conyers 30207 Robert L Kirkus, 561 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Hwy. 20 S., Conym 30207
Ms. Betty Dollar, 34 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407 Curtis St., Sylvania 30467
Bobby H Black, 1046G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Cheny St., Donaldsonville31745
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace
Wn Chapman, 490 G.MD.
. . . . . . . . 4200 Jackson Kd., Griffin 30223
Charles M m , 1065 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 1563 W m n Kd., Griffin 30223
Mary Scarpa, 1067 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .Rt. 3, Box 186, Giiffin 30223
Dorothy G. Coker, 1068 G.MD. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 2024 Tallwood Drive,Griff11130223
Melvin P. Blalock, 1825 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .18 Ulestnut St., Griff~n30223
D.L (Doc) Williams, 440 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 5 Box 15,Toccoa 30577 Dennis Sutton, 1473G.~.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1,Box 159,Tccwa30577 Donald Faster, 1647 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Box 87, Martin 30557
'Ihomas S. Kemp, 796 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lumpkin31815
Pam D. Law, 789 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Box 16F, Arnericus 31709 RL Mitchell, 816 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Box 108, Lumpkin31815
David Buice, 685 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 336, Talbotton 31827 Mary R Sizemore, 688 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box6, BoxSprings31801 J.C. Garrett, 689 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Woodland 31836 Graham Smoot, 883 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 2, Box 123-4 Talbotton 31827 Robert Qllbreth, 889 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 147, Geneva 31813 Albert Tbmer, 902 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box41, Woodland31836 hake Buckner, 1765 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Box 76, Junction CIty 31812
'Iheron Futch, 40 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G. ..M. D. R. t..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reidsville 30453
Harold Ihlton, 1376 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . .
.M.o.o.dy.,.1W43. 22,GB.oMxD1..79.,M.
Annette Oliver,
P1.7O0.0BGo.xM3.D12. ,.Q.e.nn.v.ill.e.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Route 2, Collins30421
James A. M e r , 1901 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . .
.. Ji.m.-,
. .
. .
. .
..1..9..0.26.G10..MH. Du.c..k.a.b..e.e.
S.t.., .&.R.a.e. . . . Milan31060
OwenW. Parnacott, 1154 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 390, Dawson31742
P.C. Andrews, Jr., 641 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . M.a.ry.C...M.o.y.eP, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box5,BaMrick31720
Dalton Law, 690 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
J. Malcolm '&son,
.Route G.MD.
Je.a.n.E.dw. .ar.ds.,.1.65821G1,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omega 31725
Peggy Sirns, 51 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Box 115-4 Vidalia 30474
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices o f the Peace
Eua Aaron, 1536 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 184,Lyons 30436
Linda Hedder, 833 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 41 1, Hiawassee 30546
J. Clayton Stephens,Jr., 1386 G .MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Courthouse, Soperton 30457
S a m p n , Sr.,
323 G.M.D.
. . . . . . . . . . Rt.4,Box204, Macon31201
Rabun Faulk, 324 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . Rt. 1, P.O. Box 369, Jeffersonville31044
Brady Johnson, 372 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 375, Dry Branch 31020
Franklin Hunter, 834 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 483, Blairsville 30512 Billy Poteet, 843 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3,Blairsville30512 William E. Woodside, 865 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 825, Blairsville 30512 Audrey Tritt,994 G.M D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suches 30572 Brenda Bookshire, 995 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 3, Box 28, Suches 30572 James Wmpy, 996 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 2, B l a e 30512 Gentry Dills, I018 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Blairsville 30512 Steve Kirnsey, 1050G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 93, Blaim4le 30512 AnnS. Bums, 1147G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 1,Box 132,YoungHanis30582 James Terry,1152G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Box 675, Blairsville 30512 Janey Dyer, 1162G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rt. 4, Box 596, Blairsville 30512 Eldo Harkins, 1241 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suches 30572
Upson Bethel
Salter, 470
. . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 62, Thomaston 30286
W* Thomas Ellerbee, 537 G.MD. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 282 Crest Ln.,Thomaston 30286
Donald A Page, 561 G.M D.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 308 S. Center St., Thomaston 30286
Cecil B. Bray, Jr., 1336G.MD. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Rt. 4, Box 104-4 Thomaston 30286
J.C. Chapman, 869 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 1315, LaFayette 30728
C.L McCall, 881 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .Rt. 4, Box 8, Chickamauga 30707
Charles R Wallace, 944 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 434, Rock Spring 30739
Russell Miller, 1161 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Harold J.
. Rt.
2, G.
MRiDsin. .g
. . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 85, Kenslngton 30707
Paul Peal, Jr., 1812G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .201 Roland Ave., RcssviUe 30741
J. W ~ Wodoten, 1851 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . .
. . . .Rt. 1, Box 89, Lookout Mountain 37350
Kenneth (%stain, 1898G.M.D. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . P.O. Box 314, Chickamauga 30707
Joseph B. Mason, 1818 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chickamauga 30707
Wal ton
Marcus Malcolm, 419 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2100 E. Church St., Monroe 30655
Forrest L Garner, Sr., 425 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 E. Main St., Warrenton 30828
Haroldh4artin,583G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 1805,Odum31555 Montine Munay, 1217 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.0. Box 339, Screven 31560 Wfie Dent, 1255 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .711 W. Plum St., Jesup 31545
Notaries Public Ex-Officio Justices o f the Peace
Richard klley, 836 G.M.1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cleveland 30528 Allen Mauney, Jr., 861 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 275, Cleveland 30528
Whit field
Billy Archie Broc~nl,872 GMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1924'F~btaTerrace, M t o n 30720 Wayne Sloan, 1433 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506 Nice (ieek Rd., Rcckyface 30740
h r s e y , 1158 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 338, Abbeville 31001
CR Futch, 1177 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. l,Abbeville31001
0.L Dennard, 1442 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 223, Abbeville 3 1001
Jack Warren, 1598 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 204, Pitts 31072
J.W. V i n , Jr., 327 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .McIntyre31054 Edward Bloodworth, 328 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mclntyre 3 1054 Johnny Jackson, 329 G.ML). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'Too~nsboro31090 lhomas "Bubba" Boone, 330 G.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'Toomsboro Ga 31090 J.B.Gibbs,331 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Irvinton 30042 Frank Pierce, 332 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . Rt. 1, Box 278 h i n t o n 31042 Tornnlis Coussom,352 G.hLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 101, Wnsville 31017 Sanders 0.Hall, 353 G.M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kt. 2, Danville 31017 &ude Fountain, Jr., 1505 G.MD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rt. 1, Box 275, McIntyre 3 1054
Norman b w e , Jr., 867 G.MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 725, Sylvester 31791